hello to everyone...i am a new member who is hoping to find some horse lovers who would share a bit with me, and other artists in need...
its very difficult to get access to sharp photos for an artist who does detail and doesnt own a horse....i am searching for a heavier breed, perhaps Andalusian like...i have started a portrait, see my tnail, and i am faltering in the eyebone cheek area/chin ...the angle is he is turning away from us but the chest if facing us/a bit to the left... with hind quarters to the right...
the head is turned and every so slightly a bit tilted because i am seeing a tiny bit of the underside of the chin/muzzle...
i am enclosing a photo of the work in progress...i havent defined the rest of the chest/neck nor mane yet....

i am praying some horse lover will have pity on me...and try to help out...
viewing the site, i see that there are incredible people here with their incredible steeds..
thank you in advance to any who respond!

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thanks bettyann. I went to the library yesterday and found a heap of books which show me what Im supposed to be looking at. will give it a go today. If Im still having trouble I'll send you and email.
libraries are still one of my fav places, i dont get to one often enough anymore! good luck and dont hesitate to ask anything if your in need!

a great thing happened today! i got a msg from the Plymouth Art Guild, where i am participating in a huge festival art show....as a member they have created a gallery page on their website for me, i had been waiting anxiously to hear it was updated, but along with the msg came......an additional bonus!
they have decided to use the painting i entered of ~Rubinesque~ on the main page of the website!
and it looks really great..~blush~
its used as a link to the main members page, and then if you scroll down and click the african painting of mine, it will take you to my new members gallery page ...

so thank you sincerely Margaret Judy! for helping me out, along with all the others that came forward to offer reference photos as well...stay tuned in the future there is much more to come...~grin~
the link didnt work?????
oh cripes that was silly, i typoed it with an e on the end!

okay here it is:
that worked looks great congratulations :)


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