Arabian Horse Lovers

This group is for those who love Arabians.

Western Saddles for Arabs

Hello everyone from Nora and Tango! Happy New Year to you all and wishing you many wonderful riding memories throughout the year. Good luck with any goals you have set.....I have a few for myself!

I have a question for anyone who is riding western.......?

Any comments or suggestions on a good tree style for Arabs? Also a good brand name? I think my girl needs a QH bar and a saddle that has some rock to it. I've learned a bit about Crates saddles with a Steele tree, and I think that Big Horn uses a steele tree as well.

I'm not sure that she would fit a typical Arab tree as she is not reall that wide in the shoulder....but any comments on those would be appreciated as well.

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    Shimmer E

    I've found that circle y brand saddles fit most any arab. I too am looking for a good fit for my arab filly and am shopping around for a 16" full QH bars ideally a circle y make. They're a great ride too! Hope that helps :)