

Dewitt, MI

United States

Profile Information:

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I'm the mom of three adult children, happily married to a great guy. I love to travel and horse around. I am a bit passionate about horses. I'm excited about getting out on some of the many horse trails to explore. I love progressing with natural horse techniques on the ground and in saddle.
I think of my horse as a fun partner. I started riding at 53 years old when Cash was 3. We'ver kinda grown up together and still have lots of goals to reach.
Horses definitely bring out the best in me.
Do you have any pets?
"CASH" 8 yr old QH and share "Quilombo" son's pitbull

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  • Still Green

    Hello Shirley,

    I hope you are well. I am happy to hear that you are back on and taking lessons. Is the trainer someone you have taken lessons with before or is this somebody new? How are the lessons going?

    Did the lady complete her fences yet? Are the horses gone? Will you still be seeing/working with them when they are back home? Did you get any pictures yet? I am curious to see them.

    I have continued my lessons without my black boyfriend and am now riding a grey Lusitano mare who is VERY different in character than he is. She is on go at all times and she is all about the seat. I really like her. We are both working on our left together. She doesn't like to make circles to the left, she just gets very crabby to the left in general. I am not so good to left either so it is good training for both us. I never knew making nice circles to the left could be so rewarding and satisfying!! I was very happy with my lesson today and we even cantered for a bit which I had never done before on this horse. I have another lesson tomorrow. I will keep you updated!

  • Cheyenne Billy

    how are you i am well[=]
    this weekend was preety fun so ll tell u all about it!
    on saterday i whent for a trail ride whith john he was on his big grey arab.
    we folled the river along for ages it is was really nice scener. we saw heaps like turtles and fish ducks but what was really surprising was when we came acroos a mob of 40 or so kangroos.
    there was a massive group of trees all relly close together and the branches were all prickley and spikey it was kinda like a forrest. under the tress it was all nice and green. we had to duck under tress to gert in and around when the horses ears pricked and they both lookedthe same way, and ther was 40 or more kangroos raceing past, partytime was a litle wary of them but sebastine [jhons horse] was dead qute i dont even think he really care he dosent care much about anything really hes onl 10 though but hes a bit ditzy. anyway...................
    we kept on rinding on and came acroos some cows and a dead end, we decided to turn around and head back, all the cows got togeter and ran after us for a bit it was quite funny.
    we bactracked till we came to a shallow bit [whitch was up to partys chest!] and we crrosed over when we got to the other side it was all flat and grassy it was soooo flat and it was flat for ages i think it was a thounsand acer paddock. jhon showed me the billabongs that were quite close to the river it was quite irrie looking at the billabong and the river was right next to it. we kept on riding and at the end we whent for canter whitch party time galloped........
    anyway after that we got home
    now heres the exciting bit!!!!!
    on sunday i had a .................
    my frs eva show and party time was the best!!!
    in the hack we got 3rd
    in bending we got nothing
    in the flag race we got second
    pony jump nothing
    kehole 2nd
    show jumping 3rd
    trot race 1st
    barrel race nothing

    thats alll i entered and i am so happy with our results esplly since all the kds in my age group had around two horses each so they can enter each qdivison twice whitch i think is quite unfare but anyway im going rant now.........
    most of those kids were soooo spolit! ordinring there parents around and siting down and doing nothing for there horses, and this one girl arrrrrh she wasent in my divison for show jumping but her horse kept on refusing a fence she screamed at her horses and was crying and geting so frustrayded at the poor horse, it made me soo angry surley she could see that its not the horses fault but hers? she should be cerecting herself not screeeming and blameing it on the horse!
    weell i had a great day though
    aftwer that i whent and mustered cows whitch was sooo much ffuun!!!
    well got2go
  • Cheryl

    Hi Shirley, sorry to see you had a fall. We just don't bounce as well anymore hey? We ended up having a Parelli instructor come stay at the ranch for 3 months. It was a great opportunity to learn, both my horse and I enjoyed the experience. Am now back home in Smithers BC. When I returned in late August I took a 4 day Glenn Stewart clinic(he trained with Pat Parelli for 12 years). Also a great learning opportunity and had a blast, has definitely deepened the bond between my horse and myself. The most important things I learned were to never be in a hurry - take the time it takes. Leave your agenda at home...don't take it to the barn. I brought a yearling Q/H home with me from down south and have played a bit with him in the last couple of weeks. Amazes me how quickly he catches on and how it has affected his approachability. He became much friendlier after a couple of sessions of Parelli games. Good stuff! Stay well and happy trails.
  • Cheyenne Billy

