

North Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

A Bit About Me and my Horse(s)
I am currently a student of Equine Nutrition through the University of Edinburgh. I am pursuing a degree in Equine Management, and currently assist with the management and upkeep of a small working horse farm. I have a deep love for all things equine, and a very inquisitive mind when it comes to understanding equine behaviour and science. I specialise in western disciplines (mostly reining and cow/ranch work), and I have a very deep-seated appreciation for dressage, as well as the connection this discipline creates with horse and rider. I have been training horses on a freelance basis for the last six years, and look forward to training on a more full-time basis in the near future. I'm fairly sure I'm friendly enough, so drop me a line sometime!
United States of America
Do you have any pets?
Barn cats named Velvet and Barry, and a plethora of wild birds, red, grey, and WHITE squirrels!

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  • Sam Vallee

    Well one of our trainers are very into the Jonathan Field Natural Horsemanship and Pat Parelli.
  • Linda Thomson Mascola

    Hi Ashley,


    Thank you for the nice welcome, it has been some time since I was last online. 


    I hope to see you in one of the groups.


    Regards, Linda

  • tybella

    Hi Donna,  So glad to here back from you.  I have 4 children and 5 grand children.  My oldest is 36 and the youngest 23.   My second son and his wife are in the military living in Germany with 2 grandsons.  My oldest son lives in Pittsburg with his wife and daughter and my youngest daughter is in the military and getting ready to move to Colorado.  She is married with no children and my other daughter lives with me right now with 2 grandkids.  Whew.  thats alot.  Now my critters.....I have two horses.  One Haflinger and a Mustang.  My daughter has two horses one is a Percheron/thoroghbred and the other she just purchased is a Gypsy/Clysdale spotted draft cross.  I also have a mini dwarf. I have an older yorkie and 2 Pekingese and a long haired Chihuahua and several outside cats.  And lets not forget my African Grey named Cooper..  I work a full time job at the TBI.  So I'm pretty busy.  Our horses are boarded about 5 miles away so I dont have to worry about barn chores which helps alot.

    I wonder how far Jamestown is.  I'll have to look it up.  I'll have to post some pics for you to see our brood. 

    Hope to hear from ya soon....:)

  • Lee Stempski

    Thanks Ashley... great to be on this site... :)
  • Robin Nelson

    Thanks SO much!!  :)
  • Reagan Smith

    Hi Ashley Sorry I Havn't Said Anything I keep Forgeting To Log On.
    I Havn't Rid'n Since My Birthday December 7th.
    But Thanx For You're Concern.
  • Sherri Dubyts

    Thanks for the welcome Ashley. I'm happy to be on here.
  • Brandi Powell

    Thanks Ashley!!
  • Devon Jones

    Thanks for the welcome :)
  • Lindsey

    thank you
  • Cheryl Tursi

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • Cayla Florence Cockerill

    thanx nice to be back on here


  • Ann Chrisite

    That was our fun day at the barb last Aug. I love the one odf my grandson,
  • Sherry Jackson

    Hey Ashley - do you know why my login doesn't work for the Forum?  Isn't it the same as the main site?  I tried to sign it up again but it says the e-mail is in use.  Thanks for your help!

  • Jill Goodwillie

    Hi Ashley,

    The tack sale is for anyone that would like to help out GMHA's new footing project.

    For donating $25 you get a table to sell all your stuff and you would be helping out GMHA.

    GMHA is located in South Woodstock, VT.  If you are interested you can mail me your check made out to GMHA and that will reserve a table. Should be lots of fun we have a lot of people signing up!

  • Tina Jones

    Thanks for the welcome! I do ride. I rode as a child/teen/young adult but then jobs, marriage and kids got in the way. Now that my children are all in school I am back taking lessons and part-leasing. I am having so much fun!
  • Regina

    Hi Ashley,
    Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I do ride western.
  • R Jay's Farm

    Hi Ashley, I have to say this site is a busy site. It may take me a while to figure it out. I'm not sure of the best way to put a link to my Blog site. I have found a few ways to type one in here. Also not sure how connecting with others works. I will figure out eventually. Thanks for telling me come check it out.

  • In Classic Fashion

    Thanks Ashley! I'm excited to be here :) Do you currently have any OTTB/OTSTBs?

