Susan Schreyer


Monroe, WA

United States

Profile Information:

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I am a dressage rider and trainer as well as a mystery writer. I live in the great Pacific Northwest with my husband, two children and a variety of animals--including my horse.
Do you have any pets?
we have an old, demanding cat, an untrustworthy rabbit and an unsociable parakeet.

Comment Wall:

  • Jackie Cochran

    Thank you for your suggestions on books.
  • Jenna Merkley

    Your horse is gorgeous! :)
  • Jenna Merkley

    Awe, well he is very handsome! Sounds like my gelding :) He loves his mares ahah :)
    Do you ride him dressage?
  • Jenna Merkley

    Thats great! I love dressage.. and thanks! :)
    As of right now, I dont have an instructor, but I would like to start with a dressage instructor next year. Once I have my 2 year old going. My pony is sadly too small for me, but she's an amazing little dressage pony! :) So Im hoping to train Zeke into it too! :)
    I did want to go jumper for awhile, but I seem to keep coming back to dressage!
  • Jenna Merkley

    Thank you:) She is an arab cross and has loads of personality! :)