A very special horse Laura

Laura was my best friend
You could do anything with her
Everyone loved her
But I loved her the most
She was so honest and gentle
And a dream to ride
Laura had so much energy
We would fly down the golf course
She loved to run
She would run forever if she could
Standing at 16 hands
Laura was the most precious horse ever
Her star stood out like a Clydesdale
with a miniature
She loved to jump too
and did it with grace
Her canter was smooth
and went passed like a breeze
Her dark bay coat was so gorgeous
as dark as brown could be
Excitedly she would trot around the paddock
waiting to get saddled up
That was a cheeky habit
She learnt that from Wally
But now she is free
free to rome the earth as she would in the wild
free from everything but me
She will always be with me
She will watch over me like an angel
A horse angel
A ghost that lays in my soul forever

Stable name: Laura
Show name: Sabrina Sal
10/05/1984 - 22/05/2009

25 years young
A real pleasure to own and care for
Some great times
Some laughs and tears
But all worth it
For my beloved horse, Laura.

tell me what you think

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What a lovely poem. It's clear that you and your horse had a very special bond.


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