It’s proud and beautiful. Sometimes considered coarse.
Did you know there is a difference in meaning depending on the difference in the outward curve?
moose nose is when the profile is straight, or even dished, until just above the muzzle. Then there is anything from a gentle curve outwards to a pronounced bump over the nose.
A Roman nose starts at or above the eyes and rounds out down to the nostrils.
Both are the sign of a bold confident character. A horse who is sure of himself. Strong on left brain traits, possibly pushy, not flighty.
A moose nose can accompany right brain traits, especially when combined with a dished nose or even a dish and a jibah for the trifecta of traits. This results in a bold confident horse who still maintains a good bit of sensitivity. The moose nose adds confidence and boldness to any combination of profiles. Strong characters who are sure of their superiority and intelligence.
A Roman nose seldom shows much sensitivity, although it is occasionally possible. They may be a bit slower to learn new things, but will maintain them once learned. Which is part of their determination. That lack of willingness to let go once something is learned. When the horse has learned to be afraid of something they will cling to that just as determinedly as any other lesson. It’s important to get it right the first time around with these guys.
A Roman nose shows a physically tough horse, one who can take a hard days work and keep going. It’s not surprising that we see this nose type so often on draft horses and mustangs.
Neither nose need be extreme. They can vary from barely there to distinctly prominent. The amount of the trait they will show will match the amount of curvature.
While we admire those curvaceous proboscis we need to remember the differences and not lump them all together.
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