Who else is following American Idol this season? What do you think of Cara? I wish they would get to Hollywood already.

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Biggest disappointment of the competition (so far): Megan.

The golden girl with a unique combination of beauty and distinctiveness (both vocal and dancing). What was she thinking when she picked her (swan) song: Bob Marley's "Turn Your Lights Down Low"? I had to turn the sound down low on my TV to get through it.

Simon made it very clear how upset he and the other judges were by her song choice by telling her that it didn’t even matter how well she sang it. She was still going home. And I really believe that she was one of the contestants that they might have previously been tempted to use their one-time save on.

After hearing Lady Gaga sing “Poker Face, though, I was thinking that maybe Bob Marley wasn’t so bad after all.

All of which saved Anoop for another week. But he’s fast running out of lives.

Hard to tell who is going to win this year. Adam is an insane singer, but something seems contrived about him. Much more down to earth, and therefore likable, are Kris, Danny and Matt. Matt has already been in the bottom three so his support may be a bit soft. Scott I should add did a fabulous job with Billy Joel. Lil “Little” Rounds and Allison Iraheta could go far, even though it seems to be a guys year (but wasn’t last year as well?) if they can pick some decent songs (and, in Allison’s case, pick a good outfit).

Nice to see David Cook back singing on stage. Even if his song was BORING.

Now that Tiger is back on the links, the debate is back on as to whether it’s preferable in sports to have parity or a dominant star to marvel at (or two dominant stars to push each other at the top). My view is that you always want to have a team or player to beat (e.g. Tiger, Anky van Grunsven, the Yankees, the LA Lakers, Roger Federer, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls, etc.).

Same for AI signing competitions.

Two Davids, we miss you.
Agreed Gary - Megan had so much potential and I really wanted to see more from her. I wonder if she just wanted to get home?
She was saying that it wasn't even her idea to enter the competition in the first place, I guess her heart just wasn't in it. Sad though..she was a pretty cool chick!
Just in: The weekly “Idol” odds:

Adam Lambert: 4-5
Danny Gokey: 5-2
Kris Allen: 7-1
Lil Rounds: 13-1
Allison Iraheta: 14-1
Matt Giraud: 17-1
Anoop Desai: 55-1
Scott McIntyre: 60-1

No way that Adam Lambert wins: too plastic. Kris or Danny are my bets right now. But that could change!
I haven't watched the last couple of episodes of Idol, but I'm so glad that it's Megan that's gone! Holy crap the girl had no tone, very little pitch and a disappointing lack of musicality! Sure she was very pretty, great smile and all but no talent musically! Yeay! Go voters!
I'll have to youtube the rest of the competitors and see what they did. I have to admit, I've been terribly impressed with Adam Lambert. He doesn't just sing a song, he creates a caracter for it! He starts at his toes and ends at the tips of his hair and oh my what he does with a song itself! Now he is a performer! A true showman and I adore that!
Hmmm ... Adam obviously knocked the ball out of the park tonight if Simon's going to give him a standing ovation. Danny excellent; Kris is great though the song choice may have been a bit suspect. Stepped out of the room for a while and missed the others so can't really say one way or the other. However I did hear Lil and I did overhear Scott and I think they're both on the chopping block.

Ooooh the suspense of it all .....
I guess I have to apologize to Adam Lambert for calling him plastic last week.

Adam's Mad World was the greatest performance I have ever heard on American Idol, scratch that, anywhere! I'd place it in the same pantheon as Christina's Beautiful. Mad World I understand was never a big hit in North America. But had Adam first performed it the song would have been HUGE! What a melancholy, touching tune.

Adam's range seems limitless, although I guess he showed us the upper end on the last note (whatever that note was!). And his control was amazing. When he rises out of his chair as the song builds I guessed that it would have the stock AI big ending, but just as suddenly the song returns to its somber roots.

I've listened to it about 20 times on the AI site. As well as to the Gary Jules version (which comes with a really neat video on YouTube). And I hum it all day.

My family is no longer talking to me.

And I don't care.
You go, Gary!!! :-)

You've simply got to add Mad World to your group's repertoire! :)

Thanks for the recommendation ... I'll mention it to the girlz ... Would need to be more in line with Adam's version, I'm thinking. Cheerz! D :-)
April 15: 7 Contestants Left

Quite a show. Pairing up the judges to save time was novel and I’m sure that there was a lot of discussion about how to organize the pairings. Might have been more interesting to change the pairings for each contestant, although it would have been confusing. And the girls needed to be separated.

Simon’s attack on Lil (both indirectly in his contrasting compliments for Allison) and directly following Lil’s performance) was brutal and hard to listen to. Good for her to stand up to him. Although what was she thinking doing an iconic Bette Midler song (The Rose)? Best to avoid Bette, Judy (although props to McPhee two years ago for Rainbow), Barbara and Whitney (and Jennifer???).

Adam was amazing, again. I agree with Simon that the performance was not at the level of Mad World (but how could it be???), but I also agree with Paula that choosing between them was like choosing between apples and oranges (btw, it’s so much fun agreeing with the judges!). I particularly loved the part of the song where Adam mimics Robert Plant. Is Stairway to Heaven in the cards? Lol, hard to compress that into a couple of minutes!

But my favourite of the night was Kris’ Falling Slowly (from the movie Once). Can’t remember when I was last so touched by a song (well, OK, last week by Adam, but aside from that!). Kara (and Paula) obviously felt the same. Poor Randy: he didn’t get it and looked a bit confused and past his prime. Kudos to Kris: one of the best performances of this year.

I think that Matt is done. But Matt can do better than he showed tonight and therefore it would not surprise me, assuming he is the lowest vote-getter, if the judges give him another chance. They won’t give a second chance to Lil or Anoop.

My pvr is excited for tomorrow’s show (it’s planning on taping an extra 10 minutes, just in case).
Hold the phone!!!! The judges saved Matt!!!! Wh .... hoo! My humble opinion ... it should have been Lil out the door this week, but there you go. Next week disco ... what would you sing?
Another episode of AI has come and gone and we are left with the "logical 5," though it was disappointing to see Anoop head home. From here on I believe it's really a three-way race between Chris, Adam and Danny. Although everyone is high on Adam, his style is becoming a bit tedious for my liking. We can always be guaranteed of at least one screetchy, wailing note, and while I agree he is very talented, I'm into the more genuine vibe I get from Chris and Danny.

What do you think?


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