    its the holidays and i am having so much!!
    riding every day all day long.
    ive been exploring a lot and ive been in every direction around were i live so geting bored a little coz i have no one to ride wit.
    the other day i whent for a ride down a narrow path that led to a narrow gate,so i had to get ooff and open the gate and lead her through and it was a steep naroow hill thing so i couldent get back on i had to walk to the bottom whitch that was were the river was at so i had to go in the river to get on and then i crossed and it was all steep so i cantered up a zigzag path made by cows whitch was fun then i rode for a bit coz i wanted to be on the other side of the river but i couldent becoz of a fence well the fence ended so came back down and had to find a place not to deep to croos and nice and easy on the other side i found a place but it was steep a bit on the other side i whent to cross party time and she just clambered right up the hill and on to the realy steep path [not bad for a horse who has onle chased cows all her life!] shes so trusting and just throws herself into anything i ask her
    we got out onto a grasssy medow whit a couple of logs whitch jumped after awile i decided i would head home i started on the dirt track but i decided i would fowllow the narrow track i had to step over a log that had fallon on the pat when somthing black cought my eye i looked again and it was a massive snake!!!there was noway to turn around but ive put a martigale on partitime because im teaching her to put her head down anyway i descorrved she been tought some horsemanship coz i applied presssure on her neckstrap and she backed up the hole way!! { and when i pull on it or even toch it when moving even cantering shell stop dead on the spot!!} even her owner didint know that!!..................................
    i wanted to cross back into the river but it was a bit of a drop becoz the water was deep to, whitch i didint think about but it was the only way out! party time whent in whithout a worry and we were sooon home!!
    rember those people i told you about ages ago who were geting a horse but didint know anything? we.lll they got there horse hes a clysdale cross who is haredly educated!!for kids who cant even stop a horse!!!
    i help them out a lot because i feel sorry for the horse but they shouldent have got a impolse buy like that i aslked them why they chose himand they said coz he was cheap
    he highly not stuited for wt they have him for and all the kids fall of him heaps i ridden him 3times and he is verry hollow as in he has asways got his head verry high in the air whitch hollows his body out if u get wt i mean
    and he dosent want to go forward, im happy just sticking to party time.

    me and party time are having a lot of fun! shes learing how to work in a rounded frame and the other day we jumped 80cms! wooo
    what are u and cash geting up to these days?
    hope all is good
  • Over Fences

    Hi , who'd you have a lesson with? Myself I'm a little bbehind on horsey things this season, The foals lead and pick up their feet ok but not much more so were not going to show tis fall Like I had hoped.

    Cassidy is 3 mos bred again, so even though I've been complaining about her not being fit enough to jump any more, it'll only be another 5 0r 6 mos before we cant do any jumping anyway, so I really just need to bring Ferdinand and Lacy further along in their conditioning and training so that I can jump again. (another area I'm behind in)

    Nice to hear from you and glad Cash is enjoying his work more
  • Geoffrey Pannell

    Hi Shirley, Sounds like you had a great holiday, what part of OZ is your freind going to ? I have been to Fraser Island , which is at the bottom end of the GBR . I ,to like to have the bottom not far away lol. We have a freind that has a holiday home on the Yorke Peninsular, right on the beach, that we go to every year . It has a reef at each end, great for snorkleing, we spend a week there before x-mas, the kids just love it. Glad to hear your getting on well with Cash, it is alwways interesting to look at what other people do with there horses, it helps keep us fresh, I don't realy think that horses get BORED as such, but we do get stale doing the same thing, so it helps to have other things to add to the repetoire. We've had a fairly good spring with comps , taking the green horses out is always fun, no pressure to perform . I've put some pics up of some of the comps we've been to , doing very well in the dressage but jumping a but green still. Will be going to a lot of dressage comps over the summer. will keep putting up the odd pic, Cheers for now Geoffrey
  • Over Fences

    Hi Shirley, sounds interesting the situation at your barn.

    Definately you dont want the new owner of the horse to feel alienated, or get the impression that your'e snobbish or anything, but I would think seriously about moving Cash to a different pasture, with perhaps more tractable pasture buddies.

    Whenever you introduce new horses into a herd situation there's gonna be either a short chaotic period where everybody's just getting "aquainted" or a "honeymoon period" where everyone seems generally accepting of eachother.
    It sounds like your group is experiencing the latter, the mares dominant personality will resurface eventually.
    If this mare has been known to relentlessly attack, and has bitten a horse in the eye, I would find the best way to just avoid that horse.
    Though I suppose if your horse is higher than her in the pecking order he might be okay, but still agressive behaviors can be picked up from such horses
  • Jennifer Lamm

    I wish I could have seen Pat and Thistle....
  • Over Fences

    Well if things are going well for the last 3 days or so, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume its fine.. Like the other issue with the horse that was new and mistakenly was introduced too agressively, but later accepted each other fine in a different setting with an established alpha.

