Barbara Ellin Fox

Pleasant Hill, MO

United States

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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I'm an author of Christian equestrian fiction and a riding instructor of 50+ years.
Do you have any pets?
The herd grows continually

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  • Lorel Dennis

    Hi Barbara,

    I'm very fortunate where I live. I'm on 200 acres and surrounded by farms of similar if not larger size, in an undulating area in between two lots of ranges so I'm only a couple of kilometres away from bush in any direction and have some beautiful views from my house. It was originally a volcanic area so its quite fertile and in a normal year has good rainfall.

    Our seasons are really changing here. Our winters have become drier and milder, normal would be around 8 - 12 celcius and this November was our hottest on record. We had two weeks of around 35 degree days which was great for cutting hay but started really drying everything out. Then in December it has really cooled down, we've had some good rain and its been fairly mild. Its been around twenty degrees the last couple of days and will get a bit warmer next week. Everyone here is dreading January to March due to our fire seasons becoming so bad. We arent very far from where some of the Black Saturday fires were. We had a quite a few days last summer that were in the mid forties.

    I had always assumed that Arizona was a hot place so found it interesting that you get blizzards. How cold does it get there and do you get snowed in?
  • Angel Martin-Dias

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Els de Jong

    The horse is a Connemara pony stallion, named Carraig Thunder.
    Be bought him two years ago in Ireland and he's performing very well now in Holland.

