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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I have two horses: Cabreo and Elite. Cabreo is my first pony which i got about two years ago. Cabreo is a 14.2hh chestnut gelding pony. He is 8 years old and has a sweet personality. Unfortunatly i am ready to move on to a more advanced horse plus i am getting to big for Cabreo. This is were Elite comes in. Elite is a 16.1hh dark bay gelding. He is a dutch warmblood, holsteiner and sel francais cross. He is gorgeous.I cant ride him until he gets broken in but i can already tell that i will be getting in that saddle very soon. He has only been here for a bit and he is already gaining trust in me. Unfortunatly i have to sell cabreo though but i may still show him in show season if things don't work out with Elite this show season. I love my horses very much and i never regret buying them they are the best things that have ever happened to me! Elite is doing amazing so far. He is starting poles now! i will be getting on him before you know it i just cant wait. He was hard to get into the canter but is getting way better at it!!!!!!!!!!
I also do hunter/jumper and equitation!
Do you have any pets?
Two horses and One dog!

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  • Halle Myers

    thankx i love your profile picture!!!!!!!
  • Halle Myers

    cool he is goegeous!!!!!!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Thanks! I hope so aha :)
    Hahah I'm sure Cabreo will get over his little bad period ;)
    Ohh I seee.. I thought you meant you were going to train him right from the beginning.. like completely start him hah :) But thata's great that you can start to ride him soon. :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    It might help.. who knows haha. :)
    Well I'm sure you and Elite will be amazing together.. you need some pictures up of him! :)
    So when's your next show?
  • Brooke

    cool!!! wat kind of horse is your new horse?
  • Brooke

    Ya i love his name too!!!!!!! ur horse also has a cute name!!!!!!
  • Brooke

    he sounds like a good fun horse!!!!! hopefully he will be a good horse for u!!!!!!!!
  • Brooke

    Ya!! My whole family has names that start with B's so when i get another horse its name will be bently or bronson. Which name do you like better?
  • Brooke

    Ya i hope it works out for you!! He looks like hes coming along very nicely.
  • Jenna Merkley

    Haha ya, you'll keep on wondering what he's like until you finally get to ride him! :)
    So when's your next show? :)
  • Brooke

    Thanks for the tips!
  • Brooke

    That's good!!!!!
  • Brooke

    I am doing 2'6 pony hunters this year. That is with a medium pony. I don't know if i'm doing hunters or jumpers yet, but I think I will do jumpers. I am probally going to do pony jumpers with a large pony next year and see if i like hunters or jumpers. large pony is 3'. If I do jumpers right now I probally wouldn't be able to handle it beacuse i am so small so i'm going to take another year with a pony. My whole family's first name starts with a B, so we want my last horse to start with a B.
  • Brooke

    Thanks! I also think that its cool what the foal did.
  • Brooke

  • Brooke

    I wish that i could do that.
  • Brooke

    Thanks so much!! That's so sweet of you to say that when you don't even know me! I thimk you are a great rider too! you look like you are coming along so well with your pony and new pony!
  • Brooke

    Thanks again!! I cant wait to see pics of your horses!
    P.S. I am 10 years old. My Birthday was in March.
  • Brooke

    Congradulations! I also had a show with Calvin! We got all first and one third in hunters and third on the warm-up! Then we did jumpers also and got 4th and we knocked down a rail.

    p.s its fine
  • Brooke

    That's great!! Hope he continues beong like that!
  • Brooke

    Yeah but if we had fun that's all that matters! When calvin knocked a rail he kinda hesitated to the fence, and he got a 4 in a half striding instead of 4.

    p.s. guess what? my guinea pigs had 3 babies. i know have 5.
  • Brooke

    Ya i did too!!! JUMPERS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Brooke

    That would be sweet!!

    p.s. they r soooooooooo tiny and cute
  • Brooke

    they r!!!!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Ya, the snows gone so its good to ride outside now! And yes, Dez is the paint that I'm riding bareback.. her hair is just that color because she is shedding out her winter coat.. it will darken more when summer comes. :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Hey, Yeah Diamond and I went in her first show on May 2nd. She did really well for her first show.. I am so proud of her! :)
    And thanks! :)
    Well, I started without, but then my riding instructor said to put them on her, but I only rode her in them for that one lesson because I dont like them.. I think they make the horse "tuck" (go behind the bit) instead of actually accepting the contact. So its up to you really.. You could put a martingale on him? That would at least not let him put his head too high.
    My advice when teaching them to go on the bit is to "sea-saw" on his mouth but keep your leg pushing him forward, then he will want the release of the pressure on his mouth, so as soon as you feel him start to put his head down, give him the rein. Because you don't want to keep pulling, then when he does do wht you want, you still have the pressure on his mouth; he will be confused hahah. :) If you get any of that. Its kinda hard to explain lol.
  • Jenna Merkley

    Basically, just push him into the contact. ;)
    So how have your horsess been doing?:)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Hahahah isnt the spring fever fun? ;) Good thing shes okay! :)
    Hahahah, I love ponies like that! Soo much fun! :)
    My ponies are all good! Hopefully in two weeks Im taking Diamond in her second show.. I still have to send in the entry form and for dressage shows you have to make sure you get it in early cause the classes fill up fast!
    Dez's training is going well, I only ride her once or twice a week, cuz I only use her as a trail horse. With Diamond I have to ride her pretty much everyday to train for the shows. Bet you know what thats like!:)
    And yeah I got 2 new ones! Zeke and Maya:)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Thanks! Me and Diamond try hard for eachother! :)
    Dez is definetly better than she was before, she started to really resppond to her training, then everything was good between us:)
    And no I'm not gonna show Dez. Shes not cut out for showing.. I might breed her this year, then maybe sell her as a broodmare/trail horse/ pleasure.. Not sure, I dont really want to but now that I have 4 horses, I might need to get rid of the one I dont use as much. (which is Dez, cuz I only use her for trail and pleasure riding.
    And the new ones names are Zeke and Maya.. I posted pics of them. Maya is a bay, and Zeke is a greyish kind of color. I think hes gonna grow out of his coat tho, cuz hes still young. Well so is she :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Just thinking about it.. It's alot of money to keep four horses! But out of all them Dez would be the only one to sell like now, because shes who I use the least. (Other than Maya whos only basically a baby still; and she looks like shes gonna be a great jumper!)
    Yeah Dez has come a long way, thats another reason why I might sell her, cuz now thats shes good being worked, I want someone to use her. (cuz I will be busy with my new guys, and might not have alot of time to ride her.)

