Rider Fitness and Health Contest! Win a $500 Fitness and Health Makeover!

We’re giving away two $500 Fitness and Health Makeovers in the next two weeks!


What do you do to stay fit when you’re not riding? Do you have great exercise or nutrition tips? What are your fitness goals?


Post your fitness tips, goals, challenges and ideas below and you’ll automatically be entered in our draw to win a fabulous fitness package!


A $250 shopping spree at the new Omega Alpha Store, where you’ll be able to choose from the incredible world-class supplements for yourself, your horses and even your pets! Click here to check out the new store. Good luck to the winners - it will be hard to choose from so many great products!


A $125 personalized exercise plan created for you by Claire Moscone-Biafore, Osteopath and Certified Athletic Therapist. Claire works with members of Canada’s Olympic gold medal women’s hockey team and we are thrilled that she is offering her time to help our two winners.


A $125 personalized nutrition plan created for you by Patti Bartsch, M.A., Ph.D. Patti is the founder and owner of Naturally Unbridled, a holistic life and wellness coaching company specializing in equestrian women.

Patti holds a Ph.D. in Natural Health & Wellness, a master’s degree in Biology and two undergraduate degrees in Animal Science. She also holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University. A million thanks to Patti for providing your insights for our winners!

We’ll be doing our first draw on June 23, and the second on June 30.


We’ll be drawing from all the posts, so if you have lots of tips or fitness ideas to share, post as many times as you like. All of your posts will be included in our draws!


Good luck to all!!


*A quick thanks to Elizabeth Levitt, who intended to participate, but is unable to do so.






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do something active every day - bike to work, do the dreaded ring work, walk to the mailbox, yoga stretches in the evening and if all else fails, use the stairs at work!
I aim to keep moving as much as I can. So, parking futher from the stores, choosing to walk somewhere instead of taking my car, getting up from my office desk and walking to other offices or areas on my workplace instead of emailing or calling. I try to fit fitness into the everyday things that I enjoy, so that it's fun and motivating. When I feel like I want to eat because I'm bored, I'll choose to go do some type of activity outside.  Something big for me was limiting my time in front of the computer!
I avoid processed wheat and refined sugars as well as walk diligently.
I am an old rower so I have a concept 2 erg that I use in the winter for cardio. By summer I am sick of it and can ride more. Although honestly as I age keeping fit is more of a challenge.

When I can not ride in the winter, I stay fit by xc skiing, running my dogs, and swimming.  I also use an elliptical trainer, and do a core routine 2-3x/week.  As a physical therapist who rides a huge 17 Hand Irish Draught mare, I need to be very fit and strong to contain her and remain safe during eventing, especially the cross country phase.  I also do this core routine all year long, which has proven to help me keep my back injuries at bay.


I also try to eat a yogurt every day, and take Calcium plus Vitamin D supplements to keep my bones strong.  I eat several servings of veggies and 1-2 pieces of fruit a day to keep my nutritional needs met, and try to drink a large bottle of water every day while at work.


My fitness goals are to stay stronger in my core than all of my patients, including the 20 something body builders! This keeps my back fit and my arms and legs strong as well! 

That's a great idea, and many people are now even using the therapy balls ask desk chairs to do their work from!

Children in school are using therapy balls to sit on instead of chairs. Brain based research shows that when you are working your muscles, your brain is actually processing and learning more information.  


I use this for my desk chair:  http://www.gaiam.com/product/exercise-ball-ballanceball-chair.do


It's great for the core but switch for a "regular" chair if you start to fatigue or you'll end up in an unhealthy posture.

Ha ha - just saw that you (Cynthia) are a PT - so, yeah... you know this.  :)
Juicing and Meditation keep my mind clear...
I generally walk for my exercise, although I'm trying to ramp it up a bit to some running. My biggest challenge is consistency, so I'm trying to do some running at the same time every day and tell myself that it's only 30 minutes!

I prefer to do sports rather than straight exercise. Basketball, rugby and skateboarding are great ways to keep fit and much more fun than going to a gym, for me.

A big goal is to eat healthier, which is pretty difficult as a student, when I never seem to have the time to prepare a healthy meal!


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