Georgia Smith




Profile Information:

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
horses are my dream ,I can't live with out them my life is boring without them. I love to go to pony club and riding club and seeing my friends there.

About Ricky; Ricky is THE BEST pony in the hole universe I could not live with out him!,he has helped me though out riding and has made me come a long way he is a 13.3 and 7/8's hh pony. And i have ridden in THE ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW!!!!!!!, AND I AM GOING TO RIDE FOR S.A AT THE END OF THIS MONTH IN MELBOURNE!!!!!!!!!

About Stormy; Stormy is also THE BEST pony in the hole universe I also could not live with out him and also helped me through out my riding and also made me come a long way he is a 13hh pony.
Do you have any pets?
4 ponies, 3 dogs and 1 bird

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  • Brianna & Pippi

    Hi Georgia
    How are you???
    how many times have you been to the Adeladie show???
    Do you have MSN???

  • cheyanne

    can u turn ur phone on
  • cheyanne

    AWeSOME!!!! I THOUGHT U SAID BAZIL DIED AND I WAS LIKE OH NO!!! BUT THEN I REALISED U DIDNT SAY THAT LOL I DUNNO WHY IM USING CAPITALS LOL WE'LL STOP THAT NOW soooooooo dont worry bout the spray tan it'll just look like u had a weird top on while sunbaking lol do u no what day were going on yet lol?
  • cheyanne

    lol ok its just that im gonna buy my ticket at the post office lol but i dont have to
  • Amber J.


    I bet you getting exited/ nervous about riding in the show !!!

    You also exited about the ODE ?
  • cheyanne

    hehe y ok three times? lol cant wait till the adelaide show
  • Tayla.R

    R u and Kelly goin to the Adelaide Show??

    Tayla R
  • Timika F

    Hey Georgia,

    What is the art?

    Mika xxily
  • Timika F

    and congrats
  • cheyanne

    hehe good luck today and tomorrow
  • Brianna & Pippi

    Hey Georgia
    Good job LOL.
    What have you been up to???

  • Amber J.

    hey hope you go well today and tomorrow we went yesterday so sorry we could not go and watch you !

    hey here are the order of what you are at the ODE

    click here
    Your number 77
  • cheyanne

    um i dunno but mum wants ur mum to ring her tonight lol if u dont have my phone number i'll email it k
  • cheyanne

    hehe y does megan jones have a bike shouldnt she have a horse lol
  • Amber J.


    howd you go at the royal ?
  • Amber J.

    ok kool !!
  • Rachel

    hi Georgia, the weekend was so much fun, you girls all did so well, it was your first ODE and you all completed the cross country, it was tuff that cross country course, i will email your mum the photos, i was really upset as my camera ran out of batteries just as i was filming Amber over a jump the batteries went flat, thanks for the photo comment, i did 2 years of visual arts in photography, and i love to take photos! the weekend was so much FUN! hope you guys are coming to Williamstown apparently its a good course, i remember Wakerie and there were no tricky show jumps at all it was just like our freshmans and the x country was easy there not like at Mountain pony club. good experience for you girls
  • cheyanne

    hey wats up
  • cheyanne

    same hows everyone?
  • Rachel

    Hi Georgia
    i just emailed the photos of you to your mum from the weekend theres a really great one of you jumping Ricky over that wall in the show jumping.
    yes im undecided now about Williamstown as the weekend before is Monarto cross country training weekend and that will be loads of fun.
    Can you ask your mum what is the date for Monarto
    thanks Rach
  • cheyanne

    let me guess when you say it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring you mean it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring
  • cheyanne

    good but i am soo bored and when i say so bored i men soooo bored i mean soooooooooooooooo bored and when i say soooooooooooooooo bored i mean soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored and so on lol
  • Caroline Scott

    i fell really sad about Humpy i really want to start crying

    From the sadest girl alive
  • Amber J.

