What are your Experiences with Communication with your Horse - Verbally, Telepathically, etc?

The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours,
they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear......Henry Beston.
Quote courtesy of Lauren Bode

How do you communicating with your horse? Verbally? Through body language? Telepathically?

What types of things do you say - and how do you know he/she is listening? How do your conversations with your horse influence other aspects of your life? What do you learn from them?

Tell us anything you like about your conversations with your horse!

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i converse with my horses and the others I keep. I understand them most of the time, and they seem to understand me. Our conversations can be verbal, and physical, and possibly even telepathic, since I do feel an understanding sometimes without the visual or physical reaction. I ensure the horses have their attention on me when we walk in and out to the paddocks, so they will not be distracted or spook at anything else. I feel their trust; when they question passing or stepping over something they aren't sure of, they look to me for reassurance, and if I give it, they will move forward. I can feel the trust that has built over the years between the horses and myself.

I have an 8 year old Clyde/Morgan who lacked trust when he came to me at 4 years old. Just spending time together, non-work time, grooming, hanging out, talking... he now trusts me. He will worry about things, such as the vet, the footing, and these are valid concerns. All I can do is reassure him that everything will be okay. I know he understands. I think my tone of voice is one of the most important parts of our conversations, and how I move, not specifically my position. I have learned patience and understanding from him. I've had horses in my life for so long, I don't have a definite line as to where they have influenced my life. Horses made me who I am today.
I was absolutely thrilled when I heard about the opportunity to win a consultation with Lauren Bode. I would be so interested to know how my horse feels about his new surroundings and owner! He has been on a long journey and would have a lot to "say" about his past, present and future...I am sure. Anything that would enable me to give him a better life through a clearer understanding would make me very happy. I would love the chance to work with Lauren and experience her communicating with my horse.
Thank you,
Andrea Menzel and Ringo :)
I communicate with my horses verbally and with body language and with treats. They are most attentive when treats are close at hand. I guess I'm the same way! I like treats too!

They communicate with me by their body language, "looks," movements and gestures, oh, and an occassional whinny when I'm on the way to the barn at supper time.

It would be so fun to find out what they'd have to say to Lauren Bode!
I had my first reading from Lauren a couple months ago and was absolutely blown away. In fact, I'm planning on another reading soon.

I have many conversations with my horse. I chat away to him while I'm grooming or wandering around the barn. I always ask him how his day was and whether anything fun or exciting happened during his day outside. I tell him about some of the things that happened during my day at work or something about my kids. I tell him about my plans for the two of us and that I think we'll be stars at whatever we do.
I've only owned him for a few months and this change in his life was quite traumatic for him so I'm always telling him how happy I am to have him and reassure him that he is part of my family.

We also have 'quiet conversations' where I don't say anything but communicate through touch. I clear my mind of everything except him and as I stroke his head, I envision what I feel for him, as energy going through my hands and into him. We have had some wonderful bonding moments this way as he will completely relax and lean into my touch.

My time spent with him renews me, allows me to forget the little annoyances of the day. I may leave the barn dirty and sweaty but my spirits are lifted for having been with him.
Although I own my horse on paper, unfortunately due to age & medical problems have never had the pleasure of taking a lesson, or riding him cross country etc. But I do have a close contact with him whenever we have the pleasure to be together, and he watches my every move, and responds whenever I speak or even groom him. He also has a very great relationship with my DH, and Grandaughter, who when riding this fellow, they have a wonderful time, and it looks like they are BOTH smiling. However when we have allowed other riders to mount, he does not seem to enjoy the change, and is very suspicious as to why these other folk are aboard. Some Equines are Truly Special!
Ride on has won the free reading for her horse with Lauren Bode!
We can't wait to hear what Lauren says!! :)
I am so totally thrilled with this opportunity and will surely let all know the outcome. My boy is always trying to tell me something and I'm sure he will not waste this opportunity to share HIS opinions...!!

Did I say that I am so totally thrilled? Yes, I did....I am TOTALLY thrilled with this opportunity!!

