Julie Goodnight
  • Female
  • United States
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Julie Goodnight's Friends

  • Victoria Ruiz
  • Randy Byers Horsemanship
  • Karisa Dern
  • Jeanne Lambrecht
  • Ruthann   Gossett
  • Amy Lou Weaver
  • Jessica Parker
  • Victor Dodd
  • Ashley
  • Shellie
  • Terrina
  • Lisa Girimonte-Bellino
  • Catherine Dukles
  • Lorel Dennis
  • Eden Grace Schulte

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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
You know Julie Goodnight as The Horse Master on her award-winning RFD-TV television show. Through her varied background—riding and training horses in dressage, jumping, racing, reining, colt-starting, and versatility ranch work, and wilderness riding—Julie has discovered the underlying principles important to any type of riding. She teaches "Classic Skills for a Natural Ride" and communicates clearly with horses and riders in any discipline and at any level. Julie travels coast-to-coast—and beyond—throughout much of the year to help horses and riders at horse expos, conferences, clinics, and while filming for her television “makeover” show. Julie has been featured in the top equestrian publications, including The Trail Rider, Horse & Rider --where she's a member of Team Horse & Rider-- and America’s Horse. Her syndicated columns appear in over 15 regional publications throughout North America. Her interactive websites: juliegoodnight.com, horsemaster.tv, and her channel on youtube.com reaches an even wider audience. Julie is also the International Spokesperson for the Certified Horsemanship Association—known as CHA. In 2008 she was named Equine Affaire's Exceptional Equestrian Educator--one of only three awards ever given. Julie resides near Salida, Colorado, at her private horse ranch with her husband, Rich Moorhead, the CEO of Monarch Ski and Snowboard Area.
Do you have any pets?
Yep, Dually the horse, Lucy and Sam the pups

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Julie Goodnight's Blog

Teaching a Horse to Canter/Lope Under Saddle

Dear Julie,

I have started riding my 2-year-old paint gelding. I've had him since he was 3 months old. He's super gentle-almost too gentle. I have taken him out trail riding with other horses, but he needs to learn…


Posted on December 9, 2010 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Western Saddle Fit

Dear Julie,

My friends and I have a problem with our saddles rolling over to the side when we get on. My horse in particular has a flat, broad back with wide withers. Any suggestions? I know we are cinching…


Posted on November 8, 2010 at 11:00am

Do Horses Prefer One Gender Rider Over the Other?

Hi Julie,

I've got a question about our five-year-old Paint gelding. My wife swears that he prefers men riders to women riders. I'm almost to conclude the same thing, even though I really am skeptical about that. It seems the women who have ridden him, including my wife, have had him act up consistently, and are fearful of him.…


Posted on October 11, 2010 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

When Your Horse Tries to Stop at the Gate


I have a Tennessee walker and she rides around the arena fine until she passes the gate. Then it happens, she starts to walk sideways in to the gate. I am a new rider so I'm not sure what to do. When I try to correct her she thinks I'm telling her to stop. How do I do it?

Your horse is simply gate sour and wants to stop at the gate and go out of it and back to the barn. All horses have this tendency, if not handled correctly, and it is sometimes…


Posted on September 24, 2010 at 10:00am

The Importance of Posting on the Correct Diagonal

Hi Julie,

Try to settle this discussion - please! Is posting on the correct "diagonal" only important in English riding? I always thought it was about the horse's balance in a bend....some say it's just not a "western thing"...and will post in a western saddle, but not with any regard for the diagonal???



You are correct that posting…


Posted on September 11, 2010 at 11:30pm — 10 Comments

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At 12:11pm on April 15, 2010, Ruthann Gossett said…
Heared you did a good show in Lincoln,Ne. Sorry i was unable to make it. My dads been have med issues. Maybe i can catch one some where else this summer. Keep up the good work.
At 8:43pm on January 29, 2010, Sarah at HorseJobs.ca said…
Thanks Julie. Here is the link to our blog post featuring your great advice.

Great job! :)
At 5:25am on December 17, 2009, Lorel Dennis said…
Thanks for the invite. I noticed on your website that you like to combine natural horsemanship work together with classical dressage. I know a few people here in Australia that do the same with great results. Will definately be going to look for some of your clips on youtube and to read more of your website. Its a shame we don't have your show over here.
At 11:06pm on August 28, 2009, Marti Langley said…
I am turning into a big fan of yours. Your training techniques are just great. Thanks for being my friend.
At 11:25am on July 18, 2009, Nora Robinson said…
Welcome Julie! I receive your e-newsletter, and always enjoy the excellent info and advice. Glad you are here with us on Barnmice too!
At 7:28pm on July 13, 2009, Janet Ortega said…
Hi Julie,
I just sent you a request to be your friend. Unfortunately, I clicked too soon. I just wanted to tell you that I really love your show on RFD-TV. I think your training techniques are really really great. I have watched all the biggies and I like yours the best! I have mentioned this to my trainer, a lady from Alaska and now living in AZ, that I really love your style of training and I have taped a few sessions of RFD of yours and put them on a DVD and gave them to her (Karen) so she could see your style. I think that has encouraged her to get her certification for teaching as you have.

Thanks for the really great lessons!
At 2:12pm on July 8, 2009, Barbara Sky Horse said…
Lovely pictures Julie!!
I'm just away to have a wee nosey through your web site!!!
Where abouts in the wide world are you located??
~ Barby
....*thinking* .....geeeeeze ... I may have to break my own Law, and start watching a bit of television ...lol
At 9:39pm on July 7, 2009, Barbara Sky Horse said…
Hello There Julie!!
and a BIG Welcome to Barnmice!! ;-)
~ Barby

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