Maybe some of you have heard of wearable technology (think Apple watch or a more advanced FitBit) for horses. For those of you who haven't here's the latest scoop on SeeHorse; a company that is doing just that, and revolutionizing the way we care for and train our horses.

Seehorse is a small yet durable device that when worn by the horse via. halter, bridle chest strap etc. Collects and measures information on the horses vital signs; heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature and sends the up to date information via bluetooth to owners smart device (phone, tablet, laptop etc). The owners will also receive alerts if the horse shows signs outside of the normal range and provide valuable information to the owner of first signs colic, foaling etc.

SeeHorse can be taken with your horse anywhere, for example it can be worn during transportation, which may be especially relevant during longer trips where the horse may become over heated or stressed.

SeeHorse also gives an edge to competitors by giving them an unparalleled tool for tracking their horses fitness levels weeks prior to large events or races. 

SeeHorse lets you connect with your horse like never before, with cutting edge technology that could potentially save your horses life.

Check out our website andmake sure to like SeeHorse on Facebook!!

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