More than 100 people came through the barn doors at Stoney Lake Equestrian on Sunday December 6th for TC Youth's premiere Open House!
Visitors were greeted by two miniature horses before enjoying an afternoon of musical rides and Christmas treats!
The biggest news of the afternoon was proudly sharing with everyone that Equestrian Factory Outlet is sponsoring our TC Youth in the Spotlight award! Marc and his wife Victoria were on hand to present our first TC Youth in the Spotlight, Elizabeth Aslin, with a gift certificate to their store as well as a riding jacket! We are so excited to have Equestrian Factory Outlet on board as our leading sponsor!!

Thanks to everyone who showed their support and interest in our new Youth Program!
A special thank you goes out to the following people who helped make our first event a very big success:
Lori Albrough and her Fjord pony Ooruk
Vicki Ayres and her miniature horses
Canadian Horse Journal for providing FREE magazines for our visitors
Equestrian Factory Outlet
Jaimey & Tina Irwin for riding a Pas de Deux and allowing us the use of their facility, Stoney Lake Equestrian
Jennifer Day Slemon and her incredible students from "Horses of Course" for their demonstration
Julie Watchorn and Maura O'Sullivan for talking about their experiences at NAJYRC
Tamara Williamson of Kurboom for making the music for Jaimey & Tina's Pas de Deux
And to the Youth Committee and all the volunteers for working together to make this event run smoothly and lots and lots of fun!!