I rescued a bat, he almost drowned in our water-trough so we{ me and my mum and Ian} put him onto a branch and let him dry out and by the time we got back from our ride he had flowen off into the apricot tree so we called him Battler!!
I rescued a raccoon last night. It was stuck at the bottom of my garbage can at the side of my house and screaming at midnight. I took a long stick and tipped over the can and the little thing when on its merry way! :)
My family's rescued feral kittens on four seperate occasions. First we found a kitten in our neighborhood and kept her, then we found a litter of two in my cousin's neighborhood and kept them but unfortunately one ended up dying a year later of a blood clot in his heart :(, so then we bought a kitten as a friend for the other one, but a year later we found another litter of three in my cousin's neighborhood and kept one of them, then a week ago we found a kitten at our park and we're taking care of it untill we find her a good home. Whooh! Quite the history. It seems we attract cats! lol
OMG!! Sorry but as far as I am consired a Chirpmonk or a raccoon or anything like that
Just seems to like only be in movies where as I guess it is normal for you ladies!!
Most of the things I could save didn't make it before I got there.... but once I got a bunny out of the water bucket... I wish I had saved him but he died later... the only animal I have truly rescued was a dog that was about 15 at the shelter, abused and dumped by his owner..... he was a sheltie..... I had him for almost a year before he died... I was so happy to have had him in a place where he was loved at the end of his life considering he was just dumped at the shetler,