All Videos Tagged Dressage Hub (Barnmice Equestrian Social Community) - Barnmice Equestrian Social Community2025-02-13T00:35:06Z Dover: Keeping the Connection in the Lateral,2016-08-24:1773158:Video:7887802016-08-24T16:05:53.933ZDressage Hub
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Connecting the frame on a straight line is one thing but add a bending line then change the bending line and you have an all new challenge to conquer! In this video US Olympic team coach Robert Dover teaches us how to maintain the contact in dressage during the lateral…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Connecting the frame on a straight line is one thing but add a bending line then change the bending line and you have an all new challenge to conquer! In this video US Olympic team coach Robert Dover teaches us how to maintain the contact in dressage during the lateral work. Steffen Peters: Establishing A Kinder More Gentle Contact in the,2016-08-23:1773158:Video:7887712016-08-23T11:24:25.502ZDressage Hub
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Perfecting flying changes can be a challenging task, so today we are going to add one more thing to the list of things to perfect, ok? RIght no problem. In this video, Olympian Steffen Peters talks about perfecting a softer contact in the flying change to enable your horse to move through into a forward and more correct flying…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Perfecting flying changes can be a challenging task, so today we are going to add one more thing to the list of things to perfect, ok? RIght no problem. In this video, Olympian Steffen Peters talks about perfecting a softer contact in the flying change to enable your horse to move through into a forward and more correct flying change. Isabell Werth Then and Now: Gigolo VS Bella,2016-07-29:1773158:Video:7878872016-07-29T19:27:33.678ZDressage Hub
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>This was a special request from a fan but the video turned out to be super cool! I am super excited out this mix up of German Olympian Isabell Werth on her horse Gigolo in the past and her recent mount Bella Rose, what an amazing look at how the sport has evolved and how she has progressed as a…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />This was a special request from a fan but the video turned out to be super cool! I am super excited out this mix up of German Olympian Isabell Werth on her horse Gigolo in the past and her recent mount Bella Rose, what an amazing look at how the sport has evolved and how she has progressed as a rider. Olympic Spotlight: Dressage Freestyle Gold Medalists 1996,2016-07-22:1773158:Video:7878652016-07-22T18:05:10.664ZDressage Hub
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>We are officially on the countdown the to 2016 Olympics. So I thought I would put together a quick recap on who has won the Olympic freestyles in dressage over the past 10 years. In this video you will see highlights from the Olympic dressage in Atlanta, Sydney, Beijing, London and Athens and you will see Isabelle Werth on Gigalo, Anky Van Grunsven on Bonfire and Salinero as…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />We are officially on the countdown the to 2016 Olympics. So I thought I would put together a quick recap on who has won the Olympic freestyles in dressage over the past 10 years. In this video you will see highlights from the Olympic dressage in Atlanta, Sydney, Beijing, London and Athens and you will see Isabelle Werth on Gigalo, Anky Van Grunsven on Bonfire and Salinero as well as Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro at what is deemed to be the highlights of their careers for each and every one of these riders. I am looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for us at Rio de Janero, but until then here is a blast from the bast on the history of Olympic dressage over the past 10 years. Ulcers In Horses: Everything You Need to,2016-07-20:1773158:Video:7878232016-07-20T14:47:46.991ZDressage Hub
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Dr Rick Mitchell the US Olympic Team Vet has seen it all but most of he is dealing with horses in a HIGH stress environment so when it comes to equine ulcers and prevention, maintenance and everything else you need to know about the guy of you horse, he has got it covered. So, in this video we take a quick look at what he thinks is vital information for you to…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Dr Rick Mitchell the US Olympic Team Vet has seen it all but most of he is dealing with horses in a HIGH stress environment so when it comes to equine ulcers and prevention, maintenance and everything else you need to know about the guy of you horse, he has got it covered. So, in this video we take a quick look at what he thinks is vital information for you to know about performance horses that are traveling and competing.<br />
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This video was filmed at the Robert Dover Horsemastership Program in Wellington Florida in 2016.