Gaia Vincenzi



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    Ciao Gaia,
    Benvenuta e soprattutto complimenti bella foto
    ti invito a rimanere in contatto con noi. se i cavalli delle foto sono hannoveraner e
    Se mi autorizzi la pubblico sul portale . aspetto tue notizie
  • Anne Marie Turnbull


    sorry not been onto Barnmice for a while been busy your pics r great what level do u jump at
  • Jackie Cochran

    I LOVE your seat over fences. Today I rarely see better. Way to go!
    Are you trained in Caprilli's Sistema? I am a Forward Seat rider.
  • Jackie Cochran

    Dear Vincenzi,
    Capt. Federico Caprilli was the Italian cavalry officer who developed the modern Forward Seat which the Italian cavalry introduced to the world in the early 1900's. Decades ago the Italian riders were rightfully proud of this achievement of one of their own and very proud of Il Sistema he developed before his premature death at the age of 39. Caprilli changed how people ride over jumps forever and he was instrumental in developing a whole new way of riding and training horses.
    All your jumping photos show the FS. Independent hands during the flight of the jump, you do it so beautifully! I have not seen such good photos in decades since most jumping riders now use the crest release (leaning on the neck) with their hands.
    I have several blogs of the forward seat on Barnmice, including 4 on the position both on the flat and over fences.
  • Jackie Cochran

    Hey Vincenzi,
    For just riding two years you are amazing over the jumps.
    If you are up to reading horse books in English there are some I can recommend in the Forward Seat tradition, including a two photographic studies of jumping (both are available used, one is cheap & the other one expensive.)
    I have 4 blogs just on the FS, three are lists of position for slow, fast and jumping equitation, and the other is about 32 faults to avoid while jumping.
    I used to dream of being as good over jumps as you are. You are not perfect but in two years you are much better than I ever got over fences.
  • Rachel Heysen-Smith

    Ciao Vincenzi,


    Bonne Chance?


  • Jackie Cochran

    Hi Vincenzi, good to see you here!  (By the way which is your first name?)

    I LOVE your pictures!

  • Ruth Musolf

    You have a stunningly lovely horse!
  • Ashley

    Hi! :) I like your blog very much! The pictures are very nice and you have great form over the jumps! I will keep checking back to see if you have posted new things!
  • Chris Kassay

    Hi Vincenzi,

    What wonderful horses you have! and you jump which is assume!  i really enjoyed looking at all your photos.


  • deb pawlyshyn

    Thankyou very much for your like vote Gaia, appreciate it very much.looking forward to seeing your competition pics this year. The grey horse that I also posted is the father to the one you like.Again thanks


  • Brit McLeod

    you have some beautiful pictures on your profile!
  • Mellany Ford

    Wow, your an amazing jumper! Beautiful horse!

  • Lee Stempski

    Thanks for writing to me... would love to keep in touch with you.. cheers, Lee
  • Daina Hunter


       Thanks for the invitation Gaia,

     You can visit us at We breed appaloosas and also have an Andalusian mare and stallion.. We consider horses artwork! Both you and your horses look like great atheletes!   Daina

  • Jackie Cochran

    Hi Gaia,saw your latest post and I just want to tell you how much I LOVE your hands over a jump. Your hands are independent of your seat and you are following your horse's head. I haven't seen such good hands over jumps in decades.
    Good riding Gaia.
  • Cindy Oatman

    Hi Gaia!
  • Equi-Force Equine Products

    Hi Gaia!


    Thank you for the comments, you have a lovely blog! We have a facebook as well,, so be sure to check us out!



  • Victoria Vigilante

    Io parlo (un?) poco italiano non ho parlato italiano per 5 anni. Non sto molto bene anche se.

    Ehh! Sorry I'm so bad! I try.. I interned in Italy a few years ago and have loads of family in Rome, Florence, Sicily etc. It's always fun to try again..But again sorry I butchered your language =/
  • Jackie Cochran

    Hi Gaia!  I like your new pictures.  You've been working on your lower leg and doing it better than I have.  Way to go, you are a talented rider.
  • Victoria Vigilante

    I figured as much, I was once highly fluent in Italian and then stopped speaking it and have forgotten nearly everything =/
  • Liz Keane

    Fab site, I dont speak Italian. You requested to be friends on Barnmice. I uses to showjump as a child, went on to horse racing came back from Canada into eventing. Now, run riding school with my partner Gerry in Westport Co Mayo Ireland. We train pupils for British Horse Society Instructor exams. I now keep to dressage, newcommer jumping & hunting. Keep in touch Liz