Eat and Drink to feel your best after the event

post dietary intake and fluid rehydration is discussed after a show or strenuous activity

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Comment by Elizabeth Levitt on April 22, 2008 at 8:46pm
Good question, Gladyslloyd. I think that juicy fruits such as apples, kiwi, pineapple, peaches, plums, etc are excellent at satisfying not only carboyhydrate requirements but also speak to hydration. As always, if you are looking to replace nutrients after a workout and are looking to a piece of fruit, a ripe banana or a fresh orange have so much to offer.
Comment by Elizabeth Levitt on April 22, 2008 at 7:39pm
It is never a good idea to scrimp on the post exercise foods/drink. As I say in the video, it is essential to replenish your muscle glycogen and your fluids. Scrimp between meals and avoid eating high calorie snacks or overeating at meals. In this way, you can reduce your weight and look and feel your best.
Comment by Gary Stuart on April 22, 2008 at 6:36pm

I enjoyed your informative video about what to drink and consume after working out... at least until the part where you mentioned that a really cold beer is not the best choice.

That aside, I was interested in your advice that after a hard workout it takes a long time to replenish your body fluids, vitamins, etc. And that it is OK, therefore, to eat a lot of healthy foods. If you're trying to exercise to lose weight, should you scrimp a bit on the post-exercise foods/drink or is the idea that the healthy foods have limited calories if you eat right compared to the loss of calories from the exercise?

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