I have a 9 year old OTTB mare who used to be a lesson horse. I got her from the stable because she is a one person horse. when the other kids used to ride her they let her refuse the fences so now she wont jump when she have a few days off. Is there any thing i can do to teach her not to refuse? Once she gets into it she dowsn't want to stop jumping but as soon as she gets time off i have to go back to square one.

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Have you checked her back, teeth & tack as if she has come from a school there could be health issues that may have been overlooked? Also if she has been a school horse & you say she was sold on because she needed to have a one to one relationship it is very probable that she is stale: bored sick of school work: try riding her out of the school~& jumping her out on a ride: make it fun again!
She's a nervous wreak outside and has to be with another horse. She was only ridden by maybe 2 other riders and only once or twice a month.
How is it going with the refusals?
A couple of things I have learned: If she is running out to the left make sure you aim her right in the middle of the jump and keep your left leg aid on all the way to the jump. You can also try putting a pole on the left side to stop her from running out. I.e. put one end of a pole on top of the left end of the jump pole and the other end on the ground in front to form a wall along the left side. I agree with giving her plenty of time jumping smaller single jumps if she is fine with grids or combinations. Make sure you aren't giving her even the idea that you are expecting her to refuse by keeping your head up looking forward. Don't look at the jump, look beyond. Keep yourself calm and relaxed physically even if you are nervous.
Hope this helps!
p.s. What is an OTTB? Off-the-track thoroughbred? Why did they say she is a one person horse?
OTTB is Off-the-track- Thoroughbred and she is a one person horse because she doesn't like being ridden by anone but me.

Her jumping has competely improved. I gave her 3 weeks off and now she's jumping 2'3" paralell oxers with ease. The only thing I need to do is find a wat to teach her how to jump a 3 strided (2 for her) slightly curved jump line (brushbox is on a diagonal - 3 strides to a horizontal planks jump)

__ <== looks like that
here is her jumping now

You have gotten lots of good advice here! I'd like to add a little.

You are jumping ahead of your horse in this picture. Your upper body is way too far forward and your lower leg has fallen back. Horses that have riders who do this will routinely stop at jumps because just as they need the balance to lift up their own front end, a weight on their back shifts forward on top of their neck and makes it very uncomfortable if not scary to jump.

I had the lucky experience to sit with George Morris a few years ago during the Syracuse Invitational where the Maclay is held. He commented on how so very many of these top young riders are all jumping ahead of their horses, losing their lower leg support and NONE were using an automatic rein release. There must be a shortage of competent instructors out there! Find a good one to help you correct your seat and you just may find that your horse rewards you with consistent jumping!

Good luck, your horse is lovely with a great jumping form!


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