  • Establo San Rafael, Costa Rica

    I came down here 8 years ago with my kids.
  • Dr Patti Pillsbury

    Hi Ashley, I've had Replay for 3 years, but have really been serious about training for the last year. And, yep, I do love my Arabian:) he's Polish, so he's a bit bigger and has a lot more substance than most of his breed. Everyone thinks he's part quarter horse! My trainer has taken her Arabian through Prix st George , and thinks my guy could go that far:)
  • Dr Patti Pillsbury

    She looks like a love:) I agree, I think people that think Arabians are too high strung or flakey haven't worked with them! They do require a positive, gentle approach or you'll ruin them. Can't approach them like they're quarter horses. The payoff is they are so smart and bond with you like few other breeds can!
  • Dr Patti Pillsbury

    Me too! It's funny, but ever since I worked at the horse barn at Michigan State as an undergrad, all I ever wanted was an Arabian! And Replay is so much more than I ever dreamed of:)
  • Dr Patti Pillsbury

    Hi Ashley, I was student help, did barn chores, grooming, ect. The most fun and scariest job was exercising the 3 stallions, but I learned a lot! Turns out one of the mares I cared for, Easter Baskett, was Replays great grand dame, and Silver Dollar (one of the stallions) was the grand sire of a foal I rescued and had till he was 2.5 !
    Karma, hey? Patti
  • Dianne Crittenden

    Showed miniature horses in the breed classes and I drove when I was a young person.  So decided to to put the two together try it again and loved it.  Now I play in the CDE & VSE with my single and this year a pair.  I lucked out and found a certified driving coach and she has helped me along.  Great lady.

  • Gayle Vautaw

    I started with clicker training dogs. I have studied clicker training in dogs for 20 years and taught classes for many years. I seemed like a natural transition to horses. Wish I had more time to work at it more. They sure respond well to it. 

  • The Tack Spot

    Thank you for your welcome to the site. I have a page on facebook.

  • Margaret M Roberts Quidachay

    Thank you for the welcome. I use to ride but since I have had 3 back surgeries and lost my horses when my ex sold them after a divorce.  I have decided to wait until I can really have the time to ride again so instead I started a tack store to stay in the horse business.

  • Margaret M Roberts Quidachay

    Thank for the nice statements, my kids showed POA's but have aged out now. They have cart classes but I have seen some of the worse accidents, individuals and animals hurt far worse then other equine accidents so I am not really sure I want to do cart. I have a facebook page for my tack store. Look for The Tack Spot. Plus it is a member on here too.

  • The Tack Spot

    Just put in The  Tack Spot under search on facebook and should be able to find it.


  • Joyce Smith

    Hi Ashley,

    Thanks for your welcome to the site.  My horses' names are Amber Lee (he's the old guy) and Smaland's Littlest Angel -- my Palomino Morgan mare.  I owned Lee's Mom for almost her whole life too...bought her as a yearling.  She died five years ago at the ripe old age of 32.  We did competitive trail riding together and she was a hot ticket.  I still miss her so much.   Her son, Lee, is her exact opposite -- very laid back.  He's become my boyfriend's horse and is perfect for him.  I ride Angel pretty much exclusively now

  • Dianne Crittenden

    Barn names are: Spider, Legs and Rowdy Girl (black overo).  I have in training Rowdy Boy (have to think of a different barn name for him), Money.  JR (now 2) & Joey (now 1) need to grow some more before they start their training.  They are all black - some with blue eyes and one is lovely colored black overo.  They are all registered.  So I can show several different ways if I choose. 

  • Tina Jones

    I used to be an eventer, and I'm riding at an eventing barn but after 20 years away I'm really just trying to get the basics back!! So far I'm having lots of fun!!
  • Kellie Brown

    Hi Ashley.  Yes, I ride.  I've actually been a professional horse trainer for over 30 years, training mostly western, but have trained many hunter jumpers, ponies and horses.  At this time recovering financially from a bad divorce and trying to find my feet again.

    How about yourself?

  • Paul reber

    My life quest is showing the soul of dogs and horses. How great is that!

    Thank you, Ashley.  But do you mean my website, or THIS blog?  Cuz I haven't don't much with this one yet... LOL

  • Kellie Brown

    BTW, thanks for the welcome!!  Ranch horses sound like fun.  I was involved with barrel and reining horses for many years, but divirsified into hunter jumper's, western pleasure, trail, western riding and horsemanship.  Also made up quite a lot of children's ponies, hunter's, etc, I'm little so can do the little ones ;).  I would love, love to get involved in western dressage, but only horse we have now is my son's quarab. 


