lesley bruce
  • France
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  • Judith A James
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  • Margaret Leighton
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  • Global Equestrian Academy
  • Quest Equine Welfare Inc.
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  • Chris - resident queen of shops
  • Canadian Starz
  • Emily at Habitat for Horses
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A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
Love all animals, don't care what i look like, enjoy the funny sides of life
Do you have any pets?
2 horses, one cat, not counting the feral ones - gasp!! and I just lost my little dog, she was old.

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Lesley bruce's Blog

Hope this Helps Someone - Lyme Disease/Leptospirosis in Horses

Hello everyone,

I am posting this to put the information out there; I searched and searched to find out what was wrong with my horses

I wish I had known about this disease 1 1/2 years ago, that was when Patina, Finn and Tucker, my horses first started to be ill with unexplained sore feet, muscle loss and muscle tenderness, clicking joints, and general dullness. Tucker actually died, in spite of vets.

Today "thank God" I have at last found out what was causing…


Posted on June 14, 2008 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

Moving to France with 4 horses a dog and a cat.

Hi folks, thought I'd have a go at this blogging and tell you about my move from the UK to France. This is not fiction.

OK, there was me, Nick my man, Luther, Patina, Finn and Tucker the horses, Katie the dog and Jasmin the cat, it was actually Jasmin's home she, part of the landlords household.

However her cat lodgic impelled her to move in with us.

Home for us humans, dog and cat was an unsatisfactory caravan secreted in an unusual place.

Home for… Continue

Posted on June 7, 2008 at 9:45pm — 2 Comments

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At 1:10am on March 3, 2009, Jess said…
No problem! I hope it helps her. I know a horse that has made a complete 360 on it. He was really not doing good, hardly able to move and now he's completely pasture sound and sound for light riding (at the walk and trot). Awesome eh? He had navicular and arthritis. Hopefully it works out similar for her.
At 8:47pm on February 22, 2009, Jess said…
Hi Lesley,

Hope Patina is doing well...

There is a supplement called Recovery EQ that works for pretty much anything (arthritis, laminitis, ringbone, navicular) that might help her if the vet were to say that were OK - you should check it out
At 6:19am on November 20, 2008, spidershephard said…
love your photos I can not figure out how to post pics?? Love your pics!!
At 7:32am on September 19, 2008, Barbara F. said…
Hi Lesley, left you a private note. Does it help?
At 9:54am on September 12, 2008, Canadian Starz said…
Hello from Canada Lesley!
Love your cards. I have always said, "when anyone was feeling down, just go visit your horse for awhile!" They always seem to know when you are feeling down, and do something to cheer you up. (The "best headspace anyone can find is usually in or around a barn, with your favourite Equine's!)"
At 3:53pm on August 28, 2008, Barnmice Admin said…
Hi Lesley, Are you near Paris? I will be there Sept 13 - 16. Maybe we could meet?! - Barb
At 8:47am on August 8, 2008, Siri S. Ingebrigtsen said…
Hi Lesley, I love your cards! You really caption some of what we feel as riders and some of what we think our horses feel. Keep up the great work. Do you sell your cards as sets? Best regards, Siri
At 3:09pm on May 28, 2008, Tish Cohen said…
You saw the video? I was horrified to see my face next to Leah's--she's so stunning. I wrote that little clip but wasn't prepared for the acting!
At 11:00am on May 26, 2008, Tish Cohen said…
Hi Lesley - thanks for the friend request! I just clicked on your website -- your artwork is spectacular. Do you design book jackets too?
At 8:11pm on May 21, 2008, Barbara F. said…
Hi Lesley, I am also friends with Christina. I love your cards and think I was actually in one the other day while I was out hacking and a bag was fluttering along with my horse and me like a very large white bird!!

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