Kathy Sadergaski




Profile Information:

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
Proud Grandma of 6 & one on the way. Unfortunately only 3 live here where I do. Love horses & all animals. Don't own a horse and never have. Have always ridden my Mom's horses..."Grandma Teddy" as she is fondly known throughout her Parelli fans..or I guess I should say by just about everybody now...right down to the Pharmacist!! We are in a small town and most everyone calls her "Grandma Teddy".

When Mom had to put her old Brandy down at the ripe old age of 33...she had him from birth... many years ago now, for some reason I got nervous and haven't ridden since. Mom was always so happy to say that Brandy had carried four generations of her family!!

But I have taken great pleasure in just watching Mom with her horses especially her Bribon. He is a Paso Fino and was a 25 year dream come true for her!! Mom is now 86 on October 3rd and in the beginning stages of dementia. and I would give my heart and soul for her to be able to attend one more Parelli event while she is still able to travel. That would be my wildest dream come true!!!
Do you have any pets?
Have one cat now....lost one a few mths ago, but have owned several dogs througout my life..3 of them Golden Retrievers!

Comment Wall:

  • Jackie Cochran

    Sure, you can copy some of my pictures.
    I don't own any horses any more, so these are the horses at the stables I ride at. I am lucky, one stable has me riding an Arab mare!!! (I love Arabs.)
    Give my best to Grandma Teddy. I agree with you, she's great!
  • Melanie Sue Bowles

    Hi Kathy... Thank you so much for your thoughtful note! I hope you get a chance to read my books, I think you'd truly enjoy them. And all proceeds go to the care of our rescued horses. Take care, and thank you for your love of horses. Melanie
  • Lauren Cala

    Hi you seem very nice