  • Susan Hamilton

    Thanks for the welcome.  I have 3 horses.  Looking to get back in the saddle again.

  • Twitch

    Hi Ashley. I got into polo because I answered a employment ad on EMG for fun. This will be my 3rd season with the polo ponies and so far I'm having a blast! They are also teaching me how to play

    Well, Ashley, that just made my day! LOL You are the first person that I don't know (family, clients and friends...LOL) who has actually said that!  I built it myself about 2-3 months ago and am slowly populating it with info.  Slow process!  LOL  But I do love making life easier for people and horses.

  • Karen Wolstenholme

    Hi Ashley, thanks for the welcome :-)

  • Lindsay Fair

    Thanks Ashley! I'm taking a forced break at the moment as middle of nowhere Alaska isn't really horse country. I might look for a half-lease this summer though. :)

  • Susan Garwood

    Hi Ashley -

    Thanks for your message . I previously boarded my horse at a therapeutic riding facility

    and was fortunate enough to see the remarkable difference horses can make in the lives of children and adults with special needs . The adaptive riding equipment is amazing and enables riders with even the most daunting physical disabilities to experience the joy of spending time with the horses . The couple running the facility are completely devoted to the riders and their horses seem to know exactly how precious their riders were and proceeded accordingly  : ) The volunteers were great too and I think they were enjoying themselves as much as the riders they were assisting . My own horse filled in a few times with some of the  young adults and they enjoyed their rides on her too .

    Some of the clients I work with now have visited the barn I relocated to - one teen likes to ride Allie , the others bring carrots and apples and simply enjoy a visit  : )

    I really think our horses are amazing therapists and I try to share Allie  with everyone I can .

    Hope to talk with you again - I really enjoyed your website .


    Sue G.

  • M. Garzon

    Thanks Ashley!  I hope you like it, if you get it :)

  • In Classic Fashion

    Fun! I would love to try an OTSTB! I currently only have my OTTB...which is my true love :)

    I love The Morning Feed, I follow them on FB and they follow my OTTB inspired equestrian wear business. They always have great posts!

    Well look forward to learning Barnmice and meeting new people! Have a great day!

  • Franklin Levinson

    I am about to go to the UK to teach for a week. I return on the 18th. I will have some time  to respond once I return to Corfu. There are only a handful of horses on Corfu. Keep well and happy horses to you, Franklin

  • Gary R. Smith

    Good morning Ashley,

    Thank you for your comment, 'Welcome to Barnmice, Gary! :) I hope to see you around Barnmice more! I would love to read your article when you are finished writing it!'

    I appreciate your interest in seeing the article. The subject matter is far removed from the world of horses, but the photo of the girl with horse and cat beautifully illustrates 'peace and harmony' in the video poem.


    It is 'Dawning of the Age of Living Wholeness.'


    I love to see horses in a pasture, and grew up in a town in the American West, where horsemanship was a part of many people's lives. Yet I never became part of it. I remember dreaming of having a horse, as a young man. Now we live in a small town in Germany. I may not be active on Barnmice, but will always be glad to respond to comments like yours.

  • Jeannette Colombo

    Thank you, Ashley.  I am currently a student at the university of Tennessee, working on certification to become a equine rehabilitation practitioner.  It involves non-invasive modalities to help healing, performance, core, and neurological deficits.  I am a licensed veterinarian technician, and currently working with pups (canines), and I wanted to finish my "bucket list" by working with horses.  My two favorite creatures on this planet!  I have two equine family members ("yard art"), two pups, three cats, and five cows that teach me lessons every day.  So although I don't ride much (time), I like learning all I can about how people spend time with their four-legged partners, and spend my life doing what I love.  Please let me know if I can answer any more questions for you.  I don't get on the computer much, but will get back to you as soon as possible. 

  • e charlu kent

    Thank you Ashley.  Storm is a Saddlebred-Arab gelding.  Valentine is Belgian-Paint PMU mare, and Magic is her daughter-unknown father.  Valentine was impregnated at her Foster home( after being rescued from a Canadian PMU ranch) and just 2 years old when she had Magic.  She was the best Mama ever and so young!!  I have had horses of my own for 40 years, and a rider for more than 50 yrs.!!


  • Andrioti Katerina

    Thank you thank you!!!!!!! Αληθώς Ανέστη!