I have an 18 hh warmblood who, whenever I try to take him away from the barn on his own will rear and spin around and run. I used to be able to ride him out on his own but ever since he discovered that cows exist, I get the feeling that that's what he's worried about. I'm a very experienced rider but have never had a horse that has made me feel so unsettled. I've had little horses do the same thing before but they don't scare me and usually I can force them to do most things without too much trouble until they build their confidence up. But my horse is huge and athletic and if he doesn't want to do something, it's like dealing with a fire breathing mountain. I sometimes bite the bullet and force myself to take him out on the trails but my heart is often in my throat despite trying to think happy thoughts the whole way. He's never actually managed to get away on me but he'll try to do whatever it takes to get back home. In the ring, though, he's a superstar and just lovely to work with. I can't figure out if he's a bully, genuinely fearful or a combination of both. I've tried getting after him when he does it, I've tried ignoring it and just turning him around and proceeding on. I haven't tried tougher bits because I feel like I can stop his head, it's his body I'm worried about. I may try draw reins or finding a cowboy to take him out for me for a while but I just don't want anyone to get hurt. I would love to have a safe place to just make him keep running when he pulls this trick but forest interspersed with roads is what I have and it's just not safe to let him go--not to mention the bucking and kicking he likes to do while running really fast. Should I just stick to the ring? Help!