    Maybe this mare's prior agression issues were just improper herd management (if she was overly dominant over a particular horse than I would have removed the inferior horse, or moved her to a different group where she was less dominant)

    Sounds like the mare got A BAD RAP, I beleive there was a discussion a while back where I talked about such horses. Sometimes it's not their fault, they are only simple minded creatures after all.
  • Over Fences

    What A fun silly new thing to do on barn mice
  • Jennifer Lamm

    Hey girl.. I got the DVD but it doesn't really go with what I'm doing so no, I haven't watched it.. I have millions of DVD's I've not watched from all trainers.. Ive been outside with Oliver, working on leading and trying to be brave, the weather is perfect finally after the hot dry horribly smokey summer. .... and I also went to the Horse Sanctuary and put up pics... did you see them on Wild Horses???? I gotta go outside now before an appointment and at least get a hug from my horse.. I have no time or desire to ride.. I'm doing bonding stuff for 6 more weeks.. when my trainer gets back I hope to be in a good place to start riding... Oliver is still goofing around, but getting better. I'm gonna go make an obstacle course outside for us to walk through.... then we can ride through it... :) what are you and cash doing..
  • Jackie Cochran

    Boy, I LIKE Cash! I often find that taking a break can refresh a horse. Of course then I get behind on our physical conditioning, but horses need breaks too.
  • Coopersmom_1958

    Hi Shirley! Cooper is loving being back at his old home! Not too good for me though. It takes me almost 50 minutes to get to the barn and can't get out there weeknights because it gets dark just after 6 these days. No indoor arena here to work him in. Going to have to take the winter off and get back to work next year now. And hope that next year is not as wet as this year has been.
    I think I'm going to go look at Billy Cook saddles. I want a chocolate trail/pleasure saddle. Mmmm sounds yummy LOL
    I just purchased a used parelli patterns now to figure out how to use them. Still working on getting my prosthesis right so haven't done a lot of work with Cooper at all the last few months.
    How are you and Cash doing? Did you get to ride when you got back from holidays? Hows the weather been there? It's has been raining for 3 days here now, was so nice for about a week then the rain started again.
    I am just listening to the news and hear there is snow up north. Boy I wish I lived here, rather have snow that all this rain!!
  • Nicole Summers

    I came driving up the lane to the barn the first week my new horse was settling into his home, when I came upon those two beautiful rainbows. It really was heavenly!

    I wholeheartedly believe in developing trust with one's horse and respect, both for the horse AND from the horse. These animals have helped to pave the way of so much we humans have accomplished and been so very loyal along the way. The least we can do is try to understand the horse, lead the horse and enjoy the horse. How lucky we are to be able to connect with such incredible creatures. I truly believe we can't accomplish all of that with just riding...we need to earn the right to ride in that saddle! Groundwork, grooming and even hanging out in pastures on their turf, is the ultimate way to partner up with our horses. So nice to have others feel the same way :

    Your horse is lovely...
  • Coopersmom_1958

    Thats great Shirley! It was a beautiful day out yesterday for a ride.
  • Coopersmom_1958

    What kind of saddle do you ride in? Is it Full QH bar too? Did I ask you that already, getting alzheimers here!
    I am looking for something for Cooper now, maybe a new Billy Cook pleasure/trail (charge it LOL) since used ones are almost as much!!
  • Jennifer Lamm

    Hi Shirley, yay for you and Cash!! I guess I will have to watch the information about the wild herds when I'm not PMSing because I go into such a depression.... maybe in a week or two when I feel stronger to handle... of course the horses are being killed for greed of landowners... it is sickening.... I just pray the killers of horses rot in hell..... and burn in hell.... it is so pointless and disgusting..... Oliver and I are getting along so fantastic now that we slowed down.... it really was the right answer to our bonding experience... I am feeling like I can almost go around the barn now too...

