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  • Nicola Barnes
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  • Mikayla Johnsen
  • Brianna & Pippi
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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I love horses, always have. I have 1 cat (Cheddar), a dog (Caspian)and 3 horses( Nazelli, Kamber, Printemps). I am working with Nazelli to do Hunter/Jumper.

I was born in California, but now in live in Canada. Nazelli ,9, is a Mustang X Quarter Horse and she is a natural jumper. We will be jumping 3 feet in the spring. Kamber (Kamber Park),19, is a retiered warmblood show horse. She was professionaly trained and showed in really big shows( I was told she even jumped over a car once in a show!!). Printemps is my "Printere"(her nickname). She is an appy X quarter horse an used as a cow pony on my grand parents Cattle Ranch in Wyoming. She may be 25, but she acts 3!!
Do you have any pets?

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At 11:45am on July 19, 2010, Nicola Barnes said…
Have u been in a mag called HQ or id the dress just the same?
At 3:51pm on January 10, 2010, Ari said…
Hi Lexi -
Wow, I haven't seen you in forever! How are you? What's new? How are the horses? I've been longreining Blue because it's too slippery to ride - it's really fun!Have you been riding much lately? Blue's so fuzzy she looks like a large marshmallow. How's school and such? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hope to talk to you soon...
At 3:24pm on October 13, 2009, Akaash Maharaj said…
Thanks for your note. My competition horse is a Canadian thoroughbred named Chance. He can sometimes show others a bit of a vicious streak, but he has always been a great partner to me: http://bit.ly/3iQVOH
At 6:58pm on September 26, 2009, Ari said…
O hey forgot to mention - friday mme carr was my french honours sub - she is kind of not really all there like you said - anyways talk to you hopefully tonight
At 6:56pm on September 26, 2009, Ari said…
hi - your cathedral lakes trip sounded much more amusing (and cold) than mine was - good you had fun though (with a bit of excitement along the way) did you see the mountain goats at the peak of the rim? On my trip they followed us down to a lake (not sure what it was called though) Lake of the woods is pretty and the views from the rim are amazing - did you see mount baker & mount saint helens? Sorry I didn't get your message before noon, but I had soccer... are you going riding tomorrow afternoon? That would probably work for me but anyways call me tonight (around 8ish because I am working) or I will call you. Want to go in a show in october? there is one at KRC on the 11th or 10th I think and one in Vernon the weekend before that, also i think there is another one at KRC sometime but I cant remember when... Anyways, talk to you soon!
At 7:03pm on September 16, 2009, Ari said…
no, I don't think I did... she's probably just a French immersion sub. At least you didn't have to do much. How's the moose and the zell?
At 4:04pm on September 7, 2009, Ari said…
Hi Lexi - good luck trying western with Nazelli - you'll do well.
At 1:10pm on July 1, 2009, Ari said…
HAPPY CANADA DAY! Also happy early 4th of July, my 'multicultural' amigo!
At 10:06pm on June 30, 2009, Ari said…
Lexi- you really need to check your email more often... :-)
At 8:16pm on June 16, 2009, Rachel Heysen-Smith said…
Hello LExi,
I kinda forgot are you in my Group HORSE MANIACKS and Animal Lovers??? Hope so!\


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