Horsemanship Clinic for Kids

Event Details

Horsemanship Clinic for Kids

Time: August 27, 2011 to August 28, 2011
Location: Falling Star Ranch
City/Town: Dunster, British Columbia
Website or Map:
Phone: 250-968-6801
Event Type: clinic
Organized By: Birgit Stutz
Latest Activity: Mar 5, 2011

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Event Description

Falling Star Ranch's horsemanship clinics for kids are designed for children ages 12 to 18 (age exceptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis) who either own or lease a horse and would like to improve their riding and horsemanship skills and relationship with their equine friend.
These clinics are different from our popular kids camps in that they focus a lot more on riding and general horsemanship.
Both group lessons and th...eory sessions are part of the horsemanship clinics for kids.
Horsemanship clinics for kids are geared towards intermediate to advanced riders (no beginners!), meaning the child can comfortably and safely ride in a group lesson at a walk and trot/jog (sitting and posting), knows how to turn and stop and has control over his/her mount.
If Birgit hasn't seen the child ride, please submit a video with the child demonstrating the above mentioned skills along with the registration form. If you are not sure if your child's riding level is suitable for this type of clinic, you are welcome to sign up for an assessment lesson.
Falling Star Ranch horses are available for lease at $25 per day if the child doesn't own or lease a horse. If Birgit hasn't seen the child ride, an assessment lesson with Birgit is required before a lease of a Falling Star Ranch horse is approved.
Any breed and age of horse is welcome. No stallions in these clinics.
Please call or email Birgit for health requirements if you are bringing your own horse.
Western and English riders welcome.
HCBC or AEF membership mandatory for participants if clinic held at Falling Star Ranch.
Clinic size is limited to 6 horse and rider pairs (minimum 4 participants)
$200 per child per clinic.
Please call or email for more information or to register.

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