Meghan Rainey
  • 33, Female
  • Tuscola, IL
  • United States
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Meghan Rainey's Friends

  • Matt Dutot
  • Barbara Sky Horse
  • Beth
  • Jennifer Lamm
  • Jackie Cochran
  • Geoffrey Pannell
  • jenal
  • Jan Jollymour

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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
Well my favorite quote comes from Clinton Anderson, "Heart attacks are free, so give your horse 1". I am not a big shopper unless its for the horses. I am training my gelding Booda for western pleasure and going to college full time to get my degree in Equine Business Management...
United States
Do you have any pets?
Booda, Tabasco, Butt Butt

Favorite Quotes

Heart atacks are free, so give your horse one.

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Meghan Rainey's Blog


hoping that my mom doesnt take the horse im training away.. i have a lil problem.... i can bridle him just fine and he likes the snaffle im using but when i get on him and aske him to go, he will walk a few steps and start throwing his head up and down or side to side. i wont even have two fingers on the reins, so i know i am not pulling on the bit causing this. just to rule it out i had my mom clip a lead to the halter and i let go of the reins and asked him to walk, again a few steps then he… Continue

Posted on September 7, 2010 at 8:41pm — 3 Comments

OMG Finally :):):):)

well i have only been trainin my horse for eight long and painful months now or somethin close to that.. lol... went and did some trainin yesterday since the weather was nice. first time in 4 months that i have been up on his back or had the saddle on him or anythin like that... no buckin, or fightin... i even got the bridle on him wit out a fight!!! so pleased wit him. lunged him for bout 20 mins under saddle.. got up on him and started workin on steerin and goin and stopin… Continue

Posted on August 18, 2010 at 10:15am — 2 Comments

Finally Some Good News And Betterin My Life

Well back in feb. i broke up wit matt after we got engaged... it just didnt work out.... i finally got away from all the bull shit of his.... i am so happy now that i am back home wit my family.... met a new guy that i really like... seth... hopin all goes well... but my mom is doin alot better now.. still probablly wont ever ride agian tho... which sucks.... still workin on breakin our horse to ride... been just way to freakin hot to do any training...… Continue

Posted on July 25, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

WTF? Is Khary Out To Kill Me?????

Well Wednesday night I was helping bring in the horses and I grabbed Our Arbian Mare, Khary by her halter and brought her in well she ran in her stall and my hand got stuck in her halter and she slammed my left ribs on the wall twice and popped one of my ribs out..... This is the second time she has hurt me now..... I think she has it in for me and wants to kill me... I dont know though...........

Posted on January 16, 2010 at 4:49pm — 1 Comment

Not So Wonderful News......

Well back in February, my mom broke her leg by havin a horse fall on it and now she has nerve damage and cant be around the horses or ride until maybe april if then if not she will not be able to be around the horses or ride and there goes her showing career..... And I jst found out today that my one friend's grandmother just died.... and I just dont know how to help either my mom or my friend...... I hate bad news.... I wish someone would give me good news for once.......

Posted on December 10, 2009 at 4:19pm

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At 4:38am on May 7, 2011, Geoffrey Pannell said…
Hi Meghan, post some pics so I can see whats happening. Maybe your riding with your stirrips too long? Remember last time we spoke i said to micro-manage how you sit tall. Think eyes up, nose up, chin up, chest up. Don't forget to breath, lol , both ways. Breath yourself into the saddle.
At 1:41pm on September 11, 2010, Jackie Cochran said…
Hi Meghan.
I've been getting sick of guy's b-s- for over 40 years. Learning how to handle guys effectively can be as hard a learning how to be a good rider, except the horses are usually nicer. It can be done--I've been with my husband for almost 40 years. I learned from my previous mistakes with men!
May you get to be with your horses soon.
Take care, dear.
At 12:29pm on September 6, 2010, Jackie Cochran said…
I am so sorry your life has all these problems now. It can get overwhelming when everything happens at once.
I know this is not much comfort but I think a lot of what you are going through is linked to this Great Recession, which can upset the best plans in the world. Often all that a person can do is grit their teeth, bear it. Keep your dreams alive in your mind so that when things improve you can move on them.
I remember when a horse I was working on got yanked out from under me. It sucks! Sometimes horse owners have no idea of how long it can take to properly train a horse.
May something work out for you.
At 10:07am on August 10, 2010, Jan Jollymour said…
Good grief, Meghan! You're only 19, and a year ago you thought you were in love with someone else!

At 19 you should be sampling the world, and starting to discover your place in it. Dating's great, but you're way too young to think about settling down with one particular person, and you have plans - yes?

Enjoy this relationship for what it is, but don't get hung up in long term relationship plans at your age. Ride lots, learn lots, and the relationship stuff take care of itself over time.

Good luck!
At 1:19am on September 10, 2009, Geoffrey Pannell said…
That's great Meghan, there is a lot of stuff you can do at the walk. All the lateral work can be started at the walk, starting with legyeild. It's really important to have the horse responding to the stop and go aids. If you have a look at Wendy's page I have explained what to do there. If you can't find it sing out and I will type it up again for you. I'm really pleased for you that he is going well. Cheers Geoffrey
At 7:01pm on September 7, 2009, Geoffrey Pannell said…
Hi Meghan, Yes you can do some pole work, but really the way to get a "jump start " on jumping is to have all the flat work going really well. The better the flat work , the better the jumper!!
At 9:22pm on September 1, 2009, Susie Harper said…
Hi Meghan, please read Dr.Deb Bennetts article
and her website
This does not mean you need do nothing for four or five years. Teaching straightness, halt, forward, laterals and ground poles like Linda Tellington-Jones or using cavalletti can be fun and help you.

Eva and Jutta Weimers have Playing With Horses DVD's and books,
or visit and see ground training exercises and the members videos.
Good luck
Susie xx
At 5:49pm on August 31, 2009, Geoffrey Pannell said…
Hi Meghan, If your horse is only 1 1\2 yo you can't start jumping yet. Jumping a horse at that age will cause untold damage to the limbs. Your going to have to wait till it's at least 4!! The muscles and tendons and bone structure are not developed enough to handle the stresses involved . Lots of other things you can do to get ready for that time though. Iv'e got to get the kids of to school so I can come back on later and give you some advice. Cheers Geoffrey
At 12:13pm on August 31, 2009, Barbara Sky Horse said…
HelloOOOoooo Meghan!!! .. *waving* ..
I have to ask you .. do you have any family in Northern Ireland??
~ Barby
At 4:46am on June 29, 2009, Barbara Sky Horse said…
Happy Birthday Meghan!!
~ Barby

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