    I am going to send money soon to the two wild horse rescues that I know of, to sponsor a horse there, so they can continue to rescue..... I don't know what else to do.. I've seen documentaries of horses in the wild... they are so sensitive horses are, how could people be so cruel... to any animal... God, where are you? Please help.
  • Jennifer Lamm

    I put up photos and stories of Oliver and I on Facebook and I try and enlighten the people that I chat with there..... they aren't taking care of horses themselves like people on horse chat rooms are. Maybe they can help.
  • Cheyenne Billy

    how are you/ were you holliday to? sounds like fun! i would have loved to go to that natrual horse show it would of been great to watch!
    i saw your new photos cash is so cute!
    i had a horse show yesterday partytime was so beatuiful every one had complements for her it was a big show i dinint get placed in any thing but i had a lot of fun!
    the people i whent wit have othered to train me whitch i cant wait for!
    i have a other show coming up i might attended a crosscountry day that would be a lot of fun!
    im home sick today at mums im really bored but am watching the melborne cup horse race whitch is the biggest horse race in austrlia each year,
    well talk soon
  • Jackie Cochran

    Hi! I just read about Cash's painful problem. Hoof abscessess are real scary to the owner, and very painful to the horse. Decades ago I was told to soak the horse's hoof in warm water (use the elbow test) and Epsom salts, preferrably twice a day until the horse got better. If you can do only once a day it is fine.
    May Cash get better quickly and may you get back to riding soon!
  • Coopersmom_1958

    I also just read about Cash, jingles for a quick recovery!
  • Jackie Cochran

    Hi, I may be interested in Chris's videos you may sell--which ones and how much?
  • Jackie Cochran

    I have noticed with "minor" injuries, that the important thing is that you are doing SOMETHING. I have successfully treated some problems (when I could not afford a vet, ie. most of the time) by hosing it down for up to 20 minutes once a day. Of course if you are on well water you might want to check if this is all right with the stable owner. Hosing down and soaking with Epsom Salts were my old stand-bys.
  • Cheryl

    Hi Shirley, has Cash had his abcess blow yet? Am suprised vet didn't sedate him and try to pare into the abcess from sole of foot. Much better drainage that way and a far faster healing time. When they blow out at the coronary band it can become a long, long healing process as drainage can be tough to achieve and it can affect hoof growth. Best of luck and let us know how you make out. We have had a real rash of abcesses so far this fall as it is so wet here. Been treating a few a week now and hoping the end is in sight.
  • Cheryl

    Good morning Shirley, glad it is not an abcess and really hoping Cash is back to himself in the near future. Also glad to see you picked up Mark Rashid's books. I sure enjoyed them. How did the Parelli Celebration go? In regards to the filly in the photo...funny how things work out. I had a nice Q/H mare who was accidentally bred by our Q/H stallion that got loose at the farm. She was in reining training so I was NOT happy that she was in foal. At any rate she had the filly in the photo last May. I ended up giving this filly to a friend of mine (whose horse we had to put down), as we have too many horses. I knew they would provide her with a great forever home. Well, ended up having to euthanize my nice mare about a month ago (she was only 8 years old) as she twisted a gut. Horrible business, but now am sure glad she did have this baby. Am going to post a couple of photos of her in the next while. So, after all that, Cheyanne is a long yearling (will be 2 this spring), Q/H filly and she is a stellar individual. Just a sweetheart (like her mom). You cannot walk into her pasture without her running to see you. We were trying to sneak in there to get some candid shots of her, but she spotted us and just came hustling over. Did make for a fun photo though!!! Have been playing Parelli Games with her over the summer and she is going to be a super horse. Smart, kind and willing. Most of them are though, until they get set back by a human.
    Keep us posted on how Cash is making out and will look forward to hearing how the Celebration went.
  • Jackie Cochran

    Hey Shirley--Cash putting his ears back may just be him telling you that he still hurts. My horses used to signal me, and it took me a while to pick it up and understand. Good for you for noticing his signal!!!
    May Cash regain soundness soon.
  • Cheryl

    Hi, yes funny how what is seen as a curse, turns out to be a gift. Shows you what we know!!!
    and yes, Cheyanne does get burrs in her mane and tail, but I'm sure she does it on purpose as she loves to get groomed and fussed over. What a princess.
  • Bonnie Rowntree

    Thanks Shirley. They are really sweet dogs. Lots of fun !!
  • Janet Ortega

    Hi Shirley,
    Been busy getting back to normal after our cruise. My fiance' left a day after we got back to go help his mother go to doctors app'ts, etc. So I have been batching it, hee hee! Going to breakfast with my horsie girlfriends although I have not ridden yet. We were going to go riding on the cruise in Saint John, NB, Canada but it was miserable and raining so we opted to go back on the ship and enjoy the heated pool and hot tub. Too bad. But other than that every port was really beautiful and we had a lot of fun.

    No have not seen mustangs in quite some time but I did put front shoes on my mare and am trying to get to the point where I can go ride. I cannot ride her off the property away from the gelding. MAJOR MAJOR PROBLEMS THERE!!! And I just think she's too old to retrain (24 going on 25) and I don't want to stress her.

