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Can you help me with my long hair for showing?
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Donna Douglas Sep 6, 2010.


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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I am an animal lover with an extra passion for horses. I m a calm, hard working individual who is generally friendly, and happy. I am still a unexperienced rider who would be thrilled to get some advice from more experienced riders. I enjoy riding (duh!), reading in the barn, grooming horses, musical activities, and art.
United States of America
Do you have any pets?
a dog (Sunny) 2 cats (Charlie and Louie)

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Amy's Blog

An Ex-racer, and the very long road to recovery

So at my barn there is this tall thin TB ex-racer, 17.3 hands, copper bay. We call her Miley.

Miley is 6 years old. She ran one race before being sold to an owner that longed her before every ride, which about once a month if that. She said she used Miley as a trail horse. Eventually her owner decided this young spirited horse was to much for her, and my trainer took Miley in in hopes to help Miley become the wonderful horse she has the potential to be.
Right now Miley is…

Posted on June 11, 2010 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

my dear friend Murdered...

My dear friend Esme Kenny went missing on saturday. Sunday morning (Somewhere around 1:00 a.m.) her body was found. She was murdered by a man who has many, many charges listed under his name, and yet is allowed to wander the streets of Cincinnati! He has previous records of being a sex-offender... Please pray for Esme's family and for all of us at S.C.P.A. This week is going to be a very hard week. Esme was only a seventh grader. She had so much potential, like evreyone at scpa does! She was… Continue

Posted on March 8, 2009 at 10:44pm — 18 Comments

Starting Horse Jumping

Ok, so I've been riding western pleasure the past few years and have decided to change over to an jumping. In what kind of equipment/attire will I need? And how expensive will this switchover be? Oh, and I've been looking around and there are all different styles and colors of breeches... Is there a certain type I'm looking for?? When I looked this stuff up on the internet, I got different answers from almost every site I looked at! ...I'm a little confused. Can anyone out there tell me what…


Posted on March 3, 2009 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

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At 12:14am on June 12, 2009, Brenda Gordon said…
Hi again,
I have really missed being on this site, I had lots to read and catch up on. I enjoyed everybodys pics too.

I took two horses to the first show in May. Boy it was interesting. Festiva looked great but was so bad. She yelled at everyone(in her horsey way) and would NOT stand still infront of the judge.
He asked what breed, when I said "Andalusian" he said-what now you see 'em and then you don't. Was that supposed to be funny?
Oh well, I thought she needed to get out and so did I. We took our Morgan 6 yr old, he had never been to a show before. We didn't show him, thought the ride, stall and shower experience was about enough. He was a good boy and I was even happier when he got back into the trailer- whew! I was worried about doing that but we all start at the beginning don't we?

Still having Rain here! no builing yet, just more mud!
I love your pics of horses, foals and I hope to send mine in a few months too.
Will you be showing this summer or have you already?
I'll try to get back a little sooner next time. Want to hear what is going on in your barn.
At 9:41pm on April 17, 2009, Brenda Gordon said…
Hi Amy,
I have been so busy at work that I have missed my horses and my husband bunches lately.
It is so nice out again, the rain finally stopped. I'll take some pics of my MUD we are building an arena, or maybe it is really a mud puddle.
My mare is getting bigger, my little friend is growing and I can't wait to find out if I have a colt or filly. Want the fily but expect it to be a colt.
I'm thinking to name him Agosto and call him Auggie. ok it is a Spanish horse and hopes to be born in August, also my bday.

I'll try to get the pics up this week end.

How are you doing now?? busy both in and out of school?

Have you been riding and working and grooming your horse(s)?? too.
At 11:16pm on March 11, 2009, Brenda Gordon said…
Well, take your time to just let everything settle down at its own pace. Some days are good and some are not after a life changing event like twhat just happened, when you don't feel good its just a day and it will pass too.

Did you know the horse in my picture is going to have a foal end of summer. I took her to the Vet today, for her insurance check up. The Dr said the foal is about 35 pounds now, like a small dog. I am so excited, we've never done this before. I'll send some new pics after this week end.

Keep watching for my pics,
Thinking of you and wishing you the best.
At 8:51am on March 10, 2009, Brenda Gordon said…
Amy, I was shocked to read your posting. I know that each one of us who reads this would like to offer you any comfort that we can. Maybe you will see how much goodness and love you can find from people (even strangers) when you have a tragedy in your life. Most people are good and you will learn this feeling again. I am so sorry that you have been through such a horrible experience at your young age. God bless you and the family of your friend.
At 6:54pm on March 9, 2009, The Natural Horse Vet said…
Hi Amy,
At 11:12pm on March 6, 2009, Barnmice Admin said…
Thanks Amy! Have a great weekend! :)
At 9:47pm on December 31, 2008, Sajel said…
hey amy!!! sry i havent responded i havent been on in awhile. :) how are things for u???
At 4:52pm on July 25, 2008, Cayla said…
thanx i thought that video was funny too
At 5:32pm on July 7, 2008, Kat said…
The 6th photo- thats a realy good looking horse! so is the horse on the 10th photo!
At 11:37pm on July 3, 2008, Paige. said…
Thanks so much:). OMG what happened, why would they sell them and u not even be their:(. Awe when was this? its okay (hugs) !! xxo

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