    hi whens the monarto camp can you ask your mum ?
  • cheyanne

    lol thats ok.... im sick i almost threw up this morning and i felt really dizzy and hot and i ran into a wall!!! sooo annoying did u no toby has only got three legs now................................................................................................................................................................................................... temporarily he hurt it and if it doesnt get better we'll have to take him to the vet lol its only a pulled muscle tho its gonna take u like an hour to read this but im gonna keep going i will msg u today i want a new phone mines is really cheap and annoying i'll ask mum if i can get one 4 my birthday less than 2 months till it YEY!!! i might have a sleepover thing or do u think a sleepover party??? and dont u dare say its up 2 me lol i always have a hard time making up my mind i'll feel sorry 4 u if u have to read this aloud lol u will probabaly die mum gave me her ipod its yellow/gold and its a nano but i still want a touch 4 christmas or sometime i've kinda run outa things to say so im gonna describe what im looking at... other than the keyboard its really sunny and i c a ice cream container all dirtymafied is that a word and lotsa plants but nuthin else i can also c schmooks who is very loud 4 one little bird lol maybe he's so evil cause i called him schmooks lol he went nuts yesterday cause i put a biscuit in his cage he wouldnt shut up until i took it out it was soooooooooo funny and when i say sooooooooooo funny i mean soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and when i say soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny i mean it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and so on im gonna shut up now cause u prob have no idea what im saying lol
  • cheyanne

    lol he doesnt have three klegs he just cant walk on one 4 a while lol and i mean wat sorta party likle the one with games or just stayin up 4 ages and watchin movies
  • cheyanne

    and he pulled a muscle playing fetch ....typical lol wasnt my comment before soooooooooooo long
  • cheyanne

    hehe iu sld of told u he did have 23 legs and then when u c him next u would b angry (NOT REALLY) and i would laugh at u aqnd i didnt mean to do capitals before my computer is so stupid lol
  • cheyanne

    lol i no im a bit different but who cares!!! hehe i didnt mean to do 23 legs before just 3 imaginre if he did have 23 legs wow
  • cheyanne

    hehe not much i just got bak from bball presentations and we stole the helium balloons and i think u can guess wat we did wit em lol our voices sounded soo funny and when i say soo funny i mean soooooooo funny and when i say soooooooo funny i mean soooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and when i say that they were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny i think u no wat im gonna say next lol
  • cheyanne

    lol very long my voice sounded weird and only on me my voice didnt work and then i was like hey its not working and it worked lol im gonna get them 4 my sleepover its gonnna b so fun i hardly no wat else u said but i have written kol insted of lol and kil and lik like lick hehe and ur comment was longer than mine grrrr oh and my day was boring as usual =)
  • cheyanne

    yeop and u can meet some of my other friends
  • cheyanne

    lol if u want to
  • cheyanne

    or u could ignore them and tell them to shut up lol
  • cheyanne

    and i didnt win anything last night lol mum was the coach HAHA!!! i just wrote kik instead of lol kik haha kik
  • cheyanne

    no i kinda knew but dad has given me a trophy before but he couldnt really give it to anyone else cus it was most improved and in 1 game i went from being bad to average lol
  • cheyanne

    actually u said have u ever spelled kik nstead of lol not that someday i would spell kik instead of lol =)
  • cheyanne

    hehe he is very dark i havent been up to much lol i wish i was coming lol and lets hope ur mum doesnt get sick =)
  • cheyanne

    all ur comments on here r from me
  • cheyanne

    hehe =)
  • cheyanne

    you guessed it lol what about you?
  • cheyanne

    look at these pics of my dogs
  • cheyanne

    and theres one more
  • cheyanne

    hey how did u do at the show today and my phones battery is dead so i cant msg u
  • Brianna & Pippi

    Hey Georgia
    I'm good
    How r u and Ricky going ???

  • Brianna & Pippi

    We're going good
  • cheyanne

    nah i was gonna enter toby but he has still got a saw leg so meh
  • Georgia Smith

    this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!
  • cheyanne

    hey is ur phone working lol ne way i msg u i got a new phone here's a ribbon lol
  • Tayla.R

    Hoe are you and Rickey going???