    I am currently awaiting a load of hay (orchard grass this year) and while transitioning over to one bale of orchard grass my mare got a little belly ache. Perhaps I gave her a bit too much too soon? But she's ok now but now she's refusing to eat it, how can I transition over if she is refusing her food. She's a pretty stubborn little girl too! I'm just on the edge of canceling half the order and going down to the farms about 60 miles from here and hauling some alfalfa./bermuda grass mix and it's much cheaper too! Hmmm, but I do need the grass for my gelding, he's a real snot when I feed him alfalfa so I keep him strictly OFF the rich hay. Only thing is I separate them when feeding because she was losing weight and he was gaining (Mr. Piggie). The winter presents new challenges because I have an open portable stall for her which I lead her in and out of but in winter it's a bit colder and I feel she needs some cover. Hmmm will have to think about this one.

    Other than that, things are ok. Of course my back has been sore for weeks now and I'm afraid to stress it out for fear it will go out. Me thinks me needs to go to the chiro. Yes AFTER the hay gets here.

    Thanks for writing.....Talk to you soon.
  • Barnmice Admin

    Hi Shirley, just leaving a comment on my page is perfect. Once I have a little list, we can go from there. :)
  • Cheyenne Billy

    i hope cash gets beter soon!! we had swine flu over here a while ago and it was preety bad although there was no cases in the region i live in but it seeems to be preety much gone now. jhons foal is geting big shes black whit a star and so fast!!!! ill recon she win all the races! a couple of days ago there was fires about half n hour out of somerton (were i live) there was smoke every where and we were geting ready for fires but the fire fighters got them under control after a bit and we didint even see a fire.. casper and grace are going great they have both got there summer cots and grace is really shinny. party time is great were doing a lot of jumping and hack work and trail riding. and your never to old to ride i no a 65 yearold who trains racehorses stright of the track and turns them into dressage stars and a 80yo man who has his driving licence! frogs have taken over our tolite!! we take them outside and next momet there back!! and there is around 40 of htem when we put music on they all croak and at nite they sit all over the tolite bowll. we dont mind much though its kinda cool. they live inside the flush thing and it looks really dirrty in there but its not coz we clean it . im just saying that for the photo i included!
    im not sick and im happy!!
    well i hope your well and cash is beter
  • Cheyenne Billy

    i cant get photos up sorry!!
  • Cheyenne Billy

    how are you? i hope cash is alot beter. ive been really busy these days whith horseriding and ive only got 2 more days of school left!!! ive had friends coming out and weve been going on trail rides and having jump offs{whitch partytime wins every time she loves jumping she gets reall strong on the body and wnts to keep going}
    the foal nighed at me the oter day it was cute and i can touch her all over and over people can hardly pat her! she seems to be going brown but its probley just babby fur brcause her nose is black.
    ive lso learend that party time is a highly educated stock pony you know when they keep there front legs on the spot and there back legs move in a circle ? wellshe can do that shell stop dead at a canter if ipull on rope around her neck and she can back up bow and has super reflexxs shell turn on the spot in a canter and she is soo fast!
    she is my dream horse i love ecverything bout he i just wish she was taller! o well
    see ya around!!
  • Coopersmom_1958

    Hi Shirley!
    Hope all is well with you & Cash.
    I haven't got to see much of Cooper lately. Distance, time, health, all kinds of things happening to keep me from getting there. It's hard to walk around right now and have had to use crutches occasiionally. Leg is so sore and they are working on my new one again, it won't be ready probably until next year, 2 or 3 weeks away.
    I haven't been doing natural training, someone else has been doing regular training and his attitude has not been good. Even if my leg wasn't bothering me its hard to get to the barn in the winter now.
    I think I told you I moved him back to the first barn I was at end of September. The grazing and pastures are better for him, he’s happy and fat . But it's not good for me with it being so far away and no indoor arena to work in. I tried to get on cooper a few weeks ago and he moved away and I got my foot stuck in the stirrup. I didn't fall, the barn manager was there, and got me out quickly. I need to do lots more ground work, de-spooking, tarps and stuff to really try to get him bombproof. I was thinking also of trying to lay over him bareback, since it would be easier for me to slide off (if I can get on LOL)
    I am not looking forward to the holiday season, can't get out to shop, need money for that anyway, and not really in the spirit.
    If I don't talk to you before,
    Have a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
    Take care and talk soon.
  • Shirley

