Please read my last entry in the Old Fashioned discussion. Oliver may be showing symptoms of Hyperactivity of the Adrenal Gland. This may be causing Oliver's stallion like behavior (charging people). Please get him tested for testosterone levels, I think the vets have a treatment for this condition.
At 1:27pm on September 12, 2009, Over Fences said…
I ride every which way, but mostly english because it's comfortable and fun. Ever try jumping more than a couple feet Western? That is no fun! and the kind of trails I go on I need some flexibility from my tack.
When I shool in the arena my excercises are decidedly english so I guess my horse dont really do "Western" per se.
But I dress them up Western depending on who I'm riding with or what I plan on doing during that ride. Here we were just visiting with a neighbor down the road at a few days old. And I needed to pony him over so western made sense, but now that he leads well I can pony him bareback if I want.
At 1:21pm on September 12, 2009, Over Fences said…
Hi Jenn I was just on your blog post, this is my mare with her baby "BHF's Silverado Canyon"
At 1:40pm on September 11, 2009, Over Fences said…
This my mare Cassidy if you want to see a picture of her 6 month old foal, go to Jackie Cochran's comment thread on her page, whew!! these take long to upload
At 1:28pm on September 11, 2009, Over Fences said…
Where Do you live? The city of LA?
At 1:28pm on September 11, 2009, Over Fences said…
I grew up riding out of the LA equestrian center, and later SF valley. I was'nt around horses for few years at all & got my own first horse when we lived in Hacienda Heights
At 1:24pm on September 11, 2009, Over Fences said…
I no longer live in LA, we moved out of Hacienda Heights 5 years ago to a place called "Twin Oaks" It's in the mountains east of Bakersfield, about a 4 hour drive from LA
At 1:05pm on September 11, 2009, Over Fences said…
Hi, Just dropping in to say hi, I think I just lost the fear of posting my picture online.
This is me, Are you surprised? Girrrl!!!
I dont know why everyone always think s I'm agirl on here. I never said that.
Take care, it looks like you're having fun
At 4:48pm on September 10, 2009, Over Fences said…
I'm from LA too. I had it one day with being told how to do everything because I was'nt as experienced as everyone else.
One day I tacked up my horse and rode all the way home, Ive never boarded since.
But you're always gonna find people whose goal is'nt to teach you, it's to show you how much they know.
I just hate thet you got discouraged by the comments and the feedback, because that's not what we came for!!!
Still there's many brilliant minds to learn from here, you just have to find your level of comfort.
For me I think maybe just reading the blogs, and not necessarily commenting on everything will work best. I find that if I find a subject I really care to give my imput on, it ends in a cetrtain two users picking apart my posts.
I could have just clicked ignore but I feel I can learn from reading they're posts too
At 4:30pm on September 10, 2009, Over Fences said…
Jenn, Im soory that you feel so frustrated, It's no reason to leave the group. I understand feeling like no one really takes you seriously when you know 100% that what you do is right for you.
I've started joining other sites besides barnmice. There's jus a little bit of an air of exclusiveness here.
Still I'll keep checking my friends blogs (Jackie) and the really good ones that arent my friends. As well as discussions that interest me.
That's the point right? Dont think that being popular is the most impotant thing here, it's not.
Jennifer, I did not mind at all you trying to find answers in my discussion. I apologize if I ever seemed dismissive or did not give you enough respect. Oliver is VERY lucky to have you as an owner.
At 2:17pm on September 3, 2009, Carol Pullum said…
Jennifer, you have a beautiful horse in Oliver, and a good example to encourage others to adopt mustangs when they are rounded up. We know the roundups have to happen because there isn't enough forage to support them. People may be more inclined to help these horses when they see success stories like yours.
I emailed the White House and am still trying to get my call through. I'm praying the roundup of Cloud and his herd will somehow come to a halt. It's just terrible...
Jennifer, who is your psychic? My Mustang mare, Nevada, passed this past winter. She would have been 31 this summer & I am still heartsick over her. I only had the blessing of knowing her 2 years, but those 2 years were filled with love. I rescued her from an unhappy life. I promised her I'd take care of our boys (geldings) Phoenix & Stormy for her. She led me to rescue them too. My Nevada saved many lives in the short time I knew her.
Hi, BFF Jen! Hope all is well. I have been busy opening my little tack and horsey stuff store. Tomorrow I am going to a huge tack sale, and hope to add some inventory. My other BFF, Tina, who just joined, is going, too!
Thank you for the post on 'Call to action: Nevada's orphan mustangs.' It is good to see that there are other people who care about these herds enough to take action.
Hey Jennifer! The bay I have now; the grey I part-boarded a few years ago and she died an unfortunate death due to cancer --- very sad; the collies are mother (Sass, 7 yrs old) and daughter (Abbey, just turned 1 yr old). They (and my two cats) are my babies as I have no children. What would life be without our animals, eh?
Hey Jennifer! I'm a Chris Irwin advocate too. Learned more about horses and my relationship with them in three Train the Trainer weekends and an EAPD session than in the 35 years or so before that. It's a great path and glad to see you have found some answers along the way. Welcome to Barnmice! Dorothy :-)
Hi, just wanted to say that I enjoyed your blog and I'm certainly on that same path. I'm actually a certified trainer in Chris' methods and I've also known Anne for a couple of years nows!! Perhaps one day you'll get to meet her, she's wonderful. I was absolutely new to horses until about 8 years ago when my daughter got her first horse, so I knew nothing about training until friends told me about Chris Irwin. I've been a fan ever since and for me and my horses, it has worked, and it has also been the beginning of a wonderful journey of self discovery and new friendships and an incredible bond with all of my horses. I love the ground work because it really makes me feel like the horse and myself are totally connected and it's such a great feeling. And I could go on and on and likely bore you with my stories but it's nice to share these types of stories with other people.
Take care
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When I shool in the arena my excercises are decidedly english so I guess my horse dont really do "Western" per se.
But I dress them up Western depending on who I'm riding with or what I plan on doing during that ride. Here we were just visiting with a neighbor down the road at a few days old. And I needed to pony him over so western made sense, but now that he leads well I can pony him bareback if I want.
Hi Jenn I was just on your blog post, this is my mare with her baby "BHF's Silverado Canyon"
This is me, Are you surprised? Girrrl!!!
I dont know why everyone always think s I'm agirl on here. I never said that.
Take care, it looks like you're having fun
One day I tacked up my horse and rode all the way home, Ive never boarded since.
But you're always gonna find people whose goal is'nt to teach you, it's to show you how much they know.
I just hate thet you got discouraged by the comments and the feedback, because that's not what we came for!!!
Still there's many brilliant minds to learn from here, you just have to find your level of comfort.
For me I think maybe just reading the blogs, and not necessarily commenting on everything will work best. I find that if I find a subject I really care to give my imput on, it ends in a cetrtain two users picking apart my posts.
I could have just clicked ignore but I feel I can learn from reading they're posts too
I've started joining other sites besides barnmice. There's jus a little bit of an air of exclusiveness here.
Still I'll keep checking my friends blogs (Jackie) and the really good ones that arent my friends. As well as discussions that interest me.
That's the point right? Dont think that being popular is the most impotant thing here, it's not.
Take care
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