A horse which has grown a curly, golden moustache is refusing to let grooms shave it off.

by Ian Johnston Photo: Eyecatch Pictures

Alfie, a 10-year-old Shire-cross, is said to flee if he thinks he is in danger of getting even a trim.

The horse also refuses to let staff at the stables in Bitton, Gloucestershire, into his stall there for fear that they will remove his whiskers.

The moustache may look somewhat incongruous given its fair colour compared to his black and white colouring and well-meaning staff thought he would rather be without it.

However Alfie clearly enjoys the look and groom Justine Greenslade said all efforts to clip it had been in vain.

"He's obviously rather proud of his facial hair," she said.

"He runs a mile if he thinks we're going to trim it."

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He probably finds it very useful.
Well I don't blame the guy, the one thing that makes him unique and they want to take it away from him. Geeesh.
I bet he would be able to keep the barn floor swept. There is a job for every one. lol
Here's another that someone let me add.
It's a MARE! :)

Any others out there??
Poor ole mare, now her I feel sorry for. lol I wonder if they do electrolisis for horses
I think it's quite distinguished. If only they could get a pic with a cigar in his mouth.
Some friends from Australia allowed me to add these pic's of their horses. Who knew horse moustaches were everywhere!!

In Linda Telllington-Jones's book "Getting in TTouch" on page 26:
"A mustache: Not a common characteristic. Most horses I've known with a mustache have been friendly "caretaker" types."
I don't know as I've never known a horse with a mustache. I would be really interested if this is true, as I often NEED a friendly "caretaker" type horse. I also noticed on Cat's blog that the horse she rides, Pink, has a nice mustache.
My draft cross gelding has a small mustache that he won't let me touch either, lol.
heha thats hilarious and kinda funny!


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