    Hi Margaret! Good to hear from you. Sorry you sound in a funk. A big funk. Things gotta start going better soon for you. I hope they get that new leg fixed the best you've ever had one feel! Dec. 31 would be a great time to get it too! Start the new year off right.
    Sounds like you think maybe the traditional training isn't helping Coopers attitude? Very possible. It is so hard to leave our guys in the hands of someone else.
    Cash was in his stall too much with his sore leg and he's gotten a little cranky with me. A lady at the barn suggested not visiting with him for a couple of days or at least just do what I had to do and then leave him to himself for a bit. So I've only played with him 1 day in the past five days and today I didn't even go see him. I was in a big funk. Tomorrow I have my third session with a 1 Star Parelli Instructor. So she is certified to do the online things only. We've done one online session and then one riding lesson (not certified but allowed) Tomorrow we will be doing a session of on-line and then a riding lesson. She had to do 50 free hours online with different people/horses to finish her certification so I don't have to pay for those two hours and she is doing an hour with another gal at our barn tomorrow when Cash and I are done. She wants me to saddle from the opposite side, and use the mane to mount rather then holding onto the saddle. I am not liking the idea of holding the mane cause it just starts my whole ride out feeling really off and that isn't what I need at this point to start feeling more comfortable again. I think the program directs you to mount from the opposite side as usual. I figure we are sort of in a trial period right now and if it doesn't feel right then I won't continue. The lady that WAS helping me has taken some time off and I'm not sure when she's going to restart. She makes me feel really good in the saddle and our lessons always have ended with Cash and I both feeling really good about things. Con't~~
  • Shirley

    I'm very glad someone was there to help you with the stirrup and that you didn't fall. When I had surgery on my ankle and rode with my cast on, I did a similar thing and slid off the mounting block and right underneath Cash. How did Cooper handle the situation?
    Maybe by next winter a better solution for you and Cooper will surface so you can be closer. I sure hope so!
    We have a new teenage rider with a new horse at our barn. She is going to some pony club things and has some fun ideas to play around with. I'm hoping maybe she'll let me hang out with her a little. Alot of horse people aren't as sensitive about the age thing but then others are. We'll see how it goes.
    I hope something happens to get Cash and I back on a progressive path SOON!
    got a set of DVDs on Horse Trick Training and I think that might be fun for both of us too. And I have been reviewing my Parelli packs and will get back on that path for sure...even if it's on my own.

    I always find the holiday season difficult. I just get burnt out and nothing about it seems to be as it should be. So u have at least one person on your side with that. But I do hope you had some nice things happen too for your memory file.

    Please keep in touch and I hope you find a way to see Cooper more cause I know how good that is for improving the funks!
  • Coopersmom_1958

    Happy New Year to you & Cash!!
    Sounds like the trick training dvd's will be fun, have you got them yet and started them?
    Like you, I have been watching and reviewing the Parelli & Jonathan Field dvd's over and over, as well as at the parellisavvy site. I am seeing little things I missed that might help me when I ever get back to it. Cooper really was doing so well with his training before I moved. It's going to be spring before I get back into training. I usually love the cold for working in but this year seems to be affecting me differently. Guess having no arena will do it too!
    You wrote about mounting on opposite side and holding the mane. Parelli says to saddle from indian side (right), learn to mount from both sides and to hold the mane and not the horn. They also say to face the rear at start, grab handful of mane, put foot in stirrup and bounce yourself around into position to be facing forward and looking through his ears, then you are in correct position to mount. I really have been wanting to try this at my lessons but instructors say it is wrong and you have to face forward!! And I haven't been to lessons for 4 weeks, oh boy!
    I may have a hard time mounting on the right side too as my knee is bad on that leg :( But if we keep trying and with time we do get stronger and able to eventually do it easier.
    I still haven't got to see much of Cooper, with the leg and all.
    Guess I better get back to work, it's almost 1 p.m. here and in the office. Boys are out for lunch so I get to play on computer LOL
    Take care and talk soon
  • Shirley

    HI good to hear from you! I hope the new year will be a good one for you and Cooper and that great husband of yours.
    The trick training DVD's arrived but are a weird situation. The play nice as far ans viewing and there is music but you can't hear the lady. She is obviously talking and instructing but you can't hear her. They did reimburse all my money including shipping and said I didn't need to return them. I was told they are probably 'boot-leg' and not reproduced properly? I have no idea. The Brannaman DVD is interesting. It's actually of a clinic he was doing with a few people. He was a wonderful kind hearted man and it comes thru when he's instructing. That has a little scratching or something so that it doesn't play real well in places and they reimbursed all my money on that too which I did not ask for.

