E. Allan Buck's Blog (32)

This should make some folks ask serious questions regarding Clinton Anderson

Statement from Clinton regarding Academy Horse incident

by Clinton Anderson 28. March 2013 11:27

First of all, this is nobody's business other than mine and the horse's owner. If people would pay more attention to their own lives, their own horses and their own problems, the world would be a much better place. But there are too many looky-lous and sticky beaks that want to stick their nose in and stir up trouble when there's no trouble to be stirred up.

#1 People need to…


Added by E. Allan Buck on March 29, 2013 at 6:13pm — 6 Comments

Working Equitation USA

On February 8, 2013, the Working Equitation USA granted approval for the bitless Spirit Bridle to be in recognized competitions at the National level, however, separate approval would be required from the International governing body in order to compete at International level.

Added by E. Allan Buck on March 18, 2013 at 12:42am — No Comments

Competition approved

Friday, February 8, 2013

Today - Working Equitation USA officially granted approval for bitless Spirit Bridle to compete in National competitions, but not in International.

Working Equitation USA became the first association in the United States to approve Spirit Bridle.

I wish to thank them.

Added by E. Allan Buck on February 8, 2013 at 9:27pm — 1 Comment

race drugs

Kentucky's Governor has guts.  <> BRAVO <>


Added by E. Allan Buck on August 31, 2012 at 9:36pm — No Comments

Do you have SUL for the horses?

Unconditional Love

E. A. Buck 2012

Unconditional: not subject to conditions; complete.

Sympathetic: having the capacity of being simultaneously affected with the same feeling as another.

Love: an intense feeling of deep affection or fondness for.

In Sanskrit the word for a deeper compassion is karuna.   Karuna is actually our ability to relate to another in so intense a measure that the plight of the other affects us as much as…


Added by E. Allan Buck on August 4, 2012 at 1:01am — 4 Comments

As horsewomen and horsemen, we should consider the following and their application to our equine communication skills. From the "Apocalypse of Spirit" "The sacrifice of listening creates the sacrif…

As horsewomen and horsemen, we should consider the following and their application to our equine communication skills.

From the "Apocalypse of Spirit"

"The sacrifice of listening creates the sacrifice of humility that radiates the greatness from one's Spirit Within."

"Spirit does not need the mind to exist; the mind cannot exist without the Spirit.   Spirit encompasses life, while the…


Added by E. Allan Buck on June 8, 2012 at 11:39pm — 1 Comment

2012 Memorial Day Weekend USA

On this Memorial Day weekend I find myself in distress because what our veterans have fought and died for is being destroyed from within. So I wrote a small piece from my perspective regarding the destruction of the country our Veterans have fought for.

‘America Succumbs Through Implosion’

Destroyed by the Undermining of Fundamental Cultural Ethics E. A. Buck  May…


Added by E. Allan Buck on May 27, 2012 at 3:47pm — No Comments

"Humbled" Gotta share this.

Posted on Facebook in 'Dressage Schooling Discussions'


I have had the pleasure of working with Allan Buck and two of his horses, both of which are being trained in classical dressage while also being used in a therapeutic riding…

Added by E. Allan Buck on May 22, 2012 at 12:28pm — 2 Comments

Abuse in competitions can be stopped by associations

I applaud the National Snaffle BIt Association for its 'public' stance against abuse of the competitive horse.

And for having the fortitude to insitute consequences for abuse.



Added by E. Allan Buck on May 11, 2012 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Are we really humane to our horses?


E. A. Buck

2012 ©

How we treat our horses defines us as individuals, are we humane or are we simply abusers with intent or without intent.  As an industry how we combat inhumane treatment and abuse of horses in competitions and in schooling practices defines us as a society.   Law enforcement has in place the tools to fight the criminal conduct of horse abuse,…


Added by E. Allan Buck on April 15, 2012 at 4:17am — 2 Comments


Ms. Jackie Cochran wrote:

"If I ever get hooked on collection I am going to make sure that there is a curb bit in the horse’s mouth when I ask for it."

Collection does not occur because of the type of bit used, because in the 'old' days, dressage horses were schooled in reined cavessons to do all the gaits, and movements including collection; before the bit was introduced.

We modern day riders seem to be hooked on the need of a bit in order to achieve high…


Added by E. Allan Buck on April 1, 2012 at 4:00pm — No Comments

PETITION signatures against competition horse abuse


Go to this link and sign this petition against AQHA and then copy the link and send it to all your friends.


The horses need your signatures in order for AQHA to realize they are in a fish bowl and need to protect the horses once and for all.

Added by E. Allan Buck on February 18, 2012 at 12:24pm — No Comments

AQHA * for real this time or more smoke and mirrors

I posted this on Quarter Horse News Facebook page:


Allan Buck

What sparked this publicity campaign? 
I did by filing a criminal complaint with the Texas Attorney General's Office against AQHA for deceptive trade…

Added by E. Allan Buck on February 15, 2012 at 2:33pm — No Comments

AQHA to protect horses?

We shall see:



AQHA Annual Convention March 9-12, 2012 in Las Vegas should reveal the major changes the association plans to take on behalf of protecting the horses from abuse.

We shall see, however, let it be known that AQHA is fully aware of the national scrutiny by American horse people of all venues.

AQHA is aware they have the chance to bring about change and if they do not they will face the consequences.

Added by E. Allan Buck on February 8, 2012 at 1:27pm — 1 Comment

FEI being forwared proposed dressage rule changes

I recently sent Mr. Stephen Clarke of the U.K. a copy of proposed rule change for FEI and asked for his assistance in getting them to FEI.  Here is his email response to me:

Dear Mr Buck,…


Added by E. Allan Buck on February 1, 2012 at 6:24pm — 3 Comments

Rolkur, LDR, and other constraints 'DO' interfer with the horses' air



So at last there is a scientific research study that valides claims regarding the compression of the throatlatch results in airway interference.

This clearly means that the misuse of equipment causing the horse to overbend at the throatlatch is 'abuse' of the horse.

What is USEF, AQHA and other American…


Added by E. Allan Buck on January 24, 2012 at 3:26pm — 3 Comments

Back mover versus leg mover

Ok folks!

No one can say they cannot see the difference now.

A back mover drives off the hindquarter and a leg mover pulls the hindquarters along.


Here is a good example of a leg mover in Totilas..... http://youtu.be/mrRgNuYJLAY

Here is a good example of a back mover in Design....…


Added by E. Allan Buck on January 15, 2012 at 7:09pm — No Comments

FEI Article 401 Rule Change Proposal

Request FEI to change any and all references to ‘on the bit’ to ‘in the hand’.

Request that Article 401 Part 5 be re-written to read as follows:

In all the work, even at the halt, the horse must be “in the hand”. A horse is said to be “in the hand” when the neck is more or less raised and arched according to the stage of training with the lowest point of the underside of the jaw to be in front of a vertical line downward from the poll at ‘all’ times and with the…


Added by E. Allan Buck on January 3, 2012 at 1:57am — 6 Comments

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