help, anyone! what do you give your mare to stop crankiness that is not too expensive???

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I think there is something that people use to help mares when they are in heat. Is she only cranky at that time or always? What types of things make her cranky?
If your mare is cranky due to hormonaI changes then I would highly recommend PreMare from the Omega Alpha line. You give 60cc daily to help with your mares irritability. All the best and keep us posted.
Well, I kind of gave up and purchased regumate. I did have some success with it but it is so expensive!!! anyways, wish me luck! She is awesome when she has a good day LOL the joys of riding a mare :-)
There is a product on the market called Aroma Therapy. There are four different kinds Stress (lavender), Mint (Peppermint), Breathe (pine?), and Happy (cinnamon and some other oils) - worked like a charm on my crabby mare!

Champion Brush distributes the product. Hope that helps!
If shes just cranky in general it might be because she gets bored, Have you tried playing music when your
doing things with her? I know it works when my horse is acting up, I just play like country or classical and he
calms right down and it works with my friends horse to. Good luck I hope you find something thats really


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