How do you make a decision to stop riding?! I am in pain in my knees when I get up -- my hips MD says it's arthritis....going to start physical therapy; can't afford much else as he is also in rehab with his back; I still have to lunge him prior to putting his saddle on and when I put his saddle's better but not ideal....maybe it's time to quit riding and/or lease a horse rather than buying another one...decisions, decisions....any ideas out there (I'm 55 and very creaky)

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well I'm going to start riding again and I'm 49... maybe just sit on your horse... and stretch and do stretches with him... and not make riding a big deal but just a bonding time... :) I think horses just like attention.... jmho.... I will ride when I think it's fun... other than that I'm glad we have a connection and can do other stuff!! giving up might feel worse than moving forward.....
I'm just getting back into riding at age 56 after many years of not riding. I have arthritis and chronic pain without riding and the first several weeks were really difficult. I did "dry land" exercises, tai chi has some of the best for core strengthening and it's gentle. I probably picked a horse that's a wee bit too hot, and definitely a bit too wide, but he's a lot better since feed changes (NO Alfalfa for that guy!).For the rider, to help with pain, I would recommend a really good Vit. C(at least a gram, time release per day) and Vit D (about 4000 IU per day). There's lots of research for this idea. These two vitamins alone helped a lot of my pain, but I also use a low dose ibuprofen. When I was a teenager I had back pain which improved with horse riding. Now I can say that the pain is no worse riding than if I weren't, but I am in far better shape than before. Actually as my husband would say, " The Shape is fine, it's the Condition you have to work on!" Of the Oldtimers I've seen, the ones who stay active with any type of exercise or sport they enjoy live a fuller life than any who don't. My husband skiied with arthritis everywhere, a fused ankle, and a neurological condition. His neurologist couldn't believe he could ski when he could barely walk. He also swam everyday and worked outside as much as possible. His physiotherapist told him absolutely to keep doing as much as he could or he would deteriorate much faster. There was an Oldtimer on the ski hill who had to have someone else strap on his skiis for him. So I would say, as long as you enjoy riding, and can find a safe horse and place to ride, don't give it up. If you need to board them to ease the work of care, or share a horse these are options too.
Hi All
Why in the world would you want to stop riding. It is the best exercise you can do for your body. It is very therapeutic. That is why you have many disabled riders riding. I am 58 started riding 10 years ago and have no plans of stopping until the good Lord tells me I have to. That is until I have gone to the paddock in the sky. Keep on riding!!!! It is good for you. They make glucosamine for both humans and horses. You might be worse if you stopped. I agree with Linda White don't stop. Do look into the Standardbred breed. I am a guardian for OSAS and they have lots of nice horses for adoption. They are very sensible and have nice dispositions.
A gaited horse is the way to go. I am 55 years old and I ride a Paso Fino. They are said to be the smoothest horse in the world and I believe it. I have ridden every other breed of gaited horse and they are not a s smooth as a Paso Fino.  Avoid Paso Finos from the US that have been trained for the show ring. They are trained harshly to look fiery and spirited in the ring. Look for a Paso Fino that has been bred locally...they have calm willing temperaments.
I am having some of the same problems, but so has my friend for the last 20 years. She is now well over 70 and still riding.  She just does not go as far, and does a lot of arena riding to keep her knees and legs active as see rides.


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