I have a 3yr old 4 in april qh mare, she cowkicks when u brush her sides and her butt. What can i do to get her to let me brush her whole body and her be fine with it? This is the first horse i have ever had that was a green horse so any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Hobbles (hobbles) are any type of straps that connect the back legs to a pulley system, or to one another, front to back, back to back, or front to front. My colt is a standardbred and is currently under training for this sport (will be ridden in the future). I added a picture of race hobbles (hopples is the orriginal correct term) they are the plastic and nylon on his legs hung from hobble hangers. This is my horse Che (Tiocfaidh Ar La) at First Line Training Center in Ontario, Canada- Joe my husband is driving for me.

I agree that hobbles would be more apt to make her fight and a relationship could very well be lost.
hobbles in the right hands (just like spurs, draw reins, martingales, reins, whips, bits...) can be a good tool (used alot for ground tying and grazing).. in the wrong hands they will create a disaster..the thought for me with the hobbles was a nice stretchy pair (some with a give)that could teach the horse itself that this behaviour was unacceptable again much like pressure and relase, she begins to kick pressure comes from her own actions, she stops, the pressure is released..mush like give and take with the bit, whip..ect ect another training tool.

These scabs is exactly what would cause a horse to shy from grooming..I was waiting for something like this to explain this horses reactions.. I would get a vet to prescribe you a good ointment, and maybe blanket her until they heal up, then you will have to work up with what Geoffrey mentioned because she will be prepared to feel that discomfort and its your job to show her it doesn't hurt anymore which will help with the relationship.

good luck
Thanks again!


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