    My new guys (Zeke and Maya) arent even green. They only know how to lead. Ive just started teaching Zeke to lunge. Im hoping to break him this summer, than show him at least walk/trot next year. (he's only 2, so he still needs time to grow)
    And Mayas only a weanling, so I wont start her until next summer.
  • Jenna Merkley

    No there not green, cuz their not broke yet. Neither of them no anything. Ive started teaching Zeke to lunge this week.
    And yeah their both still growing.. Zekes only 2, he will probably end up like 15.2ish.. Maya only a weanling (like a year old) and shes already 13.2, she will probably be like 16hands.
  • Jenna Merkley

    Yeah! But you had someone else break Elite for you right? I brake and train my horses on my own. :) Its what I wanna do when I'm older too:)
    And no I cant ride her.. You dont start breaking horses til their like 2 years. :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Ohh thats fun:) I love breaking horsess!!:)
    No, usually you dont even start them at all til their 2. Well thats when I start training, its a good age to start. :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Yeah, it is. Thats why your not supposed to start breaking them til their 2.. Then most people give them a couple months off (usually,) to finish growing.. Like if I show him as a 3 year old, it will only be walk/trot. Because if their not fully grown it can put alot of stress on the joints and stuff:) But I never start them till their 2 at least, because I wouldnt want to do that to my horse :)
    But its wieerd because racehorses RACE as 2 year olds.. thats pretty young!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Yeah, hahah I dont ride racehorses either ;)
    But I guess every trainer has a different method when training horses.. Mines probably different than most trainers becasue I'm young, but they work for me! :)
    Going to any shows soon? Or are you still off?
  • Jenna Merkley

    Well, there was the show I went to a couple of a weeks ago, now I'm going to one the sunday thats coming up. :) Then theres a couple more this month! Busy, busy! :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Thanks! Yeah, the next 2 are dressage, then the 2 after that are dressage/then jumper/hunter in the afternoon.
    Yeah! Diamond was good! For her first show anyways! We got first, first and a second, and got champion. (of the junior devision) :) She was soo good! :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Weell just found out my show was too booked so I didn't get in.. Oh well theres always the next one. :) And yeah, some of the shows are just dressage and some also have hunter/jumper in the afternoon. (after the dressage)
    Yeah I know! Diamond and I practice like 5-6 days a week! So I guess hard work pays off! :)
    Well shes done really well in her training! I only broke / trained her last summer/fall.. so to already be be walk/trot/cantering and jumping, she has done well! :)
    Shes actually really smooth.. her canter doesnt look comfy, it looks like a "pony" canter (people call pony canters when their short strided and quick) but its not bad to ride hahha.. bareback she is sooo smooth! :)
  • T-baum Tanenbaum

    thank you!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Heey hahah I got what you mean.. and yes i know what show sheen is..its a life saver! Makes them look so preetty! :)
    I'm probably going to do hunter, because shes such a foward mare usually, that I spend most of my time asking her to slow down. So I think doing jumper with her will make her go a little crazy :) Shes preetty good when you ask her to slow down and respond. :) So im hoping she'll do good:)
  • T-baum Tanenbaum

    thank you its alot of work!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Dont know how high Im going to jump her.. She really likes jumping, but she gets bored very easily. After she goes over the jumps a couple of times, she starts to jump them flat. So I have to do a whole bunch of different stuff like: putting stuff under the jumps, doing oxers, and combinations and stuff. Just making it more interesting for her you know?
    And thanks! You too, once your back in the saddle! :) Do you have someone riding Cabreo while your off?
  • Stephanie

    Heeey guyz! Just wanna say that i uploaded a group its called "the jumper/hunter riders
    So PLEASE join and comment!
  • Brooke

    ok I definatly will!!!!!
  • Brooke

  • Jenna Merkley

    No, I mean just at home, make it more interesting. At shows, I don't know how high I will jump her, prolly 2 foot, 2.3-6 feet. Not sure yet tho.. She's becoming a nice jumper/hunter! :)
    Well I'm sure the time will pass quickly and you'll be back in the saddle soon!
    Yeah, I know what you mean. ;) If I had to be off for awhile, I would definetly get someone to ride my horses! :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Oh really? So if he is bad all the time when hes being riden what are you going to do? Like if he never improves?
  • Stephanie

    Heeey guyz please join my group its called: The jumper/hunter riders!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Yeah I getcha. :)
    Well if its any help, when I started training Diamond she was going really well. But recently she has started being rotten once in awhile. My riding instructor says that most young horses in training go well for awhile then start to try to "find ways out" of working. If you know what I mean lol. So you just gotta keep tough and work through it. :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Therree good :) I havnt brought Diamond and Dez back home yet.. (I had taken them over to my aunts so that I could use the arena and the sand ring there.. its only like a 5 min bike ride down the road)
    So my new guys are at home, but the others arent. I'm going to bring them home sooon tho. and hopefully the introduction to eachother goes weell :)