  • Female
  • Cameri (NO)
  • Italy
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Iltuocavallo's Friends

  • B Baiden
  • Darryl Leifheit
  • Stefania Bolzonella
  • Gaia Vincenzi
  • Cominguprosie7
  • Gail Morse
  • Gordon Hislip
  • mygoodhorse
  • Global Equestrian Academy
  • SkyHilaryLove
  • Meg
  • Anna Valeriani
  • Puledri e Balie
  • Carlotta
  • Jenifer Ingram

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Iltuocavallo's Page

Profile Information

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s) is the italian website dedicated to horse trade. I am Anna, the developer and webmaster of the website. I live in Cameri and manage a stable. I have 5 horsefriends: Isi, Naz, Vinatero, Iced and Edera, which are my best companions.
Do you have any pets?
yes of course, who could live without?? 6 dog, 3 cats, and lots of horses

Hot spot iltuocavallo

Anche quest'anno saremo al Salone del Cavallo Americano di Reggio emilia (15-18 maggio 2008). Venite a trovarci allo stand!!!

Previsioni del tempo a Novara (i miei cavalli stanno lì :-))

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Iltuocavallo's Blog

Sono scomparsa per un po' da barnmice ma... eccomi di ritorno!

Un saluto a tutti gli amici italiani di Barnmice. Non mi sono loggata per veramente tanto tempo, semplicemente perchè sono stata incasinatissima ad avviare la mia nuova attività... una scuderia vicino a Novara!! Il mio maneggio si chiama Lasiria Stable & Country Club e si trova a Cameri. Ho acquistato il posto a settembre del 2008 e da allora non ho avuto più un attimo di fiato! Tantissimi lavori da fare, 38 cavalli da gestire, insomma... un delirio! Ma sono felicissima di avere realizzato… Continue

Posted on February 2, 2010 at 11:41am — 2 Comments

Reggio Emilia 2008

Sono di ritorno dal salone del cavallo americano di Reggio Emilia, che anche quest'anno è stato un evento bellissimo. Tanta gente, tanti che sono venuti a trovarci allo stand. Abbiamo instaurato un sacco di buoni contatti con gli altri espositori.

Eccezionale Rudi Kronsteiner che nel Derby ha marcato 236 con STAR SPANGLED WHIZ, con una performance da togliere il fiato!

Posted on May 20, 2008 at 10:48am

Mice gnawing horses' hooves?

Hi to everybody! Somebody here can maybe be of help on this matter with some advice?

Some friends in my stable complained that their horses had their hooves, up to the coronary band, gnawed by mice. We actually have some mice around and couldn't manage getting rid of them (we can't use venom in the stable and the dogs are lazy :-) ), but none of our horses have problems, only two of them. I had never heard of mice gnawing the horses' hooves before (not at least of healthy and standing…


Posted on April 21, 2008 at 12:39pm — 4 Comments

Che cos'è la gimkana - risposta per Giulia!

La gimkana è una gara di velocità ed abilità del cavallo. Consiste in un percorso con diverse difficoltà da affrontare nel più breve tempo possibile, che in parte riproducono delle difficoltà che il cavaliere può incontrare in campagna: ad esempio cancelli da aprire e chiudere, piccoli salti, trasferimenti di oggetti (spostare anelli, bottiglie o altro) da un posto all'altro, paletti o barili da affrontare in velocità, ponticelli da oltrepassare, e altro.

E' una disciplina molto…


Posted on April 8, 2008 at 11:09am — 1 Comment

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At 6:11am on November 18, 2010, B Baiden said…
Dear Anna ,
I cannot say how much finding your video of Brokers Icedchampagne brightened my day . I had been trying to find her for the last 2 years over the internet . I almost gave up .
I am the breeder and person who sold her to Italy from Canada .
I've been kicking myself ever since as I miss that mare dearly .
I'd love if you could stay in touch or send me pictures of her ...sincerely Blanche Baiden ,
At 7:45pm on December 8, 2009, Barnmice Admin said…
Happy Birthday!! :)
At 2:24am on June 1, 2008, mygoodhorse said…
hi!, many thanks for your comment, I love her too.
I bought her near Como. When someone know newfoundland dog, become crazy about this dogs!! :)
this is like our horses,don't you think?.
My name is Josep and I live in Catalonia
At 4:46pm on April 19, 2008, IceRyder said…
Stopping by to say Howdy! Just posted a slide show of the birth of a foal. Add me as a friend!
At 12:07pm on April 8, 2008, Claire Moscone-Biafore said…
Buon Giorno Anna. Io mi chiamo Clara e io sono un'amica di Barbara. Mi dispiace ma non posso mettere i accenti soppre le parole. Do dove sei? La mia famiglia e di vicino di Roma.

Buona giornata!
At 9:51am on April 2, 2008, Jenifer Ingram said…
Hi Anna! Thank you for the invite to your group. Soon I will start posting pictures! Have a wonderful day in Italy!
At 3:56pm on March 30, 2008, Iltuocavallo said…
:-) thanks, I must admit I am proud of him:-)))
At 4:13pm on March 29, 2008, Barnmice Admin said…
Anna, had to tell you that we have 738 photots posted on the site and Caffelatte is ranked #1!
At 7:10pm on March 25, 2008, Barbara F. said…
Hi Anna,
Welcome to Barnmice! I am the site creator and am so pleased to have a fellow creator here all the way from Italy! I visited your site and it looks amazing! Very active with lots of lovely horses to sell. Please feel free to post sales videos and photos in our For Sale section and to contribute as much content as you like. Perhaps we will have lots of your friends from Italy join your group and then I will have a good excuse to come to Italy to meet everyone. I think I could relax at Lake Como for a while and not complain!
At 5:46pm on March 25, 2008, Tish Cohen said…
Hi Anna,

Welcome to Barnmice! You're now the second person I know in Italy, the first being my Italian publisher, Kowalski. Though I suppose that's a company so maybe that doesn't count. I actually just last week received the Italian version of my novel Town House, the brilliant Italians titled it "Una Canzone per Lucinda" which I absolutely adore.

Anyway, can you tell I'm having an Italian moment? I'm praying they send me to Milan where I'll be forced to shop and eat wonderful pasta...

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