I can trace her fathers side all the way back to Native Dancer, but I can't with her mother, can you trace your horses ancecters?

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what site do you use
If your horse is registered with the Jockey Club you can go to their website and pull the pedigree. All Thoroughbreds that raced will be registered.
Skys father's family tree was written on the back of on of her papers, thats how i found out
whats the jocky culds site
never mind
there are different jockey club websites for different countrys, just go to google and typ in juockey club and you'll find one for your location
go to www.pedigreequerry.com and you can get generations all the way back to the 1800;s
on pedigreequerry I can actually trace some of my guy's lines back to the first three Arabs...it's really neat! Also, he has Native Dancer on his dam's side as his great great grandfather :P
For thoroughbreds i went to http://www.equineline.com/index.cfm?CFID=282601&CFTOKEN=11121580 and theres a spot on the side that says "Enter a Thoroughbred Horse Name" and you typ in a name (ex. Coer d' Lane) and sometimes it will show up as more then one and sometimes it wont, so then you click on the name and it will show the horses family name

P.S. It only works with regestered thoroughbreds
her is skys (my horse)
Kat - thank you! My boy was on there and it was nice to see! He's got 213 half brothers and sisters out there :) here is my guy: http://www.equineline.com/Free-5X-Pedigree.cfm?page_state=ORDER_AND...
Both side through the Canadian jockey club - back 5 generations to Man O' War, Nasrullah. Great granson of Seattle Slew using the site above .My Imperial Sunday
My old thoroughbred Bicker Back's great grandfather was Man O' War.


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