Round Penning Workshop

Event Details

Round Penning Workshop

Time: May 21, 2011 all day
Location: Falling Star Ranch
City/Town: Dunster, British Columbia
Website or Map:
Phone: 250-968-6801
Event Type: clinic
Organized By: Birgit Stutz
Latest Activity: Mar 5, 2011

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Event Description

In this intensive, one-day workshop, Birgit will demonstrate how to round pen a horse effectively and safely.
Round pen training leads to incredible breakthroughs with horses and lays the foundation for better communication, trust, respect, confidence and focus. Round penning is also a great tool to overcome various problems and to prepare the horse for work under saddle.
Participants will learn...the differences between predator and prey behaviour, learn to understand how horses think and why they react the way they do, get insight into horse psychology and equine body language, and learn how to speak the language of the horse themselves.
Participants will also learn about the different types of horses (passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive) and how to communicate with each type.
Other complimentary groundwork techniques such as in-hand leading and lungeing may be taught as well.
Become a benevolent leader to your horse, learn to assess the unique qualities of your horse's personality and to address a variety of challenges through proper round penning techniques.
This is an exciting opportunity for those of you who want to have a better relationship with their equine partners.

This workshop doesn't include any riding.
Falling Star Ranch horses will be available for this workshop at no extra cost, but you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own horse as well.
Please call or email Birgit for health requirements if you would like to bring your own horse.
Maximum six participants.
$80 per person per 1-day workshop.
Auditors welcome at $25 per person per day

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