Hello Everybody
Banjo is the most amazing pony EVER . He is a 14.2hh Quarter Horse X Lots of things .
I love Banjo LOTS and LOTS!!! I have been to Pony Club on him 3 times. I have won a blue ribbon on him as well!
Rupert was my first pony he was a Black Shetland Pony and VERY VERY hairy!! He was also a bit scary to big horses becuase you could not see his eyes!! Becuase of all the fur!! I got him from Judith Burgess the person that owns Kelly Smith's Lease Pony, Bazil!! He did not like jumping becuase he was so small!!!
Loch Sloy Melody
Melly was my second pony. I got her for christmas 8 years ago. She was the best pony ever. I loved her to bits and I miss her so much every single day. She was a 11.2hh pony. She was the best pony that ever walked this earth. I miss her SO much and I wish she would come back. She died of a tumer. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
RIP MELLY 25th April 2010
I LOVE MY PONIES {even though we don't have Rupert anymore}
My Mum is also a a Level 2 Coach & a B Level Judge. We usually use my old Pony Melly or we use Banjo, Melly does lots of stuff including Jumping, Dressage & Trailriding and she is 29yo. Melly is 11.2hh & Banjo is 14.1hh. I hope you can contact me on my page just leave a comment and I will send u a private message about our number but you can just email my mum on fionahs56@hotmail.com, Thanxs, Rach
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my name is Gaia and my surname is Vincenzi :)
would you like to visit my blog? www.iconadeironchi.blogspot.com
leave a comment on it, let me know what do you think about
see you soon
Saturday girl rider:10:40 good hands:12.50, and on Sunday pair of riders:4:20
And if you blog or twitter, send me the link! Happy riding, hope to hear from you soon!
Although our place is small the neighbors also have chickens geese, ducks and dogs and they all come to visit everyday.
Flica went Ok for her first time at PC. she tried to buck and rear a little and i took her for a little canter.

Georgiahope u kick ass in your comp!
i rounded up cows on the weekend and went for a trail ride it was cool but i rode to far out and it started to rain so i had ride for 1 hour an 1/2 comming back home! ha ha what you do for your weekend?
That's so exciting! I love getting new horses and getting to know their personalities. Good luck with her! :)
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