Shirley's Comments

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At 6:12pm on November 26, 2012, Jeanne Kerstiens said…

Shirley,  Thanks for the welcome to Barnmice.  I too am in the "Over 60" group.  60 is the new 40, right?  My oldest horse will be 32 in the spring.   I bought him when he was 10, so we've been together a long time.  He's a TB and is one in a million.  I had a birthday party for him when he turned 25, and 30. The vets came, as did the farrier and friends. I ride mostly dressage and for pleasure.  Thanks again for the welcome!

At 5:39pm on November 25, 2012, Sherry Cassetori said…

hey shirley I do hunter, I did really great since I  started showing, we get champion almost every time.  This year I am doing schooling hunter,  my boy is 17  2 hands, and I love him so much, My husband just bought a bumper sticker that read , my horse is pampered more than my husband, and it is the truth

At 12:37pm on November 5, 2012, Cassy Newell said…

Thanks Shirley I can see its a decent site  so love your pics by the way  i dont have many up yet will be posting more soon  just getting settled myself moved to KY about 2 months ago and its been hetic   am from NY  upstate orginally

At 8:07pm on April 21, 2012, Cyndi said…

Hi Shirley!

I just noticed that you left a comment on one of my photos from 2011!!  Sorry I didn't reply sooner! (or maybe I did, but can't remember).  My mare, Fanny, is half Canadian Horse and half Newfoundland Pony  :o)

At 9:19am on March 21, 2012, Coopersmom_1958 said…

That video is amazing! You have to have lots of time to train them this well. I sometimes think If we could spend 8 to 10 hours a day working and playing with our horses that we could have our guys almost this good LOL I often wonder how they do it, get to work and play with horses every day, being able to make a living at it and pay all their bills, own a big property, drive big trucks and have big horse trailers. What a life...((sigh)) (yes hard work that they enjoy)

At 2:01pm on March 20, 2012, Ayesha said…

Thank you so much for sharing my paage!

At 6:14pm on January 9, 2012, Debra McDaid said…



I love your attitude towards riding, and I think your horse is pretty awesome.  The first horse I owned was a 1/4 horse, and he was an amazing partner for me, he took me where angles dare to tread!  The courage of a lion, and the willingness to win of a million dollar horse, all for 500 dollars purchase price.

I'm glad you liked little Steal's photo.  He is a really cute 14.3-15 hand stb gelding we bought for cheap to get my husbands' licence (back) with.  He is a stb, so he is a horse, and with his long trotting feet he is about 15 hands, but he is really just a large pony!!! Tough chew for us as we like big horses, I though that my 15.3 1/2 hand stb Tattoo was small enough at 750 or so lbs!!! now this little guy is no bigger than a minutes-- that's what you get when you buy them over the phone sight unseen (not as bad as it sounds as you do have race lines with stbs lol)-- anyway, I thought that this was a cute photo of him, he will make someone a great family pony when he is done racing as he is a gentleman, and really sweet with people and horses.  I haven't broken him to ride yet, but if I get that far with him, I know he will make a great little english jumper (or a very good trail horse for someone).  deb

At 4:41pm on December 9, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…

Hi Shirley! The cold has really been bothering me so far this year. Very unusual for me but I can't bundle up either because then I overheat. I have been sick all week and will probably stay in all weekend. Cooper is in a good spot, I don't have to worry about him. And a little ground work before riding gets his mind right.

I don't remember if I got notice, I think I did, but this week has been fuzzy.

Al's truck is broke down and is in the garage right now. It's too old to spend lots of money, 1996 Ford Explorer, or Exploder as they call them. Nothing works in it, he's got a lot of the fuses and bulbs out of it, but it at least it was running until yesterday.

He is still working on a tack locker for the new place too, so right now my car is stuffed with horse things.

Soon time to go home, I was off work 1 day this week and came in late 2 other mornings. I feel guilty being at home even though I am really sick.

At 10:42am on December 5, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…

Love that video, Cash is so full of it LOL I like when Cooper gets like that, but of course on the ground only!! Cooper often bucks when I ask for the first canter/lope on the ground. 

At 1:18am on December 3, 2011, Kate Green said…

Hi Shirley! Thanks for joining my group. I posted links to more information on the breed. Feel free to ask any questions and if I cannot answer them, the folks that run the .org site can.  Did you view the pic of the foal?

At 8:43am on December 2, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…

Hi Shirley!! Another great video! I love watching them!!

Funny I was going to ask you what you used to process your videos also. I am just using windows live movie maker with no sound, it sometimes takes forever to put together a video and then upload onto Youtube. Then when I post it to Youtube I use that new feature they have on there to add music that way no copyright infringement thing happens. I was always getting a lot of warnings, and I see they muted some of my videos.

All the different hair colors I used in my hair were bothering me. Itchy, scabby, so maybe an allergy. I was tired of coloring it every 2 weeks and went to hairdresser twice to get color and highlights to start blending the gray in. The gray roots would come in and I looked like a skunk. That was so expensive, I never went and had that done before at a hair salon. My scalp feels a lot better and my hair is soft, not coarse like some gray hair is. I have been thinking of coloring again, one of those L'Oreal Color Expert kits in a light tone, and forgot about that problem. Now have to think hard about it again. I'll have to tell my sister about the health warning but I know she will say, well it's only 1 percent, she'll risk it :( She is always after me to do my hair, telling me I am too young to be gray. She's almost 11 years younger.

At 9:50am on November 14, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…

I posted a comment on your youtube video. You guys look great! Cash reminds me so much of Cooper.

At 3:49am on September 9, 2011, Gaia Vincenzi said…

Hi from Italy =)
What a beautiful pictures!

Please visit my horseblog:

Stay in touch also on facebook:

Hope to see you soon,


At 8:03am on August 12, 2011, Mary Barrett said…
Shirley - Thanks for the friend request! I will get back to you  about the EFLC work. I am very busy now so it may take a couple of days. Mary
At 1:22pm on July 25, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…
The heat was horrible last week, especially Thursday. Lesson was cancelled, thank goodness! I rode a little yesterday, it was a nicer. We did some softening of the shoulders and hips then chased the ball around a few times. He wants to go fast and I am still a little scared to go too quickly. Fun day yesterday, weather was nice.
At 5:50am on June 19, 2011, Cheyenne Billy said…
long time no taalkkk! (: how have you beeen?! hows cash and the rest?
At 1:55pm on June 3, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…
Hi Shirley, I hope things are more positive for you these days. I just read your post in the Riders Over 60 group.
At 4:54pm on May 10, 2011, Coopersmom_1958 said…

Great video!! You look so relaxed! He has a very nice jog/trot. So pretty there, nice arena and the grass is so green.

At 11:00am on April 27, 2011, Willow King said…
I live in northern Colorado. I love it here, it's super pretty and there's a lot of horsey people, so I get a lot of chances to ride and stuff even though my family isn't into them :)
At 9:29pm on April 26, 2011, Willow King said…

Hi Shirley! 

I'm fairly new to barnmice and just saw your post to Ashley's discussion, so I thought I'd come check out your page. Your horse is gorgeous! 


I also love trail riding when I have time for it, maybe we could talk trail sometime :)

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