    I like doing any learning off DVD's with someone else so we can help each other to see little things that can make a huge difference but so far that has not been an option with no one else interested.
    I'm finding the cold is bothering a bit more this year but I think it's mostly because my inner heater is burning cooler. I hope that will come to be so in the summer too cause the hot weather is a iller for me.
    Initially I was taking turns on which side I mounted but gradually I just quit doing that over time. Getting on and off from opposit sides wouldn't bother me. But I can barely get that heavy saddle up and on Cash nicely doing it with muscles I have built up over the past few years. So when I tried to do it from the opposite side I pulled some muscles and was very sore. I'm still dealing with some pulled muscles or something cause there is alot of tension in my shoulders. No more of that for now. As far as holding the mane rather then the horn, I know this is how they teach it and I do see logical safety reasons for that BUT, I told my new Parellie Trainer that it's just not worth stressing me out 'more' at the beginning of each lesson. Continued:
  • Shirley

    She is willing to ignore which side I put the saddle on from and holding the horn. So with those issues behind us we are progressing again. I don't think either really matters in making me a good horsewoman. And I'm enjoying my lessons. That little distance between the mane and horn makes everything in my balance feel way off. Of course with any added tension every little thing feels exagerated. As I relax, I can work on that. Last week we worked on paddling my feet while riding. Cash loved it and then he'd move nicer and more willing so "Yes"! This is really where we needed to continue from. This is right where we were with my original instructor when she took time off from giving lessons. She took 6 weeks off cause she was feeling burnt out. She just is coming back to doing lessons but for now I'm going to stay with the Parelli instructor cause in the long run that is what I want. To progress with the ground stuff too which the 1st lady is not into at all. My personality meshes more with the first one but am doing fine with the Parelli gal and we are sorta just getting to know each other. I've had two ground lessons and 2 riding lessons. I'm not using a bit -just the Parelli halter and lead for reins. I have it rigged for a rein on each side rather then one rein but try to use only one at a time. It just feels right. For some reason I relax more and don't feel a need to grab the horn as often. I'm still way behind where I was at my previous barn. I hope one day it will just start feeling right for us and things will be much easier from then on. It's hard to progress at all if you can't keep the horse going. That has always been the biggest thing for us. How do you develope a good seat when they stop every few yards. I'm back to useing the string to hit myself and then Cash if he doesn't go by my seat request.
    I don't remember parelli saying to start looking back when mounting. I'm focused on Cash & not really 'looking' but I'm very aware of my surroundings.
  • Shirley

    It's Friday! The week-end off! I hope you will be able to go for a drive & see your guy.
    This week has been 20's (F) as a high & chill at 0 often. Once I'm in the barn it's pretty warm so if I keep moving it doesn't feel terribly cold.
    The ice must be especially challenging for you. Is your leg fitting better & more comfortable? I hope so!
    With it being so cold, I've been trying to stay home every 5 days or so. This worried need to go check Cash isn't good. It is a short drive but when it's icy heading out on the curvy road isn't very sensible. Even the people with the 4 wheel drive trucks come much less then I do. It's not just the worry that brings me, I do get such a pleasant sense of peace there taking care of Cash and the others as much as I can.
    I have been spending part of each day writing letters to try to keep the wild horses free. They did call off one round-up yesterday but the large one of 2500 horses is moving on now.. So far they have gathered about 400. One stallion escaped by getting over a six foot gate (after falling and getting his underarm caught up on the top) Once he finally got over he had to go thru a barbed wire fence to be free. They do not know how bad he is hurt but his whole family was left in the pen. Absolutely sickenlng. And, they don't know what they are going to do with all these horses once they are gathered. They 'say' they are going to send them to large pen areas in the mid-west. They already have 33,000 penned up in Nevada or Utah. The government spends ooooodles of money doing these round-ups and then more $$$$$$$$$$ keeping them in pens indefinitely. They WERE talking about sending some to slaughter but FOR NOW that discussion has been shelfed. I have no doubt it will raise it's ugly head again. It's so sad and maddening cause if they'd just leave them alone things would be okay except the cattle ranchers wouldn't like them free on public graze lands. Money talks! Even when it's whispered to keep the lies hidden.
  • Geoffrey Pannell

    Glad to hear Cash is behaving himself for you, we have had 5 days strait of over 35C WITH 3 DAYS OVER 40C so it's dryer that an Afgans sandle here at the moment. Not much horse riding after 9 am just too hot !! Have another youngster to re-start, I broke him in 2 years ago and he's been sitting in a paddock all that time untouched. I'll have to see if I can get some pics up of him later . Took him out on the long reins this morning before it got too hot , went really nicely . The Event season starts in march so I started to do alittle work on Itchy ,having to get up REALLY early to beat the heat . Not doing me any harm though , having a battle with the bulge after xmas hoovering up all the tucker. Cheers Geoffrey
  • Catherine Chamberlain

