This week has been hard work! I am glad it is the weekend and we get a bit of a break, although we still had to ride once yesterday and do barn duty this morning, which is okay because the rest of the weekend is fun!

Yesterday (Saturday) after our riding and lungeing lesson we went back to Stall Ramsbrock, i rode the same young horse as last time, and then we went to the second property of Heinrich Ramsbrock which was where all of the foals and broodmares were kept and it was AMAZING! you have never seen anything like it! Heinrich is such a passionate breeder and owner and he can tell you the name of every horse and foal, it's breeding, and level of training off the top of his head.

After that Alex took us all to a nice ice-cream parlour. It's funny because Australia has the same ice-cream as them (the places where you just choose a flavour, like Baskin and Robins or Wendys) but America doesn't, so everybody is so excited about "Ice Cream" but it's quite normal for us! Still, i'm nogt complaining because it's not often i get to eat it :)

Everybody is beginning to study hard for their theory, and today we are getting a study group together and tomorrow two of the girls from america has their coach visiting germany who is a silver accredited trainer and she is helping us. We are taking the theory very seriously, and take our 'Principles of Riding' and 'Horse Management' everywhere... to breakfast, spare time at the barn, having drinks, dinner, and in bed before sleeping! I hope we know everything on the exam day...

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Comment by kc on June 19, 2008 at 2:45am
I don't know her last name but yeh it was Molly.
Comment by Barbara F. on June 15, 2008 at 7:39pm
What an incredible experience. Thanks for sharing it and can't wait to hear more!

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