Profile Information:

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)

Comment Wall:

  • Kat

    Hi I'm a member of the OEF and I was wondering if you are a member or do you.... um run it ( if thats how to fraze it)?
  • Kat

    OH I'm sorry I didn't read your "about Me:" section!
  • The Natural Horse Vet

    Thank you Melissa ...
  • Sarah at HorseJobs.ca

    Thank you for joining our Horse Jobbers group! http://www.barnmice.com/group/horsejobbers

    We are looking forward to participating at the OEF annual conference again this year. :)
  • Gail Morse

    Hi Melissa: I left you a message on your email site at the OEF and you did not answer it. Was offering you space in the Voice of the Farmer to advertise the 2009 OEF conference. Can you get back to me on that please? I have until end of business day tomorrow ie Friday Sept. 25. Thanks, Gail.
  • Gail Morse

    Send me your OEF email again please as perhaps I have one that is out of date. That could be the problem. Then i will resend. Thanks, Gail. Love barnmice.com! Next week I am going to start a group for those who get the CPP and the other one. Gail.
  • Emily

    Thank you, that is much appreciated!
  • Equine Nutrition @ Purina

    I have posted the Millar family autograph signings that will take place in your booth on my page now. Check to see if my description for your booth location is okay.
  • Jeanne Meade

    Hello Melissa,

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I am rather new to all this, ad I'm sure I would have plenty of questions later on, but at this time, I'm still learning the ropes at Barnmice, but it is nice to have some warm welcomes.

    Thank you.
  • Robyn Naish

    no prob, and i'll prob have a lot alot of questions later

    - Robyn
  • Becky

    Hey! I am actually a member of the OEF in real life so it was my pleasure to join! I will for sure feel welcome to participate as much as I can in your group! Thanks for the warm welcome to the group!
  • Abigail

    Hey there!
    Thanks for the welcome! I'm in my second year of being an OEF member and 4th year of being a horseback rider. I look forward to learning lots of new stuff!
  • Mandy

    thank you!
  • Lynn Beglan

    Hey there. Just wanted to let you know that I got a "scam" e-mail via Barnmice - given there's alot of youngsters that use this site, perhaps you (Barnmice) should put out some kind of "alert"....it's a fraud where a young person asks for more information about you, gets your e-mail, then tells you a story of woe, and asks for help getting her money out of sierra leone...beware!
  • Barbara F.

    Hi Melissa, that person was identified and banned very shortly after siging in here, but unfortunately, they managed to get some messages out. Every now and then (very rarely) someone gets on and sends out messages faster than we can ban them. Perhaps I'll mention something about personal info. in the sidebar of my next newsletter. I'll let Lynn know this as well.
  • meg

    Hey! No problemo my friend! I had sort of forgotten about this thing!
  • sandy best

    Melissa has always been a buddy to her Uncle San
  • sandy best

    Mais oui, but of course, you can bet on it buddy
  • Jennifer Pitt

    Hi Melissa!

    I'm going to the CanAm Emporium on Mar. 19, and I see the OEF will have a booth there. Will I be able to purchase a membership at taht booth, or do I need to mail it in? Thanks!

  • Lynn Beglan

    I thought the photos on site were very good. I enjoyed them all! thank you.
  • Mandy

    Eventually both, but I beileve we are starting with English!
    A second question- I have done my old rider Level 1 &2 for english. This puts me at a new level 5, I beileve. I am a dressage rider. Do I need to jump in order to move ahead in the levels?
  • Cary Andrew Penny

    Thanks for the comment on the photos Melissa. Cheers, Cary
  • Jordan Brown

    Great, thanks!!!
  • John Freeman

    Hi Melissa. The pleasure is all mine. I've noticed that activity on Barn Mice has slowed considerably this summer - hopefully because everyone is too busy riding. Your group has brought a new flurry of activity, which is great. Thanks.
  • Laurie Haughton

    sounds good!