    Thanks! Yes, he's really friendly! I definately know what you mean. We have a great time riding but I love the quite time we have together. Sometimes I bring a book in his stall to spend time with him but I never get much reading done because he wants all the attention! lol
  • Cheryl

    Hi Shirley, Cash is sure looking good! Thought I had already sent this note, but can't see it so am sending again. Cheyanne is such a sweetheart...she is the only foal out of that nice 8 y/o mare I had to put down. Like I said, at first I was not pleased to find out the dam was pregnant, but what a gift this girl has turned out to be. And my old T/B mare is also so dear to me. Am so fortunate, and so grateful...
    How is Cash these days? Did he heal up well? Cheryl
  • Cheyenne Billy

    hey shirley long time no talk!! how have you been?? i havent been on barnmice since i discoverd facebok!! hahah im doing good and so is partytime i havent been riding much latly but i went swiming in the river with the horse and one of my best friends the other day whitch was a lot of fun. it was so deep and it was rite next to the road so everytime a car went past they stoped and talked to us whitch was funny. last weekend a bull got out on the rd at 7 in the morning i went and told the owners who im good friends with and they asked me to help round it up. i was so scarred coz it was as big as party time and wen we started to walk after it. it turned around and charged at us..but party ws so brave and she reared up and attcked it witch probly saved us both. i was so prod of her !! :) well that all ive really been geting up to. hope to hear from you soon
  • Sherry Cassetori

    Hey Shirley
    I love your horse pictures, Talk about horse love, You can tell the two of you belong together. I am going to the barn to take a lesson. I am showing my boy in May
  • Sherry Cassetori

    I love to jump . When I was 16 I rode western and had a horse. When he died I did not get another horse until I was about 22 Then my husband who I was dating at the time bought me one. We had then gotten married and had children so I did sell him when I was 28. 4 years ago I wanted to take english riding lessons, he said fine but NO horse. Well I guess he saw how much I love it and told me to find one I thought I would like. I did Little Moe. He never complains about how much time I spend at the barn, He is retired but I still work. Having a horse sure makes it easier for him to buy me a christmas present, anything for the horse makes me HAPPY.
  • Coopersmom_1958

    Hi Shirley!! How are things? How's Cash?
    It's about the same here for me, no training with Cooper, but hopefully soon be able to get back at it and maybe even start to ride him this year!! We'll see, going to concentrate on lots more groundwork and manners.
    I signed up for a Josh Lyons Clinic (audit) in April. It will be my first ever clinic and I am so excited!! I know a few of the women who are going to it so won't feel too out of place LOL My husband is coming with me on the Saturday and I am going for the 3 days, Apr 23-25th. Should be so much fun!!
  • Jackie Cochran

    Hi Shirley, I am so glad everything is improving for you and Cash. Deep breathing can really help, and since you are riding Western you probably won't ever need to breathe with your chest. So breathe deep.
    Hundreds of lessons? This means that you have hundreds of hours on horseback, good for you. I takes around a thousand or two hours on horseback before everything becomes automatic, but it WILL come.
    I'm doing well, some nerves reconnected and all of a sudden my hands are acting before my brain notices anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm a puppet and some alien is pulling my strings, but as long as my mare accepts contact, moves forward in the direction I want and stays exactly at the speed I want, who am I to argue with my hands? After all they (my hands) have thousands of hours of experience controlling how horses go, some nerves just had to reconnect and all of a sudden this knowledge just comes forth.
    One day it will be the same for you. You'll get up on Cash, be riding along, and realize that you just did something that seemed impossible not too long ago. Just keep breathing.
  • Colette Sossaman

    Hey Shirley, Thank you tons for the add!
  • Veronica Delagard

    Thanks for your thoughts Shirley!!!

    When I was a kid, my mother used to embarrass me to death when she would panic when we walked on train-bridges or lean out the window too far or get too close to the road. ETC< And having six sisters with kids, me not having any I never quite understood that panic of Mother Hood. I sure do now.!!!! My horses my dogs they have brought out a very crazy protective woman. I can totally lose it when it comes to any one of them. Why did I start this in my 50's I have no idea, but I am not sorry one little bit. The joy , the pain the panic attacks. I would not trade. But we have to protect them. We have to understand them and find a way to communicate without violence.

    Have you ever read the book" The Soul of a Horse"? By Joe Camp.

    I loved this book because Joe, like Myself started late to horses, but like Me. " He questioned the norm" And you know that is what we have to do. Just because someone has had horses all their life and their parents life before them does no way mean they have a clue, of what is right.