When you purchase a new pet, hooved or not, do you check references of the person you got them from?  Would you do a home visit with the potential pet and the person offering it?  If you decided you wanted an animal, visited the breeder facility would you walk away if their other animals were uncared for or under cared for?  I know I would. If they are selling animals every animal they have had better be in top condition.  I know of a person breeding reptiles that does not properly feed or care for their horses or the dogs and cat.  I don't understand how pet stores can do business with this person knowing he only takes care of what makes him money.  We should all be more vigilant and responsible when choosing a new animal to love.  Have a great day, and thank you for reading my blog.

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Comment by Kate Green on September 18, 2012 at 11:17am

Amen! It is due to those commercial breeders and irresponsible owners that animals end up in shelters needing to be adopted. All animals deserve loving homes, I am just ask others to select their sources responsibly.  

Comment by B. G. Hearns on September 18, 2012 at 7:32am

Quite right. There is something very wrong with people who produce animals for profit and yet neglect their welfare, and the welfare of any animal under their care.

Comment by Kate Green on September 17, 2012 at 4:06pm

There is absolutely nothing wrong with rescuing a dog or cat (or other animal) from the shelters. They all need loving homes. My point was more aimed at back yard breeders with more animals than just what they raise for money. They get so focused on the animals that make their living, that they do not care for animals other than their paycheck animals. You have to wonder about the ability to assume responsibility (esp of someone raising large reptiles) if they have starving horses.  I love my horses and I am passionate about their care. It angers me beyond all reason to see a horse dropping weight while the owner/supervisor says "they are not that bad..."  I sit by and watch them lose as much as 200 lbs (only 700-800lbs at normal weight) and their body condition drops from 5 to a low 2 and it breaks my heart, brings tears to my eyes.  Would that be the kind of person you want to pay(and thereby support financially) for an animal?

Comment by B. G. Hearns on September 17, 2012 at 3:02pm

All my dogs come through the local Animal Services as adoptions. The cages of dogs looking so hopeful, sad, and woebegone is heart-wrenching. I wish I could take them all... sigh.

But I can give at least one a good home, so I have to be content with that. Pip loves running along behind as we ride through the woods and trails and even if we aren't going on the trails, he still gets a good hour of walk around the farm pretty much every day.

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