Hi Horselovers,
If you have seen photos of Laura( she is my profile pic and in my pics) then you can see she was a gorgeous horse. Unfortuantly on the 22nd of May she had to be put down due to luekemia and some other disease. I will never forget her. Anyone who met her loved her and she wouldn't hurt a fly. She was so gentle, affectionate and sweet and I just wish she was still here with me. I LOVE YOU FUG.
Just thought that you might want to know that.

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I am so sorry for your loss. She seemed like the sweetest thing!
I can't imagine your loss. I like to think that horses go to heaven and when we get there they will be there so we can ride off into the light together. RIP.
Thanx. Tats a gd way 2 tink of it.
....I just saw this and wanted to take a minute to share my sympathy with you Chloe.
I'm sure there are no "Right" words to lessen the hurt or loss.
But maybe you could find some comfort in a really brilliant song I heard just recently ....
If you go to this web site,
then look down in the lower left hand corner, you’ll find the MP3 “We Will Ride” by Wendy Francisco

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R I P Laura /b>


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