Many thanks Barnmice!!!
Darn I just noticed this and the contest is over. I speak to my horse all the time but I am struggling to understand what he is saying to me.

Any chance you will run another one?
Absolutely! In fact, this month for every new member you bring on board you will both have a chance to win a free reading! The draw will be on March 31. So if you bring on board 10 new members, your name will be entered 10 times!
I would love to hear what one of my horses has to say.I have been trying to ride him off and on for 6 years. After going to a trainer at 5, I brought him home and we seemed to be making progress on trail rides. He really seemed to enjoy it.Mounting is always an issue .won't stand at mounting block. 3 years ago he went back to hating saddle and girth and refused to be mounted. realized it was the saddle. had in afitter, bought anew saddle and thought everything was good. Then it was like he didn't like this saddle either but found if I lunged him first ,used a stirrup extender to get on from ground quicker he was just ok but I still only rode in paddock.This year I really hope to make more progress asI really love this horse.His saddle problem is that most saddles press down on his trapazoid muscles and he has a short croup. would love him to give me some input.
I have had my horse for sixteen years and whenever he gets into a situation where he needs help he stops whatever he is doing and whinnies for me to come and help get him out of trouble. At a Trillium show a few years ago, one of my students was riding him and took him across a diagonal line to a fence. Robert was a bit spooky and hesitated at the base but the rider put her leg on and he ended up with his front legs on one side of the fence and his back legs on the other! Everyone was laughing their heads off as this 17.3 hh horse stood there petrified to move. My rider baled on him, leaving him to stand there by himself. Robert scanned the crowd until he found me and let out this HUGE plantive whinny. I knew he was asking "Mum, what do I do now?" I yelled out "hold on Robert, I coming" and lept into the ring to rescue my big goofy beast. When I got to the jump he raised a big back leg and tried to hoist it over the jump - much like a large great dane would, and of course it brought the whole thing crashing down! With that he popped over the rest of the debris and was free. The first thing he did was give me a HUGE 'punt' with his head as if to say "oh MOM". We did the walk of shame to the ingate. Of course someone caught the moment on camera. It was priceless.
After sixteen years I can always tell from the tone of his whinny whether he is sad, happy or needs me to come and rescue him. His 'punts' tell me whether he is embarrased, amused or annoyed with me - or simply 'pulling my leg' with a 'joke on me'. This March 31st, Robert will be 18 years young and we will celebrate his birthday with his usual chocolate birthday cake. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to see his face light up with excitement when we sign Happy Birthday to him and to see him do 'bumpy gums' for his slice of cake and to receive a 'punt' for a 'hurry up Mom and give me MY CAKE!'
How do we communicate?......It starts when she hears me arrive at the barn. I have an electric bike, but somehow before I even get off and park, she knows I am there and I hear her whinny. For me, there are days when I don't feel I have the energy to go to the barn after work, but as I get closer, I start to feel the best of my emotions that don't always come to me at any other time of my day, or week for that matter. Just "being with her" is always my intention, and regardless of what I may have had planned, ...is always enough.

Everything about Tango...is in her beautiful eyes. Wide and brilliant or soft and sweet. Watching me, or focused on something I can't see. They always invite me to open my heart and mind to what she is thinking and feeling. Sometimes I have to push her a litte farther than she wants to go, and other times I know that she has tried her best for that particular day. Sometimes she will put up with my errors and un-balanced riding and other times she will take me to the mounting block to get off. We work it out in a way that "works" for us. We are partners. And although each of us are very "green" sometimes....we still teach each other what is needed with respect and acceptance.

What we communicated to each other on the first day we met......is the connection that underlies all that we have been through together, and all that we went through apart.

She is my motivation and joy. I am her "human" who consistenly provides what she needs...food, grooming, stimulation, affection, leadership, calm, safety.

In human terms, I think that the funniest thing she does, is look around at the other horses in the barn when I am grooming her....like "see....my person is here....I am special!"

Her character always makes me smile.....my love hopefully always keeps her content.


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