Rider Fitness and Health Contest! Win a $500 Fitness and Health Makeover!

We’re giving away two $500 Fitness and Health Makeovers in the next two weeks!


What do you do to stay fit when you’re not riding? Do you have great exercise or nutrition tips? What are your fitness goals?


Post your fitness tips, goals, challenges and ideas below and you’ll automatically be entered in our draw to win a fabulous fitness package!


A $250 shopping spree at the new Omega Alpha Store, where you’ll be able to choose from the incredible world-class supplements for yourself, your horses and even your pets! Click here to check out the new store. Good luck to the winners - it will be hard to choose from so many great products!


A $125 personalized exercise plan created for you by Claire Moscone-Biafore, Osteopath and Certified Athletic Therapist. Claire works with members of Canada’s Olympic gold medal women’s hockey team and we are thrilled that she is offering her time to help our two winners.


A $125 personalized nutrition plan created for you by Patti Bartsch, M.A., Ph.D. Patti is the founder and owner of Naturally Unbridled, a holistic life and wellness coaching company specializing in equestrian women.

Patti holds a Ph.D. in Natural Health & Wellness, a master’s degree in Biology and two undergraduate degrees in Animal Science. She also holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University. A million thanks to Patti for providing your insights for our winners!

We’ll be doing our first draw on June 23, and the second on June 30.


We’ll be drawing from all the posts, so if you have lots of tips or fitness ideas to share, post as many times as you like. All of your posts will be included in our draws!


Good luck to all!!


*A quick thanks to Elizabeth Levitt, who intended to participate, but is unable to do so.






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I like to hit the gym for some circuit training and ab work for strengthing and toning muscles. A great video series to try that is short, easy to follow, yet sacrificing no intensity and that always delivers fast results is p90x. Personally I have had great success in using these videos and I find them very useful for days when I can't seem to drag myself to the gym.
Just like trail riding can give you a refreshing change of scenery, I find going on bike trails on the weekends to be both a great workout and a lot of fun! Just grab a bike, some friends or family and you can even pack some healthy snacks or a picnic lunch! It's a great way to spend your days off...when you're not busy at the barn, that is.
Boy, a lot of people here doing pilates. I must try it!
I discovered pole fitness as a great cross training activity - and it is super fun too!  It works every muscle of my body! 
I also compete in full contact jousting.  whenever I can't train/ride, I pull out the equipment and practice in the backyward.  Just trying to lift the lance can be tricky! Haha.
Oh and of course, swimming!  The best cardio out there.
That's interesting, Jaclyn! Do you belong to a jousting club? I didn't know people did that any more!
Yoga! I can't seem to go a few days without it before I get a sore back, tight hips and hamstrings, and a frazzled mind. It helps me be aware of my body so I can use my aids independently, and makes me feel strong and flexible.

I also cycle and do free weights (less often than I should!) to keep my endurance and strength up. It sure helps when riding the volatile ones!

kyokushin karate helps me with  balance and keeps me in shape as well as eating healthy. grooming my horses and working in my garden . i also enjoy fresh fruit smoothies at home. :)


I finally found the barn chore calorie counter! I have attackhed it! Now everyone can see how many calories they burn doing basic barn chores! Enjoy!
Just sitting on a exercise ball instead of a normal chair helps strengthen the core muscles and helps improve balance for riding.  This is good if you are working at a desk all day.


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