Catherine Chamberlain

29, Female

United States

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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
my name's Catherine, or Cat for short. I have been riding Dressage for the last six and a half years. My current partner is Verdicci, called Chance around the barn. He is a 9 yr old Dutch Warmblood gelding by Krack C. My parents bought him for me when he was five and I was 12 and we have learned so much together during the last three years. Chance is the class clown and he loves making people laugh, he can always make me smile when I'm down. In 2010 we competed at the FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships in Lexington, Kentucky on the U.S. Region 5 Junior Team (about 3rd level). We won the Individual Silver Medal with a 70% and the Freestyle Silver Medal with a 72%! I was so happy with my boy, but I didn't have much time to think about it as we headed straight to the U.S. National Dressage Championships in Gladstone, New Jersey where we were crowned the Junior Reserve National Champions on a 69% average after two days of competing. It was the best summer of my life and I could not have hoped for more. In 2011 Chance and I moved up to the FEI Young Rider level and earned a Team Gold medal on the Region 5 team at the NAJYRC! Now we are back home and preparing for another great season! I also have four dogs and five cats at home so I am very much an animal lover. I am enrolled in virtual school so I can have more time to train in Dressage and get closer to my dream of representing the U.S. in international competitions one day. I know that I always want horses to be in my life and my passion for horses and Dressage will never waiver. Well, that's all about me!
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Do you have any pets?
4 dogs, 5 cats, and 1 horse

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  • kc

    aww thnx! You have great pictures also... gorgeous horse :)
    Yeh I own all of them except for a little grey pony who belongs to a client.
    So you want to get into Juniors for the NAJYRC? I am hoping to as well, except in England. We only have overall 'young rider' (under 21) competitions here is Australia, but I am moving to England at the end of this year so I will start doing the Juniors thing then.
    Oooo maybe we will both get to the Young Rider World Cup and see eachother there... how cool would that be!!! lol :P
  • kc

    oh damn that sucks! Well good luck with your young one... whats his breeding?
  • kc

    Krack C ooo very nice :)
  • Tori

    Hi Catherine! Thanks, Fred is a 7yr old Hanoverian gelding sired by Fabriano out of a Weltmeyer daughter. Chance is very handsome, I love Dutch horses!
  • kc

    Its really rewarding isn't it? And very exciting... good luck!
  • DressageDiva

    Thanks Your is really cute too. My guy is a Belgiun warmblood (aka a Belgiun throughbred cross) We do dressage and a small bit of jumping togeather hes still young so were showing low levals at the moment.
  • Dori Nowazek

    I like all your pics to!
  • Rachel Heysen-Smith

    Thank you!!!!!! You are very kind. So you like Freestyles, I am only young but I still love Freestyles they are sooo fantastic!!!! I hope I can do one, one day!!!

  • Rachel Heysen-Smith

    Welsh Mountain Pony

    Thank you!!
  • Emily

    Hey! Your horse is very pretty! I was just reading about you and saw that when u are older u want to be a trainer and raise horses ur self.
    I would also love to do that! :) and i would love to get s high in dressage as u are too!
  • Emily

    Thanks :) and ya but i wont get there with the guy i have know cuz he is just a pony and at the shos i show at you cant show a pony onceu are 18 wich really sucks :(
  • Kat

    thanks, i'm going to put a video up of him and some pictures, i think hes going to turn out to be a good horse
  • Emily

    ya i am learning lots! :)
    we have accomplished a lot together from Harley not knowing anything to know a super amazing litle dressage pony!! :)
  • Kat

    I'm having a lesson on him on friday so i'll try and get a video up of him on saturday or sunday
  • Emily

    ya definatley!! :)
    you can progress so much in just a couple years if u work for it and have the patients and stuff :) !
  • Emily

    umm well for this year i am showing bronze at first level and silver at training level. :)
    I plan to go as high as i can with him while i can still show him. It is our first year showing silver so i am pretty excited about that :)
    Once i cant show him i dont know what i am going to do with him yet becaus ei love him to death it would be really hard to sell him :( so i might just get a co-boarder and then train another baby horse tht i know will grow tall and then show that one .... i dont know for sure though if i am going to do that but ya :P
  • Emma Deere

    Hey, thanks for the add =]
  • Emma Deere

    Thanks =] I see you're a Warmblood lover too!
  • Ottilie

    Hi Catherine - great blog, lovely photos! Sydney CDI was awesome, so so so much fun :-)
    Your horse is stunning, I love the way his ears are pricked in every photo (except the ones where he is listening to you!) what a sweetie!
  • Rachel Heysen-Smith

    Hi Catherine,
    I LOVE YOUR BOY, CHANCE!! He is soooo gorgous!! Did you breed him yourself and train him???

  • Ottilie

    ***CONGRATULATIONS*** on making the team :-D Best of luck, we will keep everything crossed for you, and look forward to hearing how you go :-) xx
  • Bonnie

    Thank you :)
  • Barbara F.

    Good Luck! Let us know how you do! :)
  • Ferrous

    Fingers are crossed... good luck tomorrow! :)
  • Ferrous

    Congratulations on a great weekend - what awesome scores! I hope that it wasn't just the horses who got some well deserved sleep. ;)
  • Shirley

    Keep up the good work! Really very beautiful!
  • Shirley

    You and Chance look very happy. Does he come to the gate when you arrive so you can get him to spend time together? I love riding but also cherish the time we have just grazing in the lawn. ...sometimes with a good book or magazine.
  • Sissi Wagnerberger

    Nice to hear you did well at your show. You and your hore look fab together and very happy.
  • Sissi Wagnerberger

    In my pics im riding two My Mums arab stallion Marsin and my dressage Pony cracker i think he is a new zealand riding or saddle pony. But we have sadly had to retire him (he is only just turned 10) because he has really bad athritis. We had him xrayed 6months ago and a few weeks ago and his leg has changed as much as it would usually change in 2years if a horse has athritis so its really bad.
    I got supreme champion at my last show with my stallion so that was quite good for the stud.
  • Shimmer E

    Congratulations on your recent successes! You and Chance look just lovely together. Keep up the fantastic work! :)
  • Sissi Wagnerberger

    its pretty sad but it was good timing i guess because my haflinger mare who was lame for 2years just came sound again. Im not riding him at the moment as its breeding season so i can really only ride him in winter as he gets too sill when its breeding season but in winter he is relly good you can even go on hacks with mares and him and go past thm and he dosent do anything so he is really well behaved.
  • Sissi Wagnerberger

  • Emmy

    Hey Catherine! It's Emmy from the ADA:) awesome job in Thermal!!!
  • Catherine Chamberlain

    Thanks! How have you been doing?
  • Emmy

    I've been doing good, just training for the season. I cant wait to start showing again! What have you been up to?
  • Emmy

    Yeah the Tuscon show in March will be our first show of the season. We are just doing second level on the ADA circuit and the arabian circuit. We've qualified for arabian youth nationals for first and second level, so i'm going to that this summer. Wow PSG! That must be so exciting. Great job.
  • Emmy

    It is in Albuquerque. I wanted to show at Scottsdale but I cant because I cliniced with the judge like 2 weeks ago haha
  • Emmy

    Thanks! I'm so excited. I volunteered at the arab show because I need hours for the ADA scholarship this weekend, and it was so hard watching all of the dressage rides! I'm not a very good observer hah. March needs to be here, like, now
  • Emmy

    Yeah its hard. My little guy has been doing well in training though, so i'm anxious to see what the show brings. Did you go to Thermal this weekend? Or idk if it was last weekend.....julie was talking about it haha.
  • Emmy

    Ah ok. is Teri showing any of her horses right now?
  • Barnmice Admin

    How exciting. Keep us updated! :)
  • Emmy

    Will you be in Tucson this weekend?
  • Emmy

    Oh ok cool! Well our lessons have been kind of a disaster, so hopefully everything comes together for the show. It wont be pretty but I just wana go out there and do what we can!
  • Emmy

    It is getting really frustrating, but i'm not giving up yet! The show was kind of pathetic, but it's alright:). We kind of have that pattern as well, things will be going almost perfectly then we hit a rough patch. i have to keep reminding myself that this is a long, long, process!
  • Emmy

    Yeah, in the whole aspect of thing we really aren't doing that bad! Thank you so much:) that means a lot!
  • Gracelynn

    im interested in the horse you have for sale he seems very cute please send me pics/videos to
  • Emmy

    Great job at ADA!
  • Emmy

    Whens the next show for you guys?
  • Emmy

    We get 2 weeks off until Region 7 Championships. Agh its my dream to show in del mar! I'm sure you guys will do great. So do you know who is on the team yet?
  • Emmy

    How is everyone's average so far? Do you think all of the az riders will make it?
    hah Thunder and I have been in "renver boot camp" since the show, he has a lot of trouble with it and it's a double score in 2nd level, so it's bringing my score down :/ once that is tackled tho, we should be good to go!