mona buchanan



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  • Brenda Gordon

    Mona, this was so long I had to cut it into sections. Read the bottom first and work your way to the top.

    I spent lots of time learning this and my friend with Pavon (PRE) and I discussed the pros and cons of each registry.

    Please decide for yourself what is best for your mare, I may be too far off in the PRE camp for you. But as I said before, facts are what you need to have.

    In the Morgan horse breeding, I have had a Morgan since 1979, they crossed to Saddlebred horses and identified it on the pedigree. Well I prefer the ones with NO Saddlebred in the bloodlines. There are mixes and crosses in the warmbloods too. The big difference is that NOBODY has started the US version of the Trakehner Stud Book, or the Fresian Stud Book so they can get the horses in that the 'real' books won't register.

    I sure hope this wasn't too much ranting. I am feeling much better now that you know all this stuff. Just so you know, I can mix my food on my plate when I eat, ha ha. I am not always fanatic, just when I care so much.

  • Halle Myers

    i love your profile pic!it is cute what breed is your horse?
  • Halle Myers

    awesome i love andalusians they are gorgeous just like friesians.

    Happy riding

    Halle Myers :)