In Part 1 we discussed expectation. How do we want our horses to behave? In Part 2 we discussed their expectations of us. What do they need from us? In Part 3 we will put it all together.
We have to remember that behavior is learned. It is learned through trial and error. One party tries to exhibit some form of behavior. Whether it's a reaction to something someone else has done, or an attempt to initiate something. If the other party excepts this behavior then…
Added by R Jay's Farm on February 28, 2013 at 3:23pm —
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In riding or in life, a change of pace or a change of place.
Transitions between gaits. Trot to canter. Canter to halt. Halt to walk. The unique “beat of the feet” changes from one gait to another.
Transitions within a gait. The drumbeat of the gait remains the same, but the stride lengthens or shortens.…
Added by Lindsay Grice on February 27, 2013 at 7:49am —
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In Part 1 of this topic we talked about expectations. How do we want our horse to behave? What do you expect? I also mentioned in brief some of the more important things I expect from my horses and how I would like them to behave. These things may not be things you would expect. That's fine, find what works for you and your horse. We also mentioned about the Demonstrations we have scheduled on this topic for March 30th, and April 27th here at R Jay's Farm.
In Part…
Added by R Jay's Farm on February 26, 2013 at 1:16pm —
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February—the Longest Month
Most years, including this year, the calendar states that there are 28 days in February. If that is the case, why does it seem like such a long month?
Here in Northeast Ohio, we can typically ride on the trail regularly through November. Once December hits, it is touch and go—for months. Things get better in early March, and by the end of the month, we are trail riding on a regular basis.
I feel that Daylight Savings—this year on March 10th,…
Added by Judi Daly on February 25, 2013 at 4:05pm —
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My latest blog post is about my experiences with goats, pigs and other companion animals around my horse farm!
Added by Cleo van Zelst on February 25, 2013 at 12:00pm —
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The Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington Florida:12 rings, 5,000 horses, 2,800 riders from 31 countries! Here is a link to my interview with the Ringmaster who runs the awards presentations in the International Ring and the Grand Hunter ring.…
Added by Leueen Willoughby on February 24, 2013 at 8:16pm —
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What should we expect?
The title of this, How A Horse Should Behave, sounds like a statement of fact. The truth is, the out come is whatever the expectation is. It is true to my findings that a horse will do exactly whats expected of them. So if we expect them to behave in a certain way, we must behave in a certain way in order to communicate our expectations. The reason a horse misbehaves or doesn't respond the way we would like, is do to us not having a clear…
Added by R Jay's Farm on February 24, 2013 at 6:28pm —
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Now let’s get practical. Here are some pointers from a coaching expert…
- Analytical eye. Ability to zero in on the issue and the source of it. Developed from watching hundreds of horses and riders and thinking about what we…
Added by Lindsay Grice on February 24, 2013 at 3:02pm —
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Hey bloggers,
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and is ready for the upcoming week. This week's blog is going to be a sneak peak at Baker's huge extension opening sale. The date for the sale is to be announced but will occur sometime in the spring when the weather is warmer. Save your sale shopping days for Baker's huge extension opening sale because you won't want to miss it!
At the sale, there will be a wide selection of clothes and apparel. There will be tons of…
Added by carmen griscti on February 24, 2013 at 1:30pm —
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Yesterday, when I called Shannon about riding today, she gave me some sad, sad news. Bobby died as a result of severe impaction colic on Thursday, after hours of vet care, IV for rehydration and all.
I am very sad.
No, I did not own Bobby, but I was riding him and finally starting to make some progress. I was hoping that the EZ-fit treeless saddle I ordered last week would be more comfortable on his back than the Wintec Wide saddle I’ve been using, but,…
Added by Jackie Cochran on February 24, 2013 at 1:00pm —
Someone asked me to put onto paper what losing the horse racing industry would mean for my family and I. For the first time in my life I struggled to find the words.
I have been around horses my entire life and so has my husband. Both of us are second generation. I was picking out hooves before I could pick out my own clothes. Our 2 1/2 year old daughter and our 1 year old son have too been exposed since birth. Knowing that they have already felt what joy and tranquility these kind…
Added by Ashley on February 23, 2013 at 11:30am —
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This is a story of one of the most harrowing rides of my life, the day I rode the equine pinball. I thought I could push past my fear and work as an exercise rider, but that was not to be the case. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to ride a galloping Thoroughbred, and I wouldn't give up the memories, but I will also NEVER do it again!!
Added by Cleo van Zelst on February 23, 2013 at 12:30am —
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Every small breeder knows the stress involved in breeding your own, from breeding to foaling, and the many things that can go wrong. Here are some of my experiences (with the limited amount of breeding I have done) as a very small breeder trying to do things on my own...
Added by Cleo van Zelst on February 23, 2013 at 12:30am —
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I was out snuggling my baby boy today, giving him a grooming. It's shedding season, he's not too bad, but he gets done regularly. He's a very snuggly sweetie pie. He is now 16 1/2" hh, growing into a reasonably sized boy. This spring he'll be started, and this fall he comes to the barn. He'll get to live inside and learn all the things he needs to know to become a super star show boy.
He lives with an old girl, she's 30 this year. She's starting to slow down, and I think when he…
Added by MagsNMe on February 22, 2013 at 7:41pm —
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Walter is starting to settle in with us. Now I get to go to the bathroom by myself… about once every three days. It’s the kind of thing you expect from a herding dog, but being a rescue as well, Walter likes to go the extra mile.
I’ve had a couple of…
Added by Anna Blake on February 22, 2013 at 8:24am —
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We Go on Our First Trail Ride of the Year
Well, my second, but my sister’s first. She had to work on the one nice weekend day during the January thaw. From then on, the river has been too high or the river, hill or driveway was too icy. The last time we rode together was some time in December. Each weekend we hoped the conditions are right, only to be disappointed.
Well, Saturday didn’t disappoint us. The river was low with no ice, and just a couple days before, the hill thawed…
Added by Judi Daly on February 18, 2013 at 3:47pm —
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Hey bloggers,
Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and are enjoying the family day long weekend :) moving closer to the spring time, I thought it would be great to discuss hoof care in this week’s blog since muddy season is slowly approaching.
When the ground is consistently wet from all the rain, thawing out from the snow and muddy, it is very important to make sure your horses hooves stay in good condition for both daily health as well as…
Added by carmen griscti on February 17, 2013 at 9:18pm —
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So I did not get to ride today. I sort of have mixed feelings about it, I want to ride all I can but I am sort of relieved that I won’t be struggling with Bobby today, but on the other hand there is the thought that maybe, just maybe, today would have been the wondrous day that Bobby finally decided to cooperate with me. I know, that fantasy is highly unrealistic but, hey, I ride horses and I live in constant hope that THIS day will be the day we finally dance…
Added by Jackie Cochran on February 17, 2013 at 12:00pm —
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Last week I complained about bi-polar February riding weather. I suggested ground-play as a positive alternative to riding some days. (Horses tell me that ground-play is…
Added by Anna Blake on February 15, 2013 at 8:25am —
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This week it is the second part of our visit with Matt Sheridan. In this segment Matt tells us the story of the Extreme Mustang Makeover and his experiences with Luna, the BLM American Mustang. Matt explains how he worked Luna fo 90 days and got her prepared for the competition. Here's Matt's ride on Luna at the Western States Expo : And, his James Bond routine at the Mustang Smackdown: …
Added by John Harrer on February 12, 2013 at 11:30am —
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