It is a natural supplement with a high dose of Glucoamine/MSM/TMG/Vit C/Vit E/magnesium...also something called Nutricol which is supposed to promote/stabilize cell restructure and improve insulin sensitivity thus aiding in healing of existing damage...anyway...I had heard about a product called Rapid Response however I couldn't find a dealer here in Canada and it was quite costly then I was looking through our Greenhawk catalogue and found the Recovery EQ...the literature was similar to the RR so I thought I had nothing to lose(my horse blew out his check ligament at the last event of the season)..the sales person had her horse on it and she felt her horse was better....I have been feeding this now for 5 weeks and I can tell you after 3 his leg had tightened up quite a bit...I am keeping in mind I am also using Back On Track No Bows as it the it the No it time and rest....there is the skeptical side of me and the other side that is thinking this supplement is the end I just want a sound horse again....I was just wondering if anyone else out there in horsey land had tried the product....
Hey there Fiona,
A quick note to let you know that Patti Hanco (Back on Track) is a member here and I'm sure she would be able to give you great feedback at least regarding the No Bows. She's really nice and very knowledgeable!
Just do a search for Patti Hanco and her name will come up.
Good luck!
My horse had a soft tissue injury a few years ago and someone suggested I try RecoveryEQ . I think it helped him heal faster.... no scientific data or anything, but I liked the product.
Thanks Judy...this is exactly what I hear from people...I feel the same thing is happening with Hektor...I'm still going to give him lots of time...when I went to bring him in two days ago he trotted over to me and was's all good...
I have had fabulous results with this prouduct on several of our huntere and most recently one of our jumpersi have also this month statred one on it With HA looking fro fine out the difference as we do pull labs before and during and after stopping and i do find quicker recovery in most of them