I came across page , I wanted to introduce myself and my hobby .Perhaps you or any member at your stable may have an interest.
We are not a stable and are not associated with any stable.
My name is Gary Glaser and I am the mounted commander of the 9th New York Cavalry and live in Binbrook, Ont. I belong to a group of equine enthusiasts that enjoy living historians and American civil war, we are the 9th NY cavalry.
The Ninth New York Cavalry has been reactivated by us to portrayal the life of the Federal Horse Soldier. As a group, we participate in living history encampments, re-enactments, and giving informative lectures throughout the year in both Ontario and the U.S.
If you have any interest or anyone in your stable has interest in becoming involved in our group, do not hesitate to contact me at sgtgaryglaser@hotmail.com.
To see more of what we do as a hobby please go to these two You tub site, this first one is a large event that unfortunately none of our members were participating in but do know most of the riders- it was held in Gettysburg, PA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBCgFdTWLx4.
This next one is a small event held in Canada at Upper Canada village, all riders are members of the 9th NY Cavalry and you will notice that I ride a Stander bred cross: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCx3Xkn9Wuc
If you have any question please do not hesitate to ask. This hobby is family friendly, and a great way to spend a weekend with your horse.
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I came across page , I wanted to introduce myself and my hobby .Perhaps you or any member at your stable may have an interest.
We are not a stable and are not associated with any stable.
My name is Gary Glaser and I am the mounted commander of the 9th New York Cavalry and live in Binbrook, Ont. I belong to a group of equine enthusiasts that enjoy living historians and American civil war, we are the 9th NY cavalry.
The Ninth New York Cavalry has been reactivated by us to portrayal the life of the Federal Horse Soldier. As a group, we participate in living history encampments, re-enactments, and giving informative lectures throughout the year in both Ontario and the U.S.
Visit use on the web at www.9thnycavalry.com .
If you have any interest or anyone in your stable has interest in becoming involved in our group, do not hesitate to contact me at sgtgaryglaser@hotmail.com .
To see more of what we do as a hobby please go to these two You tub site, this first one is a large event that unfortunately none of our members were participating in but do know most of the riders- it was held in Gettysburg, PA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBCgFdTWLx4.
This next one is a small event held in Canada at Upper Canada village, all riders are members of the 9th NY Cavalry and you will notice that I ride a Stander bred cross: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCx3Xkn9Wuc
If you have any question please do not hesitate to ask. This hobby is family friendly, and a great way to spend a weekend with your horse.
Thank You
Sgt. 9th NY Cavalry CO.A
Gary Glaser
Welcome to Barnmice Vickie!