Lu Rubink


Elizabeth, CO

United States

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horses, dog, bird, cat

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  • lu kalnins

    Hey right back at ya !
    Lu is short for Luba
    I spent my early days being teased and called Luba the Tuba
    and later on 'Lu-what?', so I decided Lu is just easier for people not used to european names !
  • lu kalnins

    Hey! I see you are in Colorado !
    With any luck I will be in Denver for 2 weeks this christmas through New Year !
    Are you anywhere near Denver ? (sorry, I am not as sharp on my geography as I used to me !)
  • lu kalnins

    Very cool !
    I guess I will be in Aurora Colorado which appears to be on teh southeast outskirts of Denver. I have an aunt there that I have not seen or had much contact with since I was 10 (1970) and since all the rest of my family is 'pushing up daisys' and she lost her husband after YEARS of suffering from MS, we have sort of re-connected, so this will be the big 'test' !
    Once I